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Everything posted by unreality

  1. ummm... *shrugs off creepy vibe, lol* Welcome, TAH! I'm sure you'll make a great Braindenizen (or stalker hehe)
  2. welcome Miladin!! Macedonia, eh? Cool! Welcome to the Den ;D
  3. Day 2!!! Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 91% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 3) GC - 94.6% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Frost - 95% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 95% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 95% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 94% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 92% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 91.9% - 4/4 Pr, 8/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 94% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 94% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 93% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 91% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 4) Mekal - 95% - 5/5 Pr, 7/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm Reward Challenge: The first challenge will be a mix of teamwork, strategy, persistence and desire to win! So how do you win? It's simple: whichever team posts the 250th post of this topic. The posts can be meaningless, or not, either is fine. But there are two catches! (1) No team can post twice in a row - if a single person posts twice in a row OR if some posts and a team member posts directly afterward, NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES OR INTENT, that team is out of the challenge and is strictly not allowed to post... if a non-player/host/exiled-team posts, that post is ignored in terms of posting double and the winning post is moved from 250 to 251. So please, if your team has been kicked out, do not post! (*1) If two teams get kicked out in this manner, the remaining team wins regardless of the post count (2) Every time you post, you must repost the roster, chopping off 2.5% of your own Health AND someone of your choosing, on any team! BEGIN! There is no eating or providing before the challenge, it begins NOW! Edit: Do you want to know what you're playing for? [A chorus of excited "Yeah!"s] *Lifts lid off of plate, but it's not food!* Flint! The first reward challenge is always a flint rock, which greatly assists in creating fire - adding 3 to everyone's Fm score on the team!
  4. What are you talking about, it always said CL! lol Sun begins to set upon the first day of ASTRAY! It's been a tough opening day, as the castaways struggle to survive under the harsh conditions, but so far they've had good luck and are coming out with optimism... optimism well placed? Night falls, and Day 2 fast approaches! WW: no need to save food, this is a blank day. Day 2 is starting very soon!
  5. If everyone is happy, the day can end now... note that the first RC (reward challenge) will be starting IMMEDIATELY as day 2 begins, since day 1 was nothing but survival edit: didn't see your post CL, though my post essentially answered that anyway
  6. this is the roster - assuming CP will cook Frozen's food for him as requested, as there's no need to double cross each other... yet (;D). So I'm gonna micromanage Children of Rage to show them the ropes and speed it along Frozen keeps 2 uncooked, gives 5 to CP who cooks it and Frozen eats 2.4 to add 4.8% to achieve 100%, and 2.5 is eaten by NM, who is now at 100% from 95%. The 0.1 is eaten by CP to add 0.2% and bring her to 99.9% lol Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 100% - 1/6 Pr, 1/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 100% - 1/6 Pr, 1/6 Fm 3) GC - 99.6% - 5/8 Pr, 1/4 Fm 4) Frost - 100% - 1/4 Pr, 5/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 100% - 2/6 Pr, 2/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 100% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 100% - 1/7 Pr, 0/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 100% - 1/6 Pr, 1/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 99.9% - 0/4 Pr, 0/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 100% - 0/10 Pr, 0/2 Fm, 2 uncooked Team ph34r.gif 1) Brandonb - 100% - 0/1 Pr, 0/11 Fm, 1 cooked 2) Itachi - 100% - 0/11 Pr, 0/1 Fm, 1 cooked 3) Sinistral - 100% - 0/7 Pr, 0/5 Fm, 1 cooked 4) Mekal - 100% - 0/5 Pr, 0/7 Fm, 1.5 cooked 5) Phazon Hopper - 100% - 0/6 Pr, 0/6 Fm, 3 cooked
  7. remember (read the Health System people, it's all in there ) that Firemaster isn't affected by Health%, only Provider is, ie, if your Health is 50% and your Pr & Fm is 6/6 and 6/6, if you use all 6 Pr you only get 50% * 6 or 3 uncooked food, however Health doesn't affect Fm, so you could cook that 3 food with just 3/6 of your Fm
  8. apply that to the most recent please (the one I posted above your post)
  9. yep, perfectly spot-on Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 100% - 1/6 Pr, 1/6 Fm 3) GC - 99.6% - 5/8 Pr, 1/4 Fm 4) Frost - 100% - 1/4 Pr, 5/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 100% - 2/6 Pr, 2/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 95% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 100% - 1/7 Pr, 0/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 92% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 99.7% - 0/4 Pr, 5/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 94% - 0/10 Pr, 0/2 Fm, 7 uncooked food Offered to give 3 to CP (waiting on CP's response) Team 1) Brandonb - 92% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm, 1.6 uncooked food 2) Itachi - 90% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm, 1 cooked food 3) Sinistral - 100% - 1/7 Pr, 1/5 Fm 4) Mekal - 100% - 0/5 Pr, 2/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 93% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm [edit: added 'offer to CP']
  10. bringing the roster over (also, only one decimal place allowed, turning CP's from 99.76 to 99.7) Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 100% - 1/6 Pr, 1/6 Fm 3) GC - 99.6% - 5/8 Pr, 1/4 Fm 4) Frost - 100% - 1/4 Pr, 5/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 100% - 2/6 Pr, 2/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 95% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 100% - 1/7 Pr, 0/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 92% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 99.7% - 0/4 Pr, 5/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 94% - 0/10 Pr, 0/2 Fm, 7 uncooked food Team 1) Brandonb - 92% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 90% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 94% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 4) Mekal - 100% - 0/5 Pr, 2/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 93% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm
  11. on each new day: * Pr and Fm points are reset * Health drops from 5% to 10% (ie, 4% + d6 [d6 = a 6-sided die]) * any leftover food goes bad and is discarded btw, nobody has eaten any more than 0.4 uncooked food, right? (that was GC). 1+ and you get 1/20 chance of disease per point of uncooked food eaten, remember Sinistral, to make it short: the only reason would be if you wanted to save some til after the challenge in case you were too low to do it the next day after the decrease or weren't sure if you could be on the next day to eat before the challenge
  12. Nice! I like it! I'm categorizing the possibilities: (hehe ) * True Free Will - impossible, as some higher level of consciousness would need to affect atoms from outside the real world. Works with a religious concept of the soul, but then of course brings about questions of what the soul is made of and how THAT has free will. Basically, free will is impossible, since our brain can't consciously choose to apply extraneous force to its own atoms * Determinism - the idea that every event is a cause which leads to another, and if you rewound, the same exact thing would happen all over again because each state of the universe is based off of the previous states. This can't work, IMO, because of the unveiling of randomness and uncertainty at quantum levels * Randomism - random (or pseudo-random) quantum events affect the motions of particles and create a dynamic world (if you rewound, a different thing could happen ["the butterfly effect"], etc), though the different random options are still based on the previous state of the universe, it's not chaos or anything, it's just acknowledging that randomism exists. This isn't THAT much different than determinism, and does not allow True Free Will, however free will in a way emerges as an emergent behavior on a higher-level system as I talked about in post #77 * Everythingism - quantum branching theory, where each possible alternative branches smoothly into an ever-increasing number of universes (infinite numbers? Does each event have an infinite number of quantum outcomes? Who knows ), which means our current selves are on a single branch of a massive tree - perhaps the Big Bang was the first splitoff? Anyway, this means we did make every choice we did make, even though it's not really - this is very similar to randomism, though it implies the existence, though totally unconnected, of other "ourselves" in other flows of the universe. Again, free will is an emergent behavior in this one * Edit - something we haven't thought of yet
  13. sounds like that game Spore, never played it though. Interesting idea, though I'm sure it would be insanely complicated
  14. if you use all 10 Pr points, you can get 90% of 10, or 9 food. Then you cook two and eat it, and have 7 left over, which you could ask for CP to cook any amount up to 5 of it for you, but she, or whoever else on your team you asked, would have to agree, so this is the current roster: Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 100% - 1/6 Pr, 1/6 Fm 3) GC - 99.6% - 5/8 Pr, 1/4 Fm 4) Frost - 100% - 1/4 Pr, 5/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 100% - 2/6 Pr, 2/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 95% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 100% - 1/7 Pr, 0/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 92% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 99.36% - 0/4 Pr, 5/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 94% - 0/10 Pr, 0/2 Fm, 7 uncooked food Team 1) Brandonb - 92% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 90% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 94% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 4) Mekal - 100% - 0/5 Pr, 2/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 93% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm
  15. Ah, the pointless pro-life/pro-choice debate. Extension of pro-life ideas: "Don't use condoms, they kill babies" ;D I'm pro-choice myself, for a lot of reasons, but that's a whole 'nother debate. I was just curious why religion would affect your vote, now I know Thanks for the insight
  16. Sinistral's stat changes are the last I'm allowing: Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 5/7 - 8/4 - 6/6 2) Cherry Lane - 4/8 - 8/4 - 6/6 3) GC - 8/4 - 5/7 - 8/4 4) Frost - 4/8 - 2/10 - 4/8 5) Ben_Law - 8/4 - 4/8 - 6/6 Children of Rage 1) NM - 6/6 - 3/9 - 8/4 2) Taliesin - 6/6 - 6/6 - 7/5 3) Wally West - 6/6 - 6/6 - 6/6 4) Crazypainter - 2/10 - 3/9 - 4/8 5) Frozen - 8/4 - 8/4 - 10/2 Team 1) Brandonb - 1/11 - 11/1 - 1/11 2) Itachi - 4/8 - 1/11 - 11/1 3) Sinistral - 9/3 - 2/10 - 7/5 4) Mekal - 6/6 - 8/4 - 5/7 5) Phazon Hopper - 5/7 - 4/8 - 6/6 He can change his Pr/Fm since he didn't do anything yet. So here is the health-roster: Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 100% - 1/6 Pr, 1/6 Fm 3) GC - 99.6% - 5/8 Pr, 1/4 Fm 4) Frost - 100% - 1/4 Pr, 5/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 100% - 2/6 Pr, 2/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 95% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 100% - 1/7 Pr, 0/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 92% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 99.36% - 0/4 Pr, 5/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 90% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 92% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 90% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 94% - 7/7 Pr, 5/5 Fm 4) Mekal - 100% - 0/5 Pr, 2/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 93% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm
  17. I've answered all the questions so far in the original Health System description and some of the posts around it, but that's what the first day is for * can't go over 100% - nobody asked this, but Taliesin did it. I just didn't mention it cuz I thought it was obvious * you can share decimals of food (ie, 2.7) - in fact, I specifically addressed this in the Health System post! * there may or may not be time before and after challenges, depends on the time circumstances (with me being in school and all, I'm very busy), see page 10 for this I think * yes Frozen someone can catch food and others can help them cook it. Again, it's all in the Health System post, I covered it all But again, that's what the first day's for. You'll catch on, I'm sure ;D I didn't do Frozen's changes cuz I'm not sure what he wants exactly Corsican Fever 1) Janesia - 94% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 2) Cherry Lane - 100% - 1/6 Pr, 1/6 Fm 3) GC - 99.6% - 5/8 Pr, 1/4 Fm 4) Frost - 100% - 1/4 Pr, 5/8 Fm 5) Ben_Law - 100% - 2/6 Pr, 2/6 Fm Children of Rage 1) NM - 95% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 2) Taliesin - 100% - 1/7 Pr, 0/5 Fm 3) Wally West - 92% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm 4) Crazypainter - 99.36% - 0/4 Pr, 5/8 Fm 5) Frozen - 90% - 10/10 Pr, 2/2 Fm Team 1) Brandonb - 92% - 1/1 Pr, 11/11 Fm 2) Itachi - 90% - 11/11 Pr, 1/1 Fm 3) Sinistral - 94% - 8/8 Pr, 4/4 Fm 4) Mekal - 100% - 0/5 Pr, 2/7 Fm 5) Phazon Hopper - 93% - 6/6 Pr, 6/6 Fm
  18. I'm going to bed now, then school tomorrow, I'll probably be back on around 3-4 o'clock tomorrow (in about 16 hours)
  19. For the people that said that religion will affect your vote, do you mind coming forward? How exactly does it affect your vote, and toward which candidate?
  20. Bb: From your posts so far, and in other topics (weren't you pro-Bush?), I'm guessing you're a registered Republican? Just a curious question, no need to answer if it's personal
  21. Yes, though next time explain what you're doing - ie, "I get 3 food, cook all 3, and eat all 3 myself, for +6% which brings me up to a full 100%" or something of the like However you didn't account for using 95% of 3, which is 2.85 truncated to 2.8, but I'll let it slide edit: you could have actually, 2.8 * 2 = 5.6% Health boost, so sorry if you did that into account, next time explain what you are doing in full like I said above You CANNOT use decimal of Provider nor Firemaster points There may be time before and after... I think I detailed that on page 10 or 11 somewhere about the times and stuff
  22. I disagree about the drilling - we need to move away from oil dependence and focus on alternate energy. Look at what T Boone Pickins is doing (is that his name? lol)... it shows that if you put in the cash, you can get results, and make a profit too. This is a totally different discussion though Back to politics - I checked out more of Fair Tax, and it's interesting that only one Democrat supports it
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