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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. lol, which team is the 'baddies'? I mean, one team is called the 'Heroes' but they are the ones that began the unprovoked assault against Mount Olympus! (well, maybe it was kinda provoked, but still)
  2. Brandonb


    nvm, it could only be laurels anyway
  3. Brandonb


    gaurels (not a real word) laurels (seems to be this one)
  4. Brandonb

    oops, yeah. It should probably be 'Aphrodite will nullify PT'
  5. Brandonb

    Pending PT or IDNE's approval Odysseus Guesses: 1) Eros will protect SG 2) Poseidon will summon Athena 3) Aphrodite will nullify Hades Summon: Atlas Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses Nestor Action: Boost Diomedes Nestor Summon: Agamemnon Guesses: 1) Mnemosyne will target IDNE 2) block Zeus from blocking Odysseus' blocking Eros from protecting SG Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses Diomedes Action: Attack SG at 100% Diomedes Summons: Briares Erz Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses Hades Action: Attack SG at 75% Hades Summon: Minotaur to protect PT Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses this way, the nullification on Poseidawh is lowered from 100% to 50%, Diomedes still gets his boost, and Aphrodite has a 50% chance of being nullified.
  6. Brandonb

    well, I don't think that I can technically make the final call since I am not technically a Hero.
  7. Brandonb

    These are the current suggestions with a few key thing pointed out. These are my recomended alterations: Odysseus Guesses: 1) Eros will protect SG 2) Poseidon will summon Athena 3) Aphrodite will nullify Hades Summon: Prometheus and boost Diomedes Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses Nestor Action: Nullify Dawh Nestor Summon: Agamemnon Guesses: 1) Mnemosyne will target IDNE 2) block Zeus from blocking Odysseus' blocking Eros from protecting SG Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses Diomedes Action: Attack SG at 100% Diomedes Summons: Briares Erz Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses Hades Action: Attack SG at 75% Hades Summon: Minotaur to protect PT Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses
  8. Brandonb

    here's the convo No matter how many hits, they only lose 1 sacrifice...
  9. Brandonb

    The summon... not really. That's a triple threat against Dawh, and he can only lose 1 summon no mater how many times we successfully hit him. So something else may be in order.
  10. Brandonb

    You doubled up on the same guess for both of Ysan's nullifications, so a single guess would eliminate both guesses wouldn't it?. And we need to have a guess that nullifies Mnemosyne nullifying one of Odysseus' guesses (because it WILL happen, so at least we can take the control away from her and prevent her from choosing which is nullified). itachi: If Odysseus or Zeus are nullified, then they lose their night action and 1 guess correct? Does the same occur for Nestor?
  11. Is this the position for a caption? 1. Grayven 2. andromeda 3. Izzy 4. allherdanger 5. scsw 6. plasmid 7.CyberSpace17 8. Y-san 9. Marth 10. woon 11. Kay 12. Kat 13. Bb 14. clozo
  12. Brandonb

    Ysan, which summons did you sacrifice? PT, which summons did you use last night? Remember, starting tonight I am at 75% strength/vulnerability. Tomorrow (if you want to keep me) you are going to have to win the lynch and make a sacrifice to me. They know this, and will likely be desperately planning to force my removal from this team. We know that they will not have Apollo to use, but they will use Athena to prevent the lynch win. They will be desperate to pull it off so one of Zeus' guesses will be to nullify Odysseus' nullify of Poseidon summoning Athena. They will also likely use Aphrodite in a way that will prevent Nestor from nullifying Poseidon's summon. Because we know this, we can counter it... And allow ourselves to get the maximum use of my recruitment by not sacrificing to Hades until tomorrow. Odysseus Guesses: 1) Aphrodite will protect Dawh (he's Poseidon right?) 2) Zeus will summon Athena 3) Nullify Mnemosyne Nullifying one of IDNE's guesses (I know that this is essentially the same thing as being nullified, but this way we get to choose which guess is nullified ) Summon: Oceanus -> send a message to Heracles asking for his vote tomorrow or else we will attack him the following night. Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses Nestor Action: Boost Diomedes Nestor Summon: ??? (which one was sacrificed?) Guesses: 1) 2) Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses Diomedes Action: Attack Dawh Diomedes Summons: Erz Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses Hades Action: Attack Dawh Hades Summon: Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses thoughts?
  13. Brandonb


    Bakuzi is a city in Latvia... aside from that... I was just testing letters
  14. that I am voting with no one? good. plain requests aren't gonna cut it anymore. If you want my vote, you gotta give me one of those shields.
  15. Brandonb

    I disagree. If they believe me to be volatile, they will be much less likely to attack me, and much more likely to use Hermes to extend an olive branch to me. If they extend an olive branch, they may expose a weakness for us to take advantage of in a surprise attack. I think they already know that I am Hades... or at least had it narrowed down... No matter how it works out, I think the post I made was the most appropriate for my chances of survival.
  16. 1) Brandonb - someguy 2) dawh - voting for star_tiger 3) grey cells - voting for Brandonb 4) IDNE - voting for IDNE 5) Impervious - voting for star_tiger 6) Kat - voting for Prof 7) Prof. Templeton- voting for IDNE 8) SomeGuy - voting for star_tiger 9) star tiger - voting for star_tiger 10) Y-San - voting for IDNE
  17. Brandonb


    rancid pascal rumble
  18. If you continue to turn and vote against me and force me to be lynched, I will turn against you and attack you tonight with everything that I can possibly muster, and I will freely give your team's final actions tonight. Do not try me.
  19. Brandonb

    OK sure... you do realize that it will encourage the other team to vote for me also...? Fine, it's on.
  20. Brandonb

    I already made it very clear that I am not willing to go up for the sacrifice. If you do this, I will make my sacrifice go to Mnemosyne and will attack you with all of my power tonight.
  21. Brandonb


    edit nvm. Cap got it
  22. Welcome PT! It's nice to be back on the Heroes' side again with you. hopefully we will have as much success this time around as we did in game 1. Here are my thoughts... Tomorrow (if you want to keep me) you are going to have to win the lynch and make a sacrifice to me. They know this, and will likely be desperately planning to force my removal from this team. We know that they will not have Apollo to use, but they will use Athena to prevent the lynch win. They will be desperate to pull it off so one of Zeus' guesses will be to nullify Odysseus' nullify of Poseidon summoning Athena. They will also likely use Aphrodite in a way that will prevent Nestor from nullifying Poseidon's summon. Because we know this, we can counter it... And allow ourselves to get the maximum use of my recruitment by not sacrificing to Hades until tomorrow (BTW, I will not sacrifice myself). The reason I am going into all of this is because I think if the Olympians want to win the lynches... we force the lynches own their throats. At night there is a semi-likely chance that one of us will be attacked with success and lose a summon... however, during the day it is a sure thing that the person being sacrificed will lose a summon. So lets use that to our advantage. Lets put up SG for the lynch today and knock him down a notch. Tomorrow we will win the lynch to retain Hades. Then the following day we will push the lynch against SG again (if we are not successful at double-teaming him the following night). Ysan, I do not know which summons you decided to sacrifice, but we need to know so that we may plan accordingly (for if we are weaker on odd nights or even nights).
  23. Brandonb

    Yeah, it's way better than a save. It's like issuing an everlasting standing save command that additionally has a 25% chance of standing even after it has been used.
  24. Brandonb

    NP, but just to get it perfectly clear... "Hephaestus - Molds either a sword (giving a 25% boost in Attack) or a shield (gives a 25% boost in Defense). The sword and shield will be broken if the one dawning them is successfully attacked. However, they do not lose a Summoning." So dawh and SG both survived the boosted 100% attacks by the 25% defenses given to them by the shields? Can a player accumulate more than one sword or shield? Maybe I don't quite follow how it is a 25% defensive boost, if it's a 100% chance they the player will not lose a summoning?
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