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Everything posted by unreality

  1. haha I ran through taliesin's program, seeing what it would do - and it essentially does the same thing as mine, except his has 29 lines, mine has 16 In this game, optimization is key Here's mine.... Shielded Phoenix JUMP 2 BOMB 27 JUMP com(com(a(a(-1)),b(a(-1)),a(a(-1)),1,1),0,1,3,3) EDITA -2, add(a(-2),3) JUMP com(a(-3),168,4,4,-2), 3 COPY -4, sub(a(-4),b(-1)) EDITB -2, sub(b(-2),1) JUMP -2 COPY -7, 6 EDITB -1, sum(b(-1),2) JUMP com(b(-2),190,3,3,-2) SPLIT 1 JUMP -1 COPY -2, -100 COPY -2, -100 JUMP -102 edit: You can probably see that the nugget code is the same concept as the Phoenix v2 (search for player in a wider scope, find them, bomb them 1-by-1), but I added lots of defense. It looks like Taliesin's concept was based off of the Phoenix v2 as well, so we'll see who triumphs edit2: I could optimize it way better now that I know what Taliesin's program is lol, but that would be cheating And he can't either. For the battle, I'm waiting to see if Hacker made the emulator or not today, cuz that would be easier.... maybe I'll work on one of my own, if I can find the right language to make it in
  2. this isn't the program I'm using, but I made it this morning, I call it Hopper: Hopper COPY 0, sum(a(0),150) EDITA -1, sum(a(-1),1) JUMP com(a(-2),4,1,1,-2) JUMP 147 copies itself 150 nodes forward and then jumps to itself ;D
  3. yeah Hacker is working on an emulator, I've been talking with him taliesin: wait is that your program? Do you want to fight? What's with the random quotes in there? lol. Also can you please put it in the correct notation, which would be: JUMP 2,0,13 BOMB 0,0,7 EDITA -2,0,1 SPLIT 14,0,49 SPLIT 20,0,67 BOMB 0,0,7 BOMB 0,0,7 BOMB 0,0,7 BOMB 0,0,7 BOMB 0,0,7 BOMB 0,0,7 BOMB 0,0,7 BOMB 0,0,7 BOMB 0,0,7 JUMP -9,0,-20 JUMP 66,66,535 JUMP com(add(mul(a(a(-1)),3),add(mul(b(a(-1)),5),7)),c(a(-1)),1,3,3), 0, 0 EDITA -3, sub(add(a(-2),div(a(-2),3),1),0 JUMP -2,0,1 COPY -6, sub( a( -4),3), 0 EDITA sub( a( -6 ),4), sub( 0, add( a( -5 ),4)) EDITA -7, add( a( -6 ),1),0 JUMP -6, 0, -11 JUMP com(add(mul( a( sub( 0, b( -8 ))) , 3),add(mul( b( sub(0,b( -8 ))), 5),7)),c( sub(0,b( -8 ))),1,3,3),0,0 EDITB -9,sub( add( b (-9), div( b ( -9),3),1),0 JUMP -2, 0, 1 COPY -14, sub(0,sub(0,b(-11))),0 EDITB -12, add(b(-12),1),0 JUMP -5, 0, -8 So is this your Double Edge? Cuz I got my program ready if you want to fight again
  4. Yeah I know, but it's a jungle-based South American Aztec society who would actually keep white slaves. I figured Caucasian people (like me) wouldn't have a problem with it seeing as we weren't ever really enslaved
  5. I've perfected a new program Anyone wanna fight? Mekal? FIF? Hacker? Frost? Taliesin? Etc? Oh, and with school tomorrow... won't be back here for about 16 hours, probaly more And we should get this rated up to 5*, to overcome my personal One Star Vandal ;D
  6. You mean after the match is over? But I would know the code, so it would be unfair to everyone else. And I think everyone should see the work that other people have done, so that the programs can evolve and become better and better and stuff
  7. unreality

    Pirate Mafia

    lmao!!! switching my name with Kat's: 1) Cherry Lane - voting for Joe's student 2) Wally West - DEAD - [swashbuckler] - Planked 3) FIF - DEAD [?] - Killed by Pirates 4) Crazypainter - voting for Cherry Lane 5) Joe's Student voting for - Cherry Lane 6) Ben_Law 7) Itachi - voting for Cherry Lane 8) Kat - DEAD [?] - Killed by Kraken 9) GC - voting for Joe's student 10) woon voting for - Cherry Lane 11) Mekal - DEAD [?] - Killed by Pirates 12) Slick voting for Cherry Lane
  8. unreality

    Pirate Mafia

    er, no you won't, sorry Although Sinistral did mention a way in which you could come back to life, so stick around
  9. There is no limit, though technically, right now, it's 30, though that can easily be changed edit: I probably won't be using Phoenix v2 because everyone knows the coding now lol
  10. The Phoenix (v2) by Unreality COPY 2, -1, 27 JUMP 2 BOMB JUMP com(com(a(c(-3)),b(c(-3)),a(c(-3)),1,1),0,1,3,3) EDITC -4, add(c(-4),3) JUMP -2, 3 COPY -4, sub(c(-6),b(-1)) EDITB -2, sub(b(-2),1) JUMP -2 how d'you like that fourth line? hehe
  11. Thanks Martini and ADP, I'll look for it at my library
  12. The split actually doesn't overwrite anything... all that has to happen is for one of my BOMBs to hit the main SPLIT 0 that your last four executors were caught in, and all four of your executors would get destroyed in their next rounds. But you still would've won because your initial executor was 2 lines ahead, so I would've had to loop all the way around the VNA to get back to it, thus killing myself before that could happen Good job Advice: Though for future games, don't count on that effect ;D Your program's actual intention failed, though it still won. Exactly - so both programs are executing infinite loops of COPY commands endlessly. That would be a tie ;D
  13. correction: actually it was post 9, not the OP Taliesin: You get why your program ended up infinite-looping, right? How about we match wits again? That first duel was a bit messed up lol
  14. I thought I made that pretty clear Destroy your opponent's executors. That means all of their executors have to encounter a BOMB. In my OP I described the "COPY 0, 1" program (which yours was a more complicated version of) and called it an Infinite Copier, remember?
  15. for a single 1* rating, it takes 7 ratings of 5* just to get an average of 4.5, which rounds to 5 for TWO 1* ratings, it would take 14 ratings of 5*, lol
  16. see my edit And no, your program was caught in an endless loop inside itself. It wasn't going anywhere edit: I think this was the basic goal of your program: COPY 0,1 or something along those lines. But this has no ability to win
  17. I've already tweaked it The Phoenix (v2) COPY 2, -1, 27 JUMP 2 BOMB JUMP com(com(a(c(-3)),b(c(-3)),a(c(-3)),1,1),0,1,3,3) EDITC -4, add(c(-4),3) JUMP -2, 3 COPY -4, sub(c(-6),b(-1)) EDITB -2, sub(b(-2),1) JUMP -2 This Phoenix would've probed forward until it located the Edge, then loaded the Edge with BOMBs until Taliesin was dead edit: Well it depends on the random placement of the two programs. 2/3 of the time I would still lose just because Taliesin's program is so small and the a/b values are almost all 0 (there's only one non-zero value in his lines) so there's no way to tell them apart from BLANK lines
  18. num() would return 200. It's for programs that would play in VNA's with different number of nodes, just in case anyway, the outcome of the battle: Round Zero COPY 1, 3 SPLIT 0 COPY 0, 2 (89 BLANKs) COPY 2, -1, 27 JUMP 2 BOMB JUMP com(a(c(-3)),0,1,3,3) EDITC -4, add(c(-4),3) JUMP -2, 3 COPY -4, sub(c(-6),b(-1)) EDITB -2, sub(b(-2),1) JUMP -2 Round One COPY 1, 3 SPLIT 0 COPY 0, 2 SPLIT 0 (87 BLANKs) BOMB COPY 2, -1, 27 JUMP 2 ** BOMB JUMP com(a(c(-3)),0,1,3,3) EDITC -4, add(c(-4),3) JUMP -2, 3 COPY -4, sub(c(-6),b(-1)) EDITB -2, sub(b(-2),1) JUMP -2 Round Two COPY 1, 3 SPLIT 0 (*2) COPY 0, 2 (*1) SPLIT 0 (87 BLANKs) BOMB COPY 2, -1, 27 JUMP 2 BOMB JUMP com(a(c(-3)),0,1,3,3) ** EDITC -4, add(c(-4),3) JUMP -2, 3 COPY -4, sub(c(-6),b(-1)) EDITB -2, sub(b(-2),1) JUMP -2 Round Three COPY 1, 3 SPLIT 0 (*2) (*3) COPY 0, 2 (*1) SPLIT 0 (87 BLANKs) BOMB COPY 2, -1, 27 JUMP 2 BOMB JUMP com(a(c(-3)),0,1,3,3) EDITC -4, add(c(-4),3) ** JUMP -2, 3 COPY -4, sub(c(-6),b(-1)) EDITB -2, sub(b(-2),1) JUMP -2 Round Four COPY 1, 3 SPLIT 0 (*2) (*3) (*4) COPY 0, 2 (*1) SPLIT 0 (87 BLANKs) BOMB COPY 2, -1, 30 JUMP 2 BOMB JUMP com(a(c(-3)),0,1,3,3) EDITC -4, add(c(-4),3) JUMP -2, 3 ** COPY -4, sub(c(-6),b(-1)) EDITB -2, sub(b(-2),1) JUMP -2 Round Five COPY 1, 3 SPLIT 0 (*2) (*3) (*4) (*5) COPY 0, 2 (*1) SPLIT 0 (87 BLANKs) BOMB COPY 2, -1, 30 JUMP 2 BOMB JUMP com(a(c(-3)),0,1,3,3) ** EDITC -4, add(c(-4),3) JUMP -2, 3 COPY -4, sub(c(-6),b(-1)) EDITB -2, sub(b(-2),1) JUMP -2 Round Six COPY 1, 3 SPLIT 0 (*2) (*3) (*4) (*5) (attempted *6, failure) COPY 0, 2 (*1) SPLIT 0 (87 BLANKs) BOMB COPY 2, -1, 30 JUMP 2 BOMB JUMP com(a(c(-3)),0,1,3,3) EDITC -4, add(c(-4),3) ** JUMP -2, 3 COPY -4, sub(c(-6),b(-1)) EDITB -2, sub(b(-2),1) JUMP -2 Round Seven COPY 1, 3 SPLIT 0 (*2) (*3) (*4) (*5) COPY 0, 2 SPLIT 0 (*1) COPY 0, 2 (87 BLANKs) BOMB COPY 2, -1, 33 JUMP 2 BOMB JUMP com(a(c(-3)),0,1,3,3) EDITC -4, add(c(-4),3) JUMP -2, 3 ** COPY -4, sub(c(-6),b(-1)) EDITB -2, sub(b(-2),1) JUMP -2 And from that point forward Taliesin was caught in an endless loop trying to make a 6th executor while Unreality's program probed forward 3 more spaces every 3rd round until it hit line 201, which is also line 1, the second line of taliesin's program (SPLIT 0), however the a value was 0 so it took it to be a BLANK and continued, jumping 3 more, whose a value was also 0, so then it continued on, hitting line 91 BOMB, then line 94 BOMB, then line 97, which was one of my own commands (JUMP -2, 3). This triggered the compare switcher and a BOMB was copied onto the JUMP statement. When I hit it next, it killed me Wow.... Taliesin got incredibly lucky His a-values all started with 0, except for one of them, otherwise my program would've DESTROYED his. If the randomly generated number had been 1 less, I would've found where his program was and loaded it with BOMBs. Dangit! So, Taliesin won, but not in the intended way I think I'm going to tweak the Phoenix a bit to check both a and b values. Wow.
  19. sweet I'm doing the Phoenix vs Edge battle right now, I didn't make anything to aid me so I'm doing it step by step, by hand. It might take a bit
  20. The Phoenix (Unreality) COPY 2, -1, 27 JUMP 2 BOMB JUMP com(a(c(-3)),0,1,3,3) EDITC -4, add(c(-4),3) JUMP -2, 3 COPY -4, sub(c(-6),b(-1)) EDITB -2, sub(b(-2),1) JUMP -2 The Edge (Taliesin) COPY 1, 3 SPLIT 0 COPY 0, 2 number generated: 92 P1 roll: (odd=unreality, even=taliesin) 4. Taliesin is P1 so line 0 is taliesin's first line, line 92 is my first line I'll play out the battle in a sec!
  21. Yeah... but just reading a book won't 'draw you in', or will it? I have no idea :D

  22. it's executed, like it says in its description, as a "do-nothing" command. Like a one-round pause. I was thinking of making a SKIP command, but didn't. So yeah, BLANKs are executed
  23. Lunch? It's 7:00 PM where I am
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