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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb


    encores musical qualify
  2. Brandonb

    It's a pretty straight forward cryptogram (depending on which level). Decode the message, each letter is consistently-(always) replaced-(maybe) by a different letter in the alphabet. Please don’t ruin it by using an online decryptor. And don't forget the spoilers! -This puzzle is what I call a level - 1 Which means that this puzzle is – Straight forward cryptogram of a decent length quote. Including all letters and the name of the quoted person. If you are the first or second to solve the puzzle, please only include the translation to a single one of the letters. The third can go ahead and post the full translation Good Luck! Jl npvs khs, zk sydzkf sh sczkt xuhps chj jl rxk nxtl x uzf oziilylkrl, zfkhyl scl vnxqq oxzqd oziilylkrlv jl rxk nxtl jczrc, hmly sznl, xoo pe sh uzf oziilylkrlv scxs jl hislk rxkkhs ihylvll. ~Nxyzxk Jyzfcs Lolqnxk
  3. Brandonb

    Nice job! I guess that finishes #25... lets go back to something that will require a little less hair-pulling
  4. Brandonb


    WINNER! Well done! You're up scsw
  5. Brandonb


    getting warmer! treating--xoo blastoma--oooo luminous --oooo language--oo assessor--ooo accurate --oo medicine--oo slugging--oo juggling--oo spooling--xooo spilling--ooo aardvark--oo bookworm--xoo deepness--o eyeteeth--__ fleecers--oo lengthen--o mantraps--oooo minibike--oo ethylene--o vivarium--oooo cookbook--x moralism--oooooo
  6. Brandonb


    treating--xoo blastoma--oooo luminous --oooo language--oo assessor--ooo accurate --oo medicine--oo slugging--oo juggling--oo spooling--xooo spilling--ooo aardvark--oo bookworm--xoo deepness--o eyeteeth--__ fleecers--oo lengthen--o mantraps--oooo minibike--oo ethylene --o vivarium--oooo cookbook --x hehe, almost landed the blank. However, any word with a lack of O's should be helpful.
  7. Brandonb


    treating--xoo blastoma--oooo luminous --oooo language--oo assessor--ooo accurate --oo medicine--oo slugging--oo juggling--oo spooling--xooo spilling--ooo aardvark--oo bookworm--xoo deepness--o eyeteeth--__ fleecers--oo lengthen--o mantraps--oooo minibike--oo ethylene --o you're gonna need more people guessing to do that.
  8. Brandonb


    a little help is on the way treating--xoo blastoma--oooo luminous --oooo language--oo assessor--ooo accurate --oo medicine--oo slugging--oo juggling--oo spooling--xooo spilling--ooo aardvark--oo bookworm--xoo deepness--o eyeteeth--__ fleecers--oo lengthen--o mantraps--oooo
  9. Brandonb


    treating--xoo blastoma--oooo luminous --oooo language--oo assessor--ooo accurate --oo medicine--oo slugging--oo juggling--oo spooling--xooo spilling --ooo aardvark--oo bookworm--xoo deepness --o maybe that helps a little? In school. I get a few minutes between classes to jump in at random times But thanks, I like this game alot. The more I try the more tricks and shortcuts I discover... kinda like when I used to do cryptograms.
  10. Brandonb


    treating--xoo blastoma--oooo luminous --oooo language--oo assessor--ooo accurate --oo medicine--oo slugging--oo juggling--oo spooling--xooo spilling --ooo
  11. TY, and I agree! (though I've only played in 3 )
  12. Brandonb


    treating--xoo blastoma--oooo luminous--oooo language--oo assessor--ooo accurate--oo gotcha. yeah, I do that sometimes when I just jump in
  13. Brandonb


    cool BTW, what's a swoop? 8 letters
  14. Brandonb


    sinister resolute launched
  15. Brandonb


    wow that was fast! (I figured the W's would take a while to hit... it seems I was very wrong! ) Well done scsw! You're up!
  16. Brandonb


    this my not last long! threads--xo gallows--xxx pummels --x bowling--oooo gravity--o lactate --__
  17. Brandonb


    sweet! I had to take a shot in the dark with two of the letters though there were only really 4 or 5 to choose from . ok... uhhh... umm... uhh.... 7 letters
  18. Brandonb


    baggage kaleege
  19. Brandonb


    huffcap--o zesting--oooo upsurge --xo calorie--xo deficit--x vulture --o vividly--xx ownable--oo shatter --xo vitamin--oooo medulla--o fixable --oo
  20. Brandonb


    huffcap--o zesting--oooo upsurge --xo calorie--xo deficit--x vulture --o vividly--xx ownable--oo shatter --xo
  21. Brandonb


    huffcap--o zesting--oooo upsurge --xo calorie--xo deficit--x vulture --o
  22. Brandonb


    huffcap--o zesting--oooo upsurge --xo
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