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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Maybe Z,Y,X off the other side - don't worry, I'll adjust it when necessary if we're going to use the one I posted
  2. *I* shot the sherriff, but I did not shoot the deputy ;D

  3. unreality

  4. unreality

    How's this? edit: Host Taliesin Players 1 GC (A23 ______ L3 B3 K0) Moves: 4 2 Ben Law (D24 __ L3 B2 K1) Moves: 5 3 Slick (D22 _____ L3 B3 K0) Moves: 5 4 Ploper (F23 ____ L3 B3 K2) Moves: 6 5 Janesia (F21 ___ L3 B3 K0) Moves: 6 6 Unreality (E22 _ L3 B3 K0) Moves: 2 7 Mekal (D25 ____L3 B3 K0) Moves: 4 Zombie Master 1 Frozen ( K0 ) Create:6 Move:2 A roll of 6 means you can create a super zombie and 2 normal, or 6 normal..
  5. unreality

    No, you're CD23 - the letters start at the far left and don't match up with the actual grid Taliesin: Unless you're using a computer program to make the moves, I recommend removing the grid-numbering system - we can see perfectly fine where we are from the visual map
  6. unreality

    *images Octopuppy fumbling for the EDIT button to take back what he just said* Hehehe
  7. You too :D Yeah I was Zenned out the other day ;D hehe

  8. unreality

    Ploper the Zombie Pwner Good job man! Only one zombie left on the board right now ;D and omg I get only 2 moves, again I'll make the most of 'em
  9. unreality

    Your zombies are gonna crumble into undead dust which will then be vacuumed up by the newest model of intelligent vacuumbots ;D
  10. unreality

    the Mensa test is notorious for being inaccurate... I might still take it anyway
  11. unreality

    It was cool, but I must've missed something (well I didn't see most of the first half since I only watched it during Prison Break commercials, since PB is way better ), is Future Peter the "real" Peter? And is the 'present-time' Peter trapped in the 'audiomaniac's body without his normal Peter powers or something? How did that happen? What's the "formula" and where did it come from? And why didn't Future Peter just tell Nathan about the future instead of killing him?
  12. unreality

    "no scientific evidence of love"? You've got to be joking lol. But somehow I don't think you are: 1) "God" is a clearly-defined object, of which there is absolutely no scientific evidence or support - in actuality, all clear-thinking logic and scientific discoveries essentially go against this idea 2) "Love" is not as clearly-defined, but in any of its 'forms', there is ample scientific evidence to declare it a fact. It's like saying "there's no evidence that 'freedom' exists" - which is ridiculous, because Freedom is a concept defined and invented by humans, and represents a broad array of general situations, all of which exist. Just like love, they are both "invisible nouns", like 'friendship' or 'hatred', but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Depending on how you define "love" and what you put under its umbrella, there is overwhelming scientific evidence for the existence of love It's like when theists pull the "faith in your friend" card, ie, "You trust a friend to return a DVD, you have FAITH in them" - that's a figure of speech, not actual religious faith - it doesn't count as faith since you would have tons of evidence that your friend is trustworthy, etc. It WOULD be a leap of faith if a random stranger asked to borrow a DVD, and you let them. However, say they look like a really nice person, and you saw them in the grocery store helping an old lady. Then you might be more inclined to take that leap of faith, but that's because you have more evidence to the 'trustworthyness' of the person in question, and the leap of faith is less of a gap. anyway, I'm getting off topic. The point is, (1) saying there is no scientific evidence for love is ridiculous, (2) Zeus is Love, duh, everyone knows that, get it right , (3) why are you trying to incite a religious debate in any which topic when, if you stopped to think for a couple rational seconds, you could've saved yourself from posting the above post as well as saved me 10 minutes of typing this
  13. Wouldn't you want to be on opposite teams? Still, that IS cheating, Mafia or Astray, it doesn't matter. You have a tendency for that, don't you, with the copying-PM thing Bb does a similar thing with Surge, but he never enters Bb AND Surge into the same game lol. He made Surge a while ago so that he could view Mafia topics without revealing that he was viewing them - I chuckled when I saw "Surge" join Cruise Ship Mafia, hehe. Didn't he make a slip though, and that's how everyone found out?
  14. Okay, Astray is officially over; it had some flaws. There may be an Astray II in the future, maybe, maybe not, we'll see. Thanks for playing, guys, it just would've taken far too long - months, at least, to reach the end
  15. unreality

    What's the project on?
  16. unreality

    Dungeon Master: Taliesin Humans: 1. GC 2. ClozoBozo 3. Slick 4. Ploper 5. Janesia 6. Unreality 7. Mekal Zombie Master: Frozen in Fire
  17. One thing I've noticed is that you can spin numbers any way you want and make it sound either very good or very bad, depending on your aim.... Changing the subject, what do you guys think of this 'economic bailout' plan? The $700 billion one, in case there's some ambiguity
  18. unreality

    Pirate Mafia Signups

    This is speed Mafia right? I really wish I could play, this is one I didn't want to miss, but I'll probably be too busy
  19. unreality

    I don't think we have any Zombie Masters: Dungeon Master: Taliesin Humans 1. GC 2. ClozoBozo 3. Slick 4. JS 5. Ploper 6. Janesia 7. Unreality 8.
  20. unreality

    What's the first subject on? Religion? Politics? Death penalty? lol jk to all three of those ;D
  21. unreality

    I like Heroes, but the second season sucked. It was like a lame copyoff of the first season, which was great. I just hope that s3 will be good And the "evolutionary" explanation for the abilities is B.S. lol. Not that it matters, but the majority of the population knows so little about what evolution actually is they probably think it's possible
  22. unreality

    (a) You're too late, I just posted (b) I'm Unreality, not UR!!! lol
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