It's a pretty straight forward cryptogram (depending on which level). Decode the message, each letter is consistently-(always) replaced-(maybe) by a different letter in the alphabet.
Please don’t ruin it by using an online decryptor.
And don't forget the spoilers!
-This puzzle is what I call a level - 1
Which means that this puzzle is – Straight forward cryptogram of a decent length quote. Including all letters and the name of the quoted person.
If you are the first or second to solve the puzzle, please only include the translation to a single one of the letters. The third can go ahead and post the full translation
Good Luck!
Jl npvs khs, zk sydzkf sh sczkt xuhps chj jl rxk nxtl x uzf oziilylkrl, zfkhyl scl vnxqq oxzqd oziilylkrlv jl rxk nxtl jczrc, hmly sznl, xoo pe sh uzf oziilylkrlv scxs jl hislk rxkkhs ihylvll. ~Nxyzxk Jyzfcs Lolqnxk