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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    I don't think that's their latest CD, but yeah, Coldplay is pretty good. You'd probably like Till Kingdom Come or White Shadows I like Finger Eleven a lot, but that doesn't sound like your type of music. Maybe some U2? Love and Peace or Else, Beautiful Day... U2 has a lot of even-mellower stuff. I'm trying to think of really happy music - maybe some Barney, Best Hits? lol
  2. unreality

    Dungeon Master: Taliesin Humans 1. GC 2. ClozoBozo 3. Slick 4. JS 5. Ploper 6. Janesia 7. Unreality 8. Zombie Masters 1. 2.
  3. unreality

    Yeah, I think each turn is 24 hours... could take a while I'm still waiting for a response to post #13...... oh and I'm guessing the "kill 25 zombies" part came from the board game, I'm sure 25 works well with the board game, though you might have to adjust the number for the forum version
  4. unreality

    Yes, I cured his sickness within minutes ;D
  5. unreality

    Too late, I already fried his brain to a crisp Mwahahahahahaa!
  6. unreality

    I thought the first person to reach the exit wins?
  7. Yeah, that show is cool but it's rediculous - I mean, EVERYONE is invincible and NOBODY can die, and if someone that can die does, they can just bring them back to life with some blood from one of the various invincible people
  8. This is the card game 'BANG!', right?
  9. unreality

    Hmmm, very tempting How much time will this take up, cuz I really want to play
  10. unreality

    I grab a giant electrode, amp up the amps () and plug it deep into the architecture of his brain. What happens? ;D
  11. I have no clue Nobody's putting any input in (less than they were originally, that is, some people seemed to have forgotten that they were even part of the game, earlier), so I'm assuming that we're dropping it in lieu for a better remake at a later time when it's more convenient... sort of like a rain check, I guess, though the next one doesn't necessarily have to be hosted by me
  12. I think we should have a revolution and throw out our government! Who's with me? Our Founding Fathers would be flabberghasted if they could see the state of affairs today, and they would be wondering why we didn't take up their example and have a {peaceful} coup of our corrupt government, and establish something new and free in relation to the current times
  13. Great points! Thanks! When I have more free time, I'll work on it
  14. haha, I was jailbait I thought her gf was black... hmmm maybe not
  15. Don't worry dawh, I like reading your long posts (And I agree with you about the Iraq situation)
  16. wow, awesome! At first I thought someone could make another account, roll again, etc, but if the ONLY account we can use has to match our BD name (or is at least pre-announced), there can be no cheating - great idea! This could work...... I'm all for it. How about I just give out the encryption right now: BYSQAATNTCARTISVEDTURIY and no need to waste rounds on that. You can PM the answer and gameplay doesn't have to stop, I could just reply whenever I can get on, and that's when you get the battery. Or something well I'm all for going ahead if everyone else wants to, though really next week I'm about to get even busier, and it would be cool if someone else would host
  17. unreality

    Wow *claps* I thought you were Japanese, not Chinese, btw ;D
  18. unreality

    Stop chasing after possible loopholes in his grammar ;D
  19. If you guys can do this (what Sinistral has been suggesting), and thus help to speed along the game without me being there, then I'm definitely willing to give it a try to continue I could roll all the dice in advance and PM them to a player I trust, however that person would know whether they would fail or succeed or whatever. I dunno
  20. Hmmm... well it still takes a good amount of maintenance, and I'd be fine if someone else (like CL ) wanted to host. If not, maybe we can work stuff out, but I'm pretty busy
  21. Well I made it self-sustaining in a way, so that a host almost isn't needed (except for chances and encryption riddle) ;D
  22. haha, you just pwned your own post in the same sentence ;D And lol @ the boyfriend one Oh and my member number is 733 ;D Not just below 10,000, below 1000! Muhahaha
  23. unreality

    eeeewwww If it wasn't a total fairy tale, I'd be checking myself for strange abnormalities
  24. perhaps someone could take my place as host, if they wish - tis another possibility. Then they can make further changes if they want
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