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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Yeah, and I report topics to the moderators when I remember them from before. I'm sure others do too.
  2. If you're talking about your Theism Discussion, I think certain threads should be allowed to be restricted. Ie, I had "atheists and agnostics only please" for my Atheist Discussion topic (which came first the Theism Discussion was a total ripoff of mine, hehe), and it worked out fine, nobody complained, until Martini posted and said theists could post if they wanted to. However, NM did that from the beginning on the Theism Discussion (my personal theory is that he was trying to make contrast with the "atheists & agnostics only please" of my topic to someone cast theists as nice, open people or whatever, lol, but that's just a little irking suspicion I had ;D) and that was a mistake, since ADParker is very militant and he technically wasn't doing anything wrong, but he effectively disrupted the Theism Discussion, which was unfortunate. So I think that it should be allowed for certain topics to be "restrictive" in a broad sense, if they relate to the category. For example, Democrats should be able to make a Democratic Discussion thread without any Republicans spamming it and arguing, albeit following the rules. It should be enforceable by moderators, but in this way: a Republican posts. If it contributes to the Democrats' conversation, is polite, doesn't cause a debate, etc, no need to delete. But if they argue a point, the Democrat can contact a moderator and have it deleted. So it's not entirely restricted, only to a certain confinement. That's why I tried to not turn the Thiesm Discussion into a debate, and I think I was getting along fine, then ADP showed up - completely following the rules, he didn't do anything wrong - and essentially started a debate. That's why I think the rules should be changed
  3. Copying over post 249: The sun sets on Day 2 immediately after the challenge, and Day 3 begins, the sun rising nice and early... everyone's Health drops further, after a brutal night following the brutal first challenge. Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 76% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 77.5% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 87.6% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 83.5% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 89% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 81% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 84% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 79.5% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 71.9% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 67% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 75.5% - 1/1 Pr, 14/14 Fm 2) Itachi - 72% - 11/11 Pr, 4/4 Fm 3) Sinistral - 83.5% - 7/7 Pr, 8/8 Fm 4) Mekal - 77.5% - 5/5 Pr, 10/10 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 84% - 6/6 Pr, 9/9 Fm Remember, this is Day 3, and later in the day, the first immunity challenge (IC) will begin, and the losing team must go to Tribal Council!!! There will be a time for providing before and after the immunity challenge, and Tribal Council will end the 3rd day
  4. ...what? The Philosopher is my alter ego. Prof Templeton and me are not the same person! I'm sick of people thinking this! Gah!
  5. Mekal, the point is to abort while the baby is just a couple cells. I agree that if you wait too long, the baby can feel pain and the pregnancy will have already affected the mother's body partway and it just isn't a good idea. But if done in the earliest stages of the pregnancy (ie, when nobody - possibly not even the mother - can tell they're pregnant), there's nothing wrong with it. It's like wearing a condom - you're possibly preventing a fetus from being created. So you do you suggest that condoms be outlawed, just like abortions? I see where you're coming from with the abortion being done later in the pregnancy, and I agree 100%. I agree 110%. I couldn't agree more (I think you get the idea ), and it's a horrible thing for both bodies to change so much, and for the fetus to start developing, before aborting it. It has to be done in the earliest stages, and then it's okay And for anyone that's going to say that this is off-topic, abortion has a lot to do with politics, unfortunately (since I think it's up to the mother. If she does want to go through the pregnancy and either raise it or have it adopted, that's perfectly fine. But there are circumstances where you just can't. Abortion should be pro-choice, without a doubt)
  6. You should check out the Atheist Discussion topic - we pretty much explain how not believing in gods gives so much more to life than believing, and how life has no meaning regardless of your religion, and how life having no meaning is the best possible thing there could be Anyway, check it out sometime ;D
  7. No, nobody did that. And my posts don't count, obviously (in fact I specifically said that in the game rules), it's why I add to the post win # after my posts. Anyway, it's Day 3 (read post 249 ) and it's providing time - I'm not sure how much time there'll be before the Immunity Challenge
  8. The sun sets on Day 2 immediately after the challenge, and Day 3 begins, the sun rising nice and early... everyone's Health drops further, after a brutal night following the brutal first challenge. Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 76% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 77.5% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 87.6% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 83.5% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 89% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 81% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 84% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 79.5% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 71.9% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 67% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 75.5% - 1/1 Pr, 14/14 Fm 2) Itachi - 72% - 11/11 Pr, 4/4 Fm 3) Sinistral - 83.5% - 7/7 Pr, 8/8 Fm 4) Mekal - 77.5% - 5/5 Pr, 10/10 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 84% - 6/6 Pr, 9/9 Fm Remember, this is Day 3, and later in the day, the first immunity challenge (IC) will begin, and the losing team must go to Tribal Council!!! There will be a time for providing before and after the immunity challenge, and Tribal Council will end the 3rd day
  9. hang on, nobody post, I'm making a post
  10. Congrats Team Phear (lol). The new stats with Flint rock are as follows: Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 84% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 83.5% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 94.6% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 92.5% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 95% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 90% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 89% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 89.5% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 81.9% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 74% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 81.5% - 1/1 Pr, 14/14 Fm 2) Itachi - 78% - 11/11 Pr, 4/4 Fm 3) Sinistral - 88.5% - 7/7 Pr, 8/8 Fm 4) Mekal - 87.5% - 5/5 Pr, 10/10 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 9/9 Fm
  11. CP just doubleposting and lost the game for CoR!!! Good job Team ! You guys had good strategies, even though not all were realized. The flint goes to you for +3 Fm across the board! Hang on a sec edit for CP, since I know she'll ask: No doubleposting, no exceptions. That would've been okay if you were just correcting your wrong roster, but I had already done that with the proper stats, you re-posted and re-deducted! It's not that big of a deal though, since Team essentially had the win anyway
  12. CP copied the wrong roster, this is the most current: Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 84% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 83.5% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 94.6% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 92.5% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 95% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 90% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 89% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 89.5% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 81.9% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 74% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 81.5% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 78% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 88.5% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 4) Mekal - 87.5% - 5/5 Pr, 7/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Wow, I expected it to be over by now Post 261 is the new winner, btw
  13. I'm going to bed, for real WINNING POST: 258
  14. Let me just note that since they have to alternate, Brandonb won it for Team by posting the above post. The only way that Team CoR can win is: 1) Team doubleposts, either on accident (like Team CF), or on purpose (as part of a deal with Team CoR or something) 2) Another way would be to doublepost the VERY last post, I'm still not sure if I would rule that a Win or a Boot.... hmmm... Likewise, Team wins by: 1) the normal precession of the game, posting back and forth delimiting stats 2) Team CoR suiciding by doubleposting Edit: 257 is the winning post now (Team is still on that path)
  15. Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 84% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 83.5% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 94.6% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 92.5% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 95% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 90% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 91.5% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 92% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 84.4% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 76.5% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 84% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 83% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 88.5% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 4) Mekal - 90% - 5/5 Pr, 7/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Team Corsican Fever: dang No more posting until AFTER Post 256 Other Teams: You can still delimit TCF's Health if you want. Also, another doubleposting determines the winner, or the first to reach 256 [edit] Remember, 256 is the post to get, though with only 2 teams left, it'll either end earlier cuz of a doubleposting OR the winner will be determined by who posts next (I'm not sure if the next poster is the winner or loser, depends on even/odd)
  16. Whoa! We have a double posting!!! Team Corsican Fever is out!
  17. Okay, I'm logging off Remember, the winning post is 254 (or the 253rd reply according to the forum index, watch out for that ;D). Also watch out for doubleposting and the team cannot post after that until after 254, though they can still be delimited Health-wise. Also, when someone wins, everyone just stop posting til I can arrive at the scene ;D That should be in about 17 hours Good luck!
  18. Mekal: no exceptions to the double-post rule I'll be back in about 17 hours ;D it's now post 253
  19. unreality

    Man Handling... *stifles immature laughter* You know I jest, PG ;D
  20. unreality

    They were talking about PG, not you ;D
  21. unreality

    I'm betting that the 50% that think Russia is in SA correspond with the 50% that think the Earth is 6,000 years old ;D Haha, wow, those are depressing stats! And I'm American! I need to move to another country lol
  22. (1) CP: What do you mean? There's no time limit. "Directly afterwards" means if their post follows their teammates' Edit: CL covered it ;D (2) You CAN reduce the health of someone whose team has been kicked out due to double-post (3) I won't be on for the whole time this challenge will continue, so if a team double-posts please take yourself out of the competition and do not post anymore ;D (4) You can talk in your posts too, not just re-posting the roster. Ie, you can make deals with teams (5) Disregard this post - the new Win Post is #251 (or reply #250), and the person who posted before me is still the team that posted last, despite my post EDIT: (6) No to Mekal's question below
  23. unreality

    I assume the error came from:
  24. unreality

    Identical as in... (1) congruent? ie, two shapes that are exactly the same size and shape (2) similar? ie, two shapes that are the same proportional shapes, but could be different sizes (3) equal area? ie, two shapes that both have exactly half of the bigger shape's total area I assume #1, but I gotta make sure
  25. unreality

    maybe in your twisted reality hehe, you're right.
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