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Everything posted by unreality

  1. Great idea, but of course it will never happen ;D Sweet if it would... I talked to my dad, the source of all knowledge in my life (lol jk ) and he explained how backwards our nation's health care system is compared to other rich countries that have socialized health care - Japan and many European countries - and how well off they are. Sure it sucks in England and Canada, but I think socialized health care with the right public spin (like Bb's idea) can work, though hell I don't know much about anything and I can't vote anyway
  2. Yes, make all actions publically, posting the most current roster, but planning is done mainly through PMs (at least so far since I've started the game ) And Frost, again, read the Health System explanation ;D - disease and daily drop reduce Health by a significant amount, but a lot of the reduction comes from challenges
  3. While it seems that people, foreigners included, think Obama is the best choice, so far more are for McCain... hmm.. edit: also, about economics, you can't trash Obama's plans until you know McCain's plans. What has McCain come forward with for economic plans?
  4. unreality

    Octopuppy: wow you basically nailed the mindset of the religious. NM: Firsthand accounts are notoriously inaccurate. Even if someone did "experience" God (or, more likely, though they did in their mind), their testimonial account would be extremely different and morphed
  5. Thanks Bb and Itachi, your posts have been very enlightening and I've learned a lot
  6. Hehe, they can have varying effects, depending on the meteor. Some may hurt people and stuff, blocking roles, creating new abilities, some may even kill, or protect, or bring a magical gemstone to earth, who knows ;D It depends on what I want it to be
  7. Day One Stats: Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 91% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 94% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 95% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 93% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 95% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 90% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 92% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 92% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 90% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 92% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 90% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 94% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Mekal - 92% - 5/5 Pr, 7/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 93% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Day One will last until I can get on tomorrow, so talk on the thread, PM fellow team members (CC me, but if it says Unreality's Inbox Is Full, take me off CC list, I'll empty it tomorrow), and provide for you and possibly your team mates ;D Your ability to work together as a team may get an upper hand for tomorrow's challenge Remember that if you make a change in your stats: * do it right!!! I won't be on until the day is over, so if you're not sure, reread 'Health System' then inquire on the thread if you're still unsure * copy the MOST RECENT roster! thanks
  8. Sorry I wasn't here, I was visiting my sister in college taliesin changed: Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 5/7 - 8/4 - 6/6 2) Cherry Lane - 4/8 - 8/4 - 6/6 3) GC - 8/4 - 5/7 - 8/4 4) Frost - 4/8 - 2/10 - 4/8 5) Ben_Law - 8/4 - 4/8 - 6/6 Children of Rage 1) NM - 6/6 - 3/9 - 8/4 2) Taliesin - 6/6 - 6/6 - 7/5 3) Wally West - 6/6 - 6/6 - 6/6 4) Crazypainter - 2/10 - 3/9 - 4/8 5) Frozen - 8/4 - 8/4 - 10/2 Team 1) Brandonb - 1/11 - 11/1 - 1/11 2) Itachi - 4/8 - 1/11 - 11/1 3) Sinistral - 8/4 - 3/9 - 8/4 4) Mekal - 6/6 - 8/4 - 5/7 5) Phazon Hopper - 5/7 - 4/8 - 6/6 *** Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 100% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 100% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 100% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 100% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 100% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 100% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 100% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 100% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 100% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Mekal - 100% - 5/5 Pr, 7/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm *** Day One begins now!!! Hang on a sec while I roll dice
  9. Aztec Mafia 15 players, split into two groups: the Hierarchy (10) and the Rebels (5). The Hierarchy are the members that make up the Aztec Empire, and they are arranged in a hierarchy of 10 positions that determine voting power (x1, x3, x5), among other things, and they move up their position when those above them die. Rebels always have a voting power of x3 and are not part of the hierarchy list, though they are still secretly among the population, trying to overthrow the Hierarchy by killing off its members. Nobody is informed of being bumped up in the Hierarchy order unless they achieve a new voting status Hierarchy Key (Number of Position Within Hierarchy) Original Holder of that Position, Voting Power The Hierarchy (1) Emperor~Chief, x5 (2) High Priest, x5 (3) Master Astronomer, x5 (4) Warlord, x3 (5) Tribal Sage, x3 (6) Seer, x3 (7) Guard Captain, x3 (8) Temple Servant, x3 (9) Vagabond, x1 (10) White Slave, x1 Hierarchy Roles Emperor~Chief: can order one person's execution per night. Cannot die until the Guard Captain is dead High Priest: can sacrifice any Hierarchy role they wish during the day, and it occurs at the end of the day along with the daily sacrifice. The High Priest picks the role name, not the person's name. They can only do this twice in the entire game, if they wish to do so at all. They have BTSC with the Master Astronomer Master Astronomer: gazes at the stars each night, trying to decipher ancient calendars. They can detect subtle shifts in the heavens that alert of an approaching Meteor. They have BTSC with the High Priest Warlord: this well-trained jungle-warfare general has a secret task that not many know of Tribal Sage: the TS is a source of much herbal knowledge and wise advice, and a favorite of the populace [Open To Ideas; maybe a message-carrier of sorts?] Seer: the Seer lives atop a jungle mountain near the Aztec Capital, and sits at the mossy peak meditating. The Seer has the ability to scry on people and discover their actions and abilities, and is often requested to do so. During the day, people send anonymous requests (via the god Quetzcoatl [me]), which are forwarded to the Seer, and the Seer must choose between the different requests, and the person that made the request is told the role of the person scryed upon. Remember that requests can be made by Rebels too. During the night, the Seer makes scries of his or her own, learning one role per night Guard Captain: is in control of the temple~city's defensive forces, and can arrange to defend up to 2 people. The Guard Captain also always has people protecting the Emperor~Chief, and the E~C cannot be harmed until the Guard Captain is dead (unless the E~C is killed by the Poison Dart Frog or the High Priest) Temple Servant: hears things [Open To Ideas], and is also immune to the High Priest's sacrifice Vagabond: a wanderer from a distant land, the Vagabond starts off knowing the identity of one random Rebel. Every time the Vagabond obtains a new voting level (x3 and then x5), they learn a new random Rebel that is still alive White Slave: a captive from distant, exotic lands across the sea (ie, Europe). The White Slave was a pirate, and learns quickly, thinking on his/her feet, and thus can escape and take on a new life if they know the role and name of a dead Hierarchy member, whom they will become the impostor of. If checked by the Seer or Jungle Panther, or executed, they are seen as the White Slave, always, no matter what. The White Slave can only impersonate someone's role once, and it doesn't affect the Hierarchy order Additional Hierarchy Spot Perks * Hierarchy position (1), originally that of the Emperor~Chief's, has the additional perk of being protected by the Guard Captain each night while not decreasing the GC's number of saves each night (which is 2). The ability sounds exclusive to just the E~C in the EC's and GC's descriptions, but it applies to every single person that is at the #1 position * May add others Rebels (5) Poison Dart Frog: a stealthy assassin that uses darts covered with the venemous blood of the poison dart frog. Each night, they can PM me a name and a role, and only if both match up, the person is stealthily assassinated, ignoring the Guard Captain's defense warriors Jungle Panther: can blend in with the shadows, observing quietly. The Jungle Panther can learn the role of one person per night River Otter: if checked by the Seer, is seen as a random Hierarchy role, excluding the role of the person learning the data (either Seer or day-requester) Tree Viper: immune to the High Priest's sacrifice Vicious Pirahna: the leader of the Rebels. Makes one kill each night, blockable by the Guard Captain, though the kill is typically a group decision. If the Vicious Pirahna dies, their killing ability is taken over by a random living Rebel. [All Rebels have BTSC] The Astronomical Cycle The game starts out at Day, then moves to Night, then Day, then Night, etc. * Day: everyone votes to execute one person. Some other day activities may also be taking place, and the High Priest may also choose one person to be sacrificed along with the person to be executed at the end of the day - Execution: a certain number of votes is required, but remember that the votes are weighted based on your Hierarchy position, or, if you are a Rebel, your vote is always worth x3, though Hierarchy members can have either x1, x3 or x5 voting power. A majority of the total voting power is needed to execute someone. For example, in the first day with all 15 people alive, the total voting power is 47, and thus 24/47 voting power is needed for majority - Time Limit: no Day is endless, though whether a specific time limit will be embraced or not is still food for thought (or pirahnas) * Night: this is when the Rebels make their move, as well as many Hierarchy abilities - Time Limit: Ends depending on whether (a) or (b) happens first: (a) Everyone that needs to PMs in their night activity (b) The time of night elapsed reaches 18 real-life hours, or longer depending on how the host (me) sets the time limit beforehand, since there can be exceptions * Meteors: watch out for the astronomical phenomenon, meteors - only predictable by the Master Astronomer Peace in Tenochitlan * The Hierarchy wins when the Rebels are dead and the Empire secure * The Rebels win if the Hierarchy is overthrown and the Empire is in chaos
  10. Frost has changed his stats *** Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 5/7 - 8/4 - 6/6 2) Cherry Lane - 4/8 - 8/4 - 6/6 3) GC - 8/4 - 5/7 - 8/4 4) Frost - 4/8 - 2/10 - 4/8 5) Ben_Law - 8/4 - 4/8 - 6/6 Children of Rage 1) NM - 6/6 - 3/9 - 8/4 2) Taliesin - 6/6 - 6/6 - 6/6 3) Wally West - 6/6 - 6/6 - 6/6 4) Crazypainter - 2/10 - 3/9 - 4/8 5) Frozen - 8/4 - 8/4 - 10/2 Team 1) Brandonb - 1/11 - 11/1 - 1/11 2) Itachi - 4/8 - 1/11 - 11/1 3) Sinistral - 8/4 - 3/9 - 8/4 4) Mekal - 6/6 - 8/4 - 5/7 5) Phazon Hopper - 5/7 - 4/8 - 6/6 *** Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 100% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 100% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 100% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) Wally West - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 100% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 100% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 100% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 100% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 100% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Mekal - 100% - 5/5 Pr, 7/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm
  11. I agree - I think we need at least 2 NEW parties to enter the scene, hopefully at least 5 total. I think McCain is too close to Bush's policies, as the Obama campaign enjoys pointing out, but it's true - so I think Obama is our best bet. We have to put our trust into him and hope that he comes through, and if he doesn't, then it wouldn't be worse than if McCain was elected, IMO. So that's why I'm pro-Obama
  12. unreality

    Oooh ooh pick me
  13. 1% per point of uncooked food 2% per point of cooked food I thought I made that clear in the "HEALTH SYSTEM" description, though I guess not... so feel free to ask if you don't understand anything else Check the post at the top of this page, and you have 43 minutes
  15. I have no way of detecting who doesn't want to change their stats and who just hasn't seen it yet I'll just put a deadline: if you want to edit your stats, you have 46 minutes (4:00 my time). That's when I'll start the first day, unless I can't get on at that time
  16. Mekal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZpO5BvtkGg Frost: Anyone. And the first day will put everyone from 95% to as low as 90%, since I'll do the deduction on the first day like normal
  17. Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 100% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 100% - 3/3 Pr, 9/9 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 100% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) Wally West - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 100% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 100% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 100% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 100% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 100% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Mekal - 100% - 5/5 Pr, 7/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 100% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm
  18. Well I know very little about politics and whatnot, so I'm easily convinced on this subject Though my impression of what you're saying is that you have to fill out an application once? Is it just once to register, or every time you want to see a doctor? edit: if it's just once, I think it's a good idea. If it's every time, I agree with you and it's a bad idea But what does McCain have planned in opposition to Obama's idea? Either way we need an improvement
  19. (everyone needs to read posts 114, 119 and 120 ) ** On second thought, I'm not sure why I need to put "0 food" in the stats - you can't save food for the next day, and you probably wouldn't save it for another time a few minutes later in the same day lol, though if you did (to use AFTER a challenge or something) you could add it on the end of your stat thing just to keep track... So no, you'd usually eat after providing. So I'll remove the "0 food" part from the stats, hang on [edit: typo]
  20. Frozen has changed his stats *** Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 5/7 - 8/4 - 6/6 2) Cherry Lane - 4/8 - 8/4 - 6/6 3) GC - 8/4 - 5/7 - 8/4 4) Frost - 4/8 - 2/10 - 3/9 5) Ben_Law - 8/4 - 4/8 - 6/6 Children of Rage 1) NM - 6/6 - 3/9 - 8/4 2) Taliesin - 6/6 - 6/6 - 6/6 3) Wally West - 6/6 - 6/6 - 6/6 4) Crazypainter - 2/10 - 3/9 - 4/8 5) Frozen - 8/4 - 8/4 - 10/2 Team 1) Brandonb - 1/11 - 11/1 - 1/11 2) Itachi - 4/8 - 1/11 - 11/1 3) Sinistral - 8/4 - 3/9 - 8/4 4) Mekal - 6/6 - 8/4 - 5/7 5) Phazon Hopper - 5/7 - 4/8 - 6/6 *** Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 100%, 0 food, 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 100%, 0 food, 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 100%, 0 food, 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 100%, 0 food, 3/3 Pr, 9/9 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 100%, 0 food, 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 100%, 0 food, 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 100%, 0 food, 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) Wally West - 100%, 0 food, 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 100%, 0 food, 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 100%, 0 food, 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 100%, 0 food, 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 100%, 0 food, 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 100%, 0 food, 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Mekal - 100%, 0 food, 5/5 Pr, 7/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 100%, 0 food, 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm
  21. unreality

    I joined The Theater
  22. How do you know it takes more time? Your opposition to socialized health care seems based on the fact that it will "take a lot of time" to see a doctor.
  23. The game cycle will move like this: day = nothing happens day = reward challenge day = immunity challenge, Tribal Council that night {repeat pattern} The blank days will be timed, their end-time announced by me after Tribal Council the night before. After it ends the reward-challenge day begins, which will give a certain amount of time til the reward challenge (it could be an hour or more to give time to boost your Health, or the reward challenge could start immediately). After the reward challenge, there will be a small amount of extra time for anything else, then the day will be over and the immunity challenge day will be similar to the reward challenge day, with Tribal Council after the short break Yes, you can PM each other (ONCE THE GAME STARTS, WHICH IT HASN'T YET) about it, but please CC me in on the PM. And I don't have any tips, other than be careful who you trust, and who you make alliances with, and remember everyone is out to win, there can only be one winner! ;D
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