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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb


    mafiosos innocent lynching four-iron squished walleyed inactive
  2. Brandonb

    Well, I was thinking the same thing before I saw it. But now I have to say, that episode was damn good IMO. I'm actually kinda glad that they toned down the uber-powered people. Now things will be interesting.
  3. Christmas Tree - I just really liked this one. Masters of Logic (Dots) - Similar to the Christmas Tree in practice, but more advanced. Pandora's Box Puzzles 1 and 2 - Sorry, I know that actually makes 4 total, but the Pandora ones are kinda related
  4. Brandonb

    Excuses such as: "I'm working" - hey it's true if you are doing almost anything on BD... puzzles or games, you are most likely working at it. "Studying for the LSAT" - this was actually the original reason why I came to BD... a few of the logic games are very similar to those found on the test. "Trying to figure something out" - see "I'm working" I'll post more later when I realize that I am using them
  5. Brandonb


    Yay! I'll pass to someone else. I really need to get some work done
  6. Brandonb


    Essay was 5 letters... is that still correct?
  7. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    Honestly, neither do I Just seemed relevant when I first saw it.
  8. How about this one... ~ Didn't you hear? Obama was elected! So now I only have to work when I feel like it and I don't have to pay my bills anymore. However, someone's got to pay for them. Oops... Call waiting! Anyways, you should probably get back to work so you can pay my bills Mr. boss-man! Sorry to cut this short but I gotta answer this call. Later Sucka!
  9. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    Then check out Rome! I think it will be exactly what you are looking for! Edit: nvm Mr. quick-draw! I see that you were the 2nd person to sign up! Of course, I don't want to go on in this thread talking about a different upcoming game... so if anyone else wants to know about it feel free to PM me (btw, I'm not the host)
  10. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    yeah... I really wasn't posting much in the game thread or in the btsc. I could see why they thought I was a double-agent, and I don't blame them for it. I mean, we had the secret recruitment ability... who's to say that the agents didn't have that ability also. And of the players in our btsc, I was surely behaving the most like a double-agent would be expected to behave. No hard feelings, with the way that you (renan) were accusing me... I was starting to think that maybe you had been (nothing like secret abilities to breed paranoia and distrust )
  11. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    It was a deduction based on your actions. You never would've behaved the way you did under any circumstance I could come up with. The was no bluff involved, but I surely couldn't be 100% positive without spying you (b/c there's always those less-than optimal moves that people make that throw me off completely). Just a suggestion, but if you want them to be completely undetectable, make them auto spy-blockers. It's a better alternative than making them all come up as blanks when spied (b/c then they were still narrowed down to three). B/c if they auto block, then the spy cannot know if they had chosen one of those players, or if they were actually blocked by another role entirely. The RIDs help for balancing the game. The original intent behind them is to help prevent players from outing themselves. B/c then what happens is the game thread turns into a virtual BTSC for all players, each otuing who they are, and easily IDing who the few baddies are... thus bringing the game to an untimely and anticlimactic end. Having two or three RID killers is not a big deal so long as they are also not given the spy ability. Granting them the spy ability kinda ruins the purpose of the RID kill b/c then it just becomes an unblockable normal kill that the killer also gains the ID of the deceased, which is waaaaaaay too powerful. If I can offer a few friendly suggestions for the next game... -Make the two baddie groups even in their abilities if they are going for the same objective. Also, leave the RIDs for the baddies OR give them the ability to spy (or maybe give the RID ability to one baddie group, and the spy ability to the other group). But I do recommend having two RID killers to prevent players from outing themselves. -Also, get rid of the probability factor. It only serves to dismiss the skill involved in the game. -Don't change the rules mid-game to 'help balance.' Instead spend more time on the initial rules and roles. Run through every possible scenario... find the kinks and work them out ahead of time. And if a problem is still discovered in the game, leave it. Starting all the way back to Mafia I (and several since), you can see that there is almost always some stronger unforeseen unbalancing that takes place when snap-alterations are made mid-game to help the balance. -Give the baddies a group kill. The total effectiveness of a baddie group is effectively cut in half when the even-odd day kills are split b/w twp different players and one dies. That's all I can think of for now... but I hope it helps
  12. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    yeah... I don't remember ever reading that... must've been part of the [most of the] game that I kinda glossed over or skipped entirely...
  13. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    ...oh... I had checked and was told that the forum was being used for the first time for this game. Eh, that's what I get for trusting info that I gained outside of the game thread.
  14. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    Wow! A baddie was lynched every day and still the Agents totally pwned this game! Yeah, the rogues had a run of bad luck, but it's cool. Also, I gotta know who was it in the Agent group that had the EXACT same idea that I did? I know one of you signed up as JarZe to throw off anyone that was checking the new signups in the BTSC forum... problem is, there was no way to check out new signups... Anyways, I also tried to signup as JarZe for the exact same reason but to my surprise the screen name was already taken! ...and since this was a brand-new forum, that meant that one of the Agents must've already signed up for that username. So we tried to recruit JarZe with our secret ability so we could have a double-agent working for the agents. Then come to find out our recruitment fails, and the next day the Agents killed JarZe!!!! blah, well done agents! But I gotta know who was signed up as JarZe?
  15. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    I was wondering why my ID wasn't revealed. anyways, it is now apparent that that was not the ulterior motive I was talking about so... what was it?
  16. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    lol, I was referring to this question... but of course I was just kidding
  17. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    ahhh, gotcha Oh well... seems no one cares to know the answer to my question earlier... Time's up, guess that's going with me to the grave. (of course I was kidding anyways)
  18. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    BTW, who wants to know who Smith is?
  19. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    Well, IF I am a rogue, then odds are 2:1 I dunno why I was ghost posting already... I'm not even dead yet what did you think I meant?
  20. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    You know better than to ask ghosts to reveal info like that...
  21. Brandonb

    Matrix Thrill-ogy II

    Of course there's an ulterior motive! Now, what exactly was it...? Could it be that ghosts don't get sick?........ you wish Edit: actually... I wish
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