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Everything posted by unreality

  1. btw I just need Janesia, GC and Ben_Law to PM me their stats
  2. so is it going to be this? Corsican Fever 1) Janesia 2) Cherry Lane 3) GC 4) Frost 5) Ben_Law Children of Rage 1) NM 2) Taliesin 3) Wally West 4) Crazypainter 5) Frozen Team 1) Brandonb 2) Itachi 3) Sinistral 4) Mekal 5) Phazon Hopper
  3. Good points, and I would call upon Locke too - Jack is just a Jack@ss lol, even though Locke is the Man of Faith and Jack the Man of Science, in this case the faith is well-placed because the Island is indeed special, with evidence (Locke's miraculous recovery). So big difference between an inexistent deity and an Island And also the writers said how there would be a "flip" in season 5 and Locke will become an empiricist while Jack becomes more of a Man of Faith
  4. hehe epic avatar btw, WW
  5. then he might like this ;D It's from the amazing site that is The Onion, hehehe
  6. so we got: Corsican Fever 1) Janesia 2) Cherry Lane 3) GC 4) Frost 5) Ben_Law Children of Rage 1) NM 2) Taliesin 3) Wally West 4) Crazypainter 5) Frozen Team ? 1) Brandonb 2) Itachi 3) Sinistral 4) Mekal 5) Phazon Hopper with 5 people yet to PM their stats
  7. They haven't even fired the collider yet, they're still doing prelim tests.... hopefully the tests work out okay, it's gonna be awesome
  8. I'm thinking you guys should just start PMing each other about the names (no need to CC me for these PMs, but NO DISCUSSING STAT CHOICES) and just announce it once and for all on the thread once everyone's agreed ;D I'm waiting on stat PMs from 8 people
  9. http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/UnNews:Large_..._by_accident%27
  10. Hi Halde! Welcome to BD
  11. btw, the reason that you guys are picking your stats before you know the specific rules is to mirror real life, so that everyone has a variety of "genetics", if you will. A good spread of talents, rather than everybody picking their abilities based on hardcore strategy - although with the system I invented, there is still no desirable set of statistics. But I still think you should have a little say over your stats once you know the rules, and that's where the "training" comes in, where you train specific skills after knowing what your obstacles will be, which is why after everyone PMs their stats, I will post my Health System and then everyone will have the option of shifting up to 2 stat points around on each 'stat pair'. Then your stats are locked in stone, and we will begin So please, send in your stat choices!!!! If you don't know what that means, read the last three or four pages
  12. btw, I've come up with a food-based health system for the game ;D Also, your stats are locked in once you PM them, but after everyone has PMed theirs (please do ASAP, I've only gotten 5 stat PMs so far! ) I will explain the system and then allow people to shift up to 2 points from one to another for each stat setting
  13. unreality

    He meant the LINGUISTIC WORD "good" would be redundant, not the actual concept
  14. click on the arrow by my name, go down to "Send Message". Or use My Controls > Compose New Message, and type in my name in the Recipients' Name. REMEMBER: When sending PMs to other players of this game about forming alliances, etc, always CC me in the conversation so I can get quick info on what's going on across the game. To CC someone, type in their name in the CC text box in the send-message-form edit: Frozen beat me to it
  15. whatever your team wants The next step is about statistics... I'm not sure how heavily they'll be used - sometimes not at all, sometimes they'll take the main focus. One thing is clear though: DO NOT DISCUSS WITH YOUR TEAM ABOUT YOUR CHOICE OF STATISTICS!!! Come up with it yourself and then PM it to me!!! Do not PM or chat with your fellow team members about stat choices! Here they are: Strength Toughness Swimming Accuracy Provider Firemaster The two red values must total to 12, same with the two green values and the two blue values. An example statistic: Strength: 7 Toughness: 5 Swimming: 4 Accuracy: 8 Provider: 10 Firemaster: 2 You must have at least one in all stats (and thus no higher than 11). I will post all of the stats after I get all of them PMed to me ;D
  16. done Team ? 1) Janesia 2) Cherry Lane 3) GC 4) Frost 5) Ben_Law Team ? 1) NM 2) Taliesin 3) Wally West 4) Crazypainter 5) Frozen Team ? 1) Brandonb 2) Itachi 3) Sinistral 4) Mekal 5) Phazon Hopper now you guys can decide within yourselves what to name your team
  17. Yes, it's based almost exclusively on the show Survivor, as I said earlier Janesia: You do realize that I'm randomizing the teams, right? 1) GC 2) NM 3) Janesia 4) Frost 5) Frozen 6) Wally West 7) Cherry Lane 8) Crazypainter 9) Itachi 10) Mekal 11) Brandonb 12) Phazon Hopper 13) Sinistral 14) Taliesin 15) Ben_Law I'll do it right now... I'm thinking on the best way to randomize ;D
  18. unreality

    You don't believe in the magnificent Purple People Eaters?
  19. Yep I guess I was right about everyone expecting everyone else to sign up first hehe. Well I am known to have cured a variety of diseases with only my spleen juices, and am a trusted source of information about the development of artificial lampshades I have no clue. I expect a while, since the pace will probably be pretty slow. Maybe a week or more. Why?
  20. unreality

    Thanks Admitting you do not know is infinitely better to assigning the name "God" to all the unknowns, which is basically what you do in the following paragraph: About evidence for it, it's already been proven. Matter/energy is not created or destroyed. There is antimatter, with reverse charges. Positive and negative seek each other out to reach neutral charges in atoms. I don't need to prove anything; the Universe is balanced, it's essentially a fact. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be here right now Nope. What about the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Sorry but I don't think anyone believed in a deity because of an abstract example using a semi-2d graph. It's much better to admit you don't know rather than to pull out the ol' God of the Gaps On the contrary, I think I've found the truth. The truth that fits everything, and the truth for truth's sake. The Truth has nothing to do with what I want. The truth doesn't care about anything, it just IS. No one religion can be 'the truth' Then I frown on that. Is there a war between yin and yang? No. Is there a war between electrons and protons? No. Positrons and electrons? Protons and anti-protons? No, no. The universal law is that opposites attract. and thus neutralize each other - it's always about reaching neutrality, or equilibrum.... they don't fight it out in some "epic divine battle". The two forces I'm talking about here aren't good or bad, dark or light, they represent values we can't really fathom. I mean, what's the difference between matter and antimatter if they're in their separate universes? Nothing. But they complete each other. Anyway, this is off-topic. Back on topic please One thing I was wondering about theists is your view on animal emotions. *psst, before anyone says anything, I'll lose all respect for you if you say that animals don't have emotions* lol
  21. think of it like "uh • stray", cuz that's how it's pronounced
  22. we'll decide on team names after we know the teams, if you read my post on page 2 Mekal ;D 1) GC 2) NM 3) Janesia 4) Frost 5) Frozen 6) Wally West 7) Cherry Lane 8) Crazypainter 9) Itachi 10) Mekal 11) Brandonb 12) Phazon Hopper 13) Sinistral 14) 15) two more people Wow this is going faster than I thought
  23. btw this is of course based off of Survivor ;D
  24. unreality

    CR: does Benford's Law apply in this situation though? I had the understanding that it only applies to certain (usually human-activity-based) numbers, not necessarily things like atomic-level physics
  25. Frost: Yeah, people are holding back from signing up since they want to wait and see who else is going to. Everyone thinks someone will, so nobody does. And thus now that I'm pointing this out, everyone will realize the idiocy of that, so of course everyone thinks that someone will then come forward and start the team-assigning, so thus nobody will so yeah, I'll assign teams randomly ;D Just sign up, don't worry about teams or team names yet 1) GC 2) NM 3) Janesia 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)
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