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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb


    ty I'll be back in a few... but I figure it may be solved by the time I get back
  2. Brandonb


    ?one of those words has 8 letters, and the other has 7 letters I'll add a couple guesses Sublime vibrant
  3. I'll believe it when I see it I'm not a big fan of lightning anyway... fire is more my thing. Being the Sun God will just cut out the brimstone part.
  4. All of Olympus? Nah, I just want a tan, and an easier lifestyle. Heavy lies the crown, and Zeus can keep it. Aww, the forum is gone!!! I'm so lonely... again
  5. Brandonb


    smiley loving
  6. Brandonb

    I assure you, it was not a personal action. I had considered from the beginning to possibly betray the first team to recruit me (because it would make it much easier to then bring down one side and end as a winner). And Itachi knows this, and in fact I told Ysan that I had planned to do it on day1 after I had been recruited (I'm not sure if I did in the thread though). It wasn't the sinking ship thing that forced me to betray you... as I told Ysan, the reason I didn't do it on that very first night was because I thought that I wouldn't have any protection after the betrayal (since she told me that both of Aphrodite's summons were gone, and I had no idea how the shield worked). If I had known off the bat the true nature of those things, I would have taken action much earlier and been able to do more damage. Please do not take it personally. My earlier comment was in jest only, I promise. I am merely trying to expedite the quickest way to my own victory, and with the setup for this game (that I deject after 3 nights if not sacrificed to again) encouraging betrayal as the optimum strategy, I felt that it was by far the most logical action to take.
  7. Brandonb


    Yeah, you got it I never expected that one to go so fast
  8. Brandonb


    condemn--__ plastic--ooo tailors--xxo mailman--xx railing--xxx ruining--xxo sardine--x
  9. Brandonb


    condemn--__ plastic--ooo tailors--xxo mailman--xx
  10. Brandonb


    condemn--__ plastic--ooo tailors--xxo
  11. Brandonb


    condemn--__ plastic--ooo
  12. the masterword spreadsheets are all still saying that they contain macros, so I can only open them in 'read only mode' in open office.
  13. Brandonb


    thanks 7 letters
  14. Brandonb


    Just call me quickdraw Besides, I was hoping to get the word next and I missed the tossup after the last one
  15. Roster: 1) Brandonb - voting for star_tiger 2) dawh 3) grey cells 4) IDNE- voting for IDNE 5) Impervious - voting for star_tiger 6) Kat 7) Prof. Templeton 8) SomeGuy - voting for star_tiger 9) star tiger - voting for star_tiger 10) Y-San- voting for IDNE Eh... I know what it feels like... I didn't say that it felt good.
  16. Brandonb

    LOL! I think ur technically stuck with me till the end of the day.
  17. Brandonb

    Not to be vindictive or anything (I do feel that I made the best move in my position) but IDNE, PT, you guys had that coming.
  18. Now I know how it feels to be a Wu Zeus, I have grown very very tired of running the underworld have been weighing my options for a while now. Then I realized that there was an opening created after a certain shining star took his dirt nap... Hopefully Zeus will now recognize my allegiance to him. Through my actions made in good faith I would like to submit my application to fill Apollo's old position. I know I'm a little pale, and a little grouchy and rough around the edges... but once I take a couple rides in that golden chariot, you will realize that I can have a decent tan and my moods are only a reflection of being banished to Tartarus for so long. I assure you, I can make a better sun god than Apollo ever did Seriously, Demeter is taking care of the underworld now, and with the way the economy is... there's not a huge demand for employment that seeks my particular skill set. At the same time, there aren't too many people around (at least alive anyways) that could possibly fill the god of the sun's shoes as well as I can So whadya say? Think we can work something out?
  19. Pervert? No Pimp? Yes ...and I think this is on topic. subtle back&forth ad hominem conversation that is relevant to the theme of the competition... seems pretty on topic to me
  20. Brandonb


    yeah, ur right. Sequels would be 'xxxo' and Squalls would be 'xxxoo' nvm then
  21. I meant that the Olympians didn't provoke the attack by the Heroes. Well, maybe they did. I mean, Zeus is such a wh*** and an a**. I'm kinda surprised that it took the Humans this long to retaliate
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