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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb


    downloaded--ooo controlled--ooo superduper--xoo strengthen--oo completion--ooooo subscripts--xoo addictions--oo suspiscion--xoooo accomplish--oooo directions--oo confuddled--oo
  2. Brandonb


    downloaded--ooo controlled--ooo superduper--xoo strengthen--oo completion--ooooo subscripts--xoo addictions--oo suspiscion--xoooo <-not the spelling that my spell check recognizes, but I'll let it fly [/code]
  3. Brandonb


    downloaded--ooo controlled--ooo superduper--xoo strengthen--oo completion--ooooo Getting Warmer
  4. Thanks! I've been around, but mainly in the Masterword thread ;)

    And congrats on the new computer, I hope you didn't spend too much.

  5. Brandonb

    I'm sorry, I'm just trying to inform you of a potentially massive imbalance so that you will make happy players (because once the baddies have majority at any point, there is nothing that can be done to prevent them from killing all the innocents, meaning the game is over when they gain a majority.)
  6. Brandonb

    Just wanted to ask a few questions and point out a few things. 1) Do the baddies have BTSC? 2) Can the baddies kill each night? 3) Can Bowser recruit every night? Or just once successfully? It says that there are 12 people: 3 baddies 6 innocents 1 independent 2 unsided However the unsided roles are pretty much just one more innocent and one more baddie. Making it 4 baddies, 7 innocents, and 1 Indy to start. And then again, because Waluigi can spy each night PLUS Bowser can recruit someone (for the sake of this explanation, I will assume that he can only recruit once) the recruitment will be a 100% success on the second night. So the setup essentially makes it so that the game starts up as 4b/7i/1, but then after the N1 kill and spy it's 4b/6i/1. Assuming BEST case scenario for the innocents, a baddie is lynched on D1, making it 3b/6i/1. Then on night two there is a perfect recruitment PLUS a kill. Making it 5b/4i/1. So in the best case scenario for what the innocents can to (leaving out Mario killing blindly [though he could kill a baddie or a goodie so it's a wash], and Luigi getting lucky with a save [though the odds are against him so that's a wash], and DK killing [though DK would have two nights at nearly a 50/50 shot to kill one baddie and one innocent, so it's actually a wash also]. So none of those three things should even be taken into account) the baddies have a majority by Day 2 and win the game flat out without the innocents ever standing a chance.
  7. Brandonb


    downloaded --ooo controlled--ooo superduper--xoo strengthen --oo
  8. Brandonb


    Cool 10 Letters
  9. Brandonb


    succubus -- xxxxxxxx Ding Ding Ding! Darn, I thought that one would go longer! Well done WM You're up!
  10. Brandonb


    vacation--x creation--o gracious--xxx demented--__ cemented--o accapela--xo
  11. Brandonb


    vacation--x creation--o
  12. Brandonb


    TY 8 Letters!
  13. Brandonb


  14. Brandonb


  15. Brandonb


    Cool, just trying to find the ending Now it's a 7 letter word!
  16. Brandonb


    Obliteration Recreational Congregation
  17. Brandonb


    Suburbanizes Jack-o-lantern Multiplicity
  18. Brandonb


    internal interest intended
  19. Brandonb


    seats : x posts : o pecks : xxx comparing pecks w/ posts, you can see that '_eck_' are the correct letters (ridding p and s). Knowing that, you can look at the word seats and see that 'e' is the only correct letter (ridding a,t) Then go back to posts, knock off p,s,t, and see that 'o' is the only correct letter. I don't know of a word that starts 'oeck_'?. Which means it's '_ecko' At that point, I'm not sure what other possibilities there are aside from 'gecko' I was just trying to throw out two words for squirt that would make the g___o the obvious addition to _eck_.
  20. Brandonb


    I thought squirt was gonna swoop in for that one
  21. Brandonb


    Phalanx--xxxxxxx Well done!
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