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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb


    Are you really asking ME to help? After you pushed to lynch me at every chance?
  2. Brandonb

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    I was thinking the same thing at first, but then Chuck whispered in my ear... He then promptly round housed me into unconsciousness for viewing it as contradictory. When I awoke I was unsure if what had happened was real, or if I had just dreamed it. Then I looked in the mirror next to me and noticed that half my face was missing. Praise be to Chuck
  3. Freeze the body first. Of course, that would mean someone else could accurately weigh my head. Not myself.
  4. Brandonb


    Hey CP, I misread your avatar: Make War Not Art
  5. Brandonb


    On yes, but still inactive.
  6. Brandonb

    Sorry, couldn't resist
  7. Brandonb

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    Chuck Norris was once the judge at an interpretive dance competition. He found them guilty. Chuck Norris's beard has its own thriving ecosystem. Chuck wanted his beard to be a tiny pencil-thin moustache. The beard itself wanted to be a long ZZ-Top-like beard. Their battle continues at a standstill to this day.
  8. Brandonb

    So Russia is the only one that gets to start with 4 supply centers?
  9. I was considering (if there were no objections) to Host a speed game next weekend. The rules would be: US time zones only. Days are real - 12hrs long 10am-10pm EST, and nights are the opposite. People will not be booted for inactivity, however, lynchers will be STRONGLY advised to vote against the people who are not online and cannot defend themselves. There will be 8 or 12 players with a 1:3 ratio of Maf to others, and no bomb or inspector. Right now I'm thinking... Roles (8 people): -Mafia Assassin (Kills whoever tries to save him/her) -Mafia Thief (steals or frames any night but not two in a row, and no one is informed) -GR (Kills on even nights) -Ninja (Cannot be lynched, No defender, Kills on even nights) -Spy (every day) -Doctor (Every night, anyone but never the same twice in a row) -Janitor (Spy, Kill, Save) -Sage/Squeaker (Each morning, gets to know what roles were killed. If killed, the Sage squeals the name of the Ninja or Spy. 50% for either) 12 people adds: -1 more Mafia (Cannot be saved at night, and cannot be lynched on even days) -Police Officer (Rules following the Wraith in M4F14) -The Blank (Only once, may assume the role of a deceased innocent character for the rest of the game) -Mayor (Confirmed innocent, secret vote counts as 2. Automatically dies if s/he leaks who the vote is for, whether or not it is true) How does that sound? ------------------------------------------------------------- I gotta say, I had the idea about the Mayor role come back and having a secret vote that counts for 2, without ever reading Unreality's stuff about Maf VII. How weird
  10. Brandonb

    Sweet, I just got home with the new TV. I should have Brawl up and running within the hour
  11. Preliminary thoughts... from the dead guy I think that about covers it.
  12. Brandonb


    Good Question... what's the deal with that?
  13. Brandonb


    Wow, a saving role actually made a save! Well done. However, It seems that everyone forgot my earlier posts... You should have been saving me...
  14. Brandonb


    Wait... Wasn't CP identified as a M4F14 earlier?
  15. Brandonb


    Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo night post coming? Maybe??? Please?
  16. I've been considering a different role. Some sort of baddie or independent role that provides some sort of consequence to people who come out with their roles. I'm not sure what it would do though. We don't need another innocent discovery role to confirm people who out themselves... maybe if the baddie gets to instantly confirm anyone who claims a role. It's balanced, b/c the baddie can't come out with the info. Otherwise they would be outing themselves as a baddie. However, it could give the baddie a little bit of an advantage. Maybe the GR could have the ability. Or a role similar to the Mimic in M4F14. Maybe a different consequence altogether... I dunno.
  17. Wow, that's pretty cool. I don't think the mafia have ever gotten the primary win in a straight-forward game, this would make it much easier for them. I do like the idea alot, but I also began to consider what my strategy would be in a game like that. My strategy, and the thing that would make it the most difficult, would be that baddies could easily claim to be innocent roles that were not existent in the game. Therefore, they would be incredibly difficult to weed out. Imagine if the Spy was killed, it would be nearly impossible.
  18. One thing... the main problem I have always had with the bomb, is that it seems to always live until the end of the game unless a secondary win is accomplished. In my opinion it's terribly discouraging, beyond what is reasonable, to have a 50% chance of the attacker being blown up AND the bomb/FM still living. A kill should be a kill should be a kill unless a saving role is involved. Otherwise the mafia could theoretically throw every single one of them at the bomb, night after night after night, and get blown up every time with the bomb living through it every time. Though it's a very unlikely scenario, it still seems terribly unfair if the FM is able to live through even one killing. It was OK when the bomb has a chance of living through an explosion when it was used as a method of attack, but not in a killing.
  19. Brandonb

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    Chuck Norris is the only man in existence who can not only withstand the impact of a paradox, but beat the living crap out of it until it is solved. Chuck Norris has been known to hold his breath and survive under water for times easily exceeding 10hours. Though strangely, no one has ever known him to survive without sex for times exceeding 10 minutes. Chuck Norris is the leader of the Others in the TV Show "Lost". Charles Darwin based his "survival of the fittest" theory on Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris smells what the Rock is cooking... because the Rock is Chuck Norris' personal chef. The song "Killing Me Softly" was written by someone who witnessed a pissed off Chuck Norris who had just gotten up that morning and somehow had some undersized bunny slippers stuck on his feet. It was bad. Ever since Chuck Norris was born, evolution has been going in reverse. Because Chuck Norris sees "survival of the fittest" as a challenge Chuck Norris has Braille writing on his boots so that even blind people will know what's coming.
  20. Brandonb


    Aww C'mon man! If zero isn't killed tonight, then seven will probably die at his/her hands tomorrow night. Besides, I'm a self proclaimed baddie from day one! I wanna see what kind of record I can set for most days alive as an outed baddie! Edit: 1500!
  21. Brandonb


    I made my choice several hours ago. I'm not even going to consider what you all say... I'm going with the instincts. We'll see what happens.
  22. Brandonb


    Correction "Ms. AInonymous" as she clarified to me
  23. Brandonb


    Very true, but on the same note, Seven can only kill tonight, not tomorrow. But Zero can. So Seven only gets this shot at zero for the next two days.
  24. Brandonb


    No way GC. If you notice, zero is twice as close to victory as I am. I would have to make at least two kills before I win, and as far as things go right now, zero only needs to make 1. #7 should be hunting zero too Edit: Spelling
  25. Brandonb


    How did he get the message? Ever wonder why, at the beginning of the game, I kept referring to her as "Ms. AInonymous"? She's on
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