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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    *this is just a secondary thought, I realize that it's not the intentional answer, but it works. Unless the foliage on the trees has been sculpted into squares, then the trees could be arranged in a square, each with two sides touching and each having a corner touching the other three trees. Of course that doesn't apply to the bases of the trees. For the bases of the trees, they could be grown in square molds, and planted in the same fashion as the previous explanation. Though it's really not possible to plant trees that close together in reality without them growing together. ...you said outside the box
  2. Brandonb

    1. Staring contest - Sight Fight (Aussie Bandit) 2. A pile of busted balloons - Bubble Rubble (whitneyl06) 3. A noisy covering - Racket Jacket (duhfersure) 4. The queen's cash - Honey Money (grey cells) 5. Growling underpants - Bear Wear (NovaEgr) 6. Good day for a bird to fly - Feather Weather (octopuppy) 7. Stop someone from leaning - Decline Recline (octopuppy) 8. Stringy complexion - Lace Face (ChuckJerry) 9. Desire to collect - Rather Gather (mgwilliams) / Wish Fish (grey cells) 10. Dry your stomach - Bowel Towel (grey cells) 11. Electric transaction list - Socket Docket (Aussie Bandit) 12. Strongly cringe - Power Cower (mgwilliams) 13. Condemned weave - Doom Loom (mgwilliams) 14. Clear encouragement - Sheer Cheer (mgwilliams) 15. Rotten Time - Sour Hour (mashipps8) -I'll give aerdramaqueen 1/2 for hanker banker because banks collect on their loans. Also, I'm gonna just let the other #9 answer go and rephrase it in a later RT (#5 is already ready already ) Alright! Final Standings! -Kudos- aerdramaqueen- 0.5 whitneyl06- 1 duhfersure- 1 mashipps8- 1 ChuckJerry- 1 NovaEgr- 1 Aussie Bandit- 2 octopuppy- 2 grey cells- 3 mgwilliams- 4 Great job everyone! Get ready for RT#5! Coming Soon... -Ok, a couple updates! I have devised a new scoring system that should even the playing field. It's designed to detract from the "first one online wins" thing, while at the same time making it easy for me to keep up with. There is really no way for me to judge difficulty on these, but there are obviously different levels of difficulty, so here's the new setup... The first 9 questions answered (not 1-9 on the list but just the first 9 answered) will each be worth 1kudos each. The next 4 worth 2kudos each, and the last 2 worth 3kudos each. If there is a second acceptable answer given, it will receive the same value as the first. -I'll try this out for RT#5, but obviously if you all do not like the idea let me know and I'll will go back to the normal 1-each (or I'll be open to suggestions). HEADS UP!- Friday evening/night (eastern standard US) I will post RT#5. (p.s. no one ever caught my kept debt misspelling in RT#3! So keep an eye out! Catch a mistake and get a bonus, I'm not perfect at these by any means.)
  3. Brandonb

    -Current Standings- 1. Staring contest - Sight Fight (Aussie Bandit) 2. A pile of busted balloons - Bubble Rubble (whitneyl06) 3. A noisy covering - Racket Jacket (duhfersure) 4. The queen's cash - Honey Money (grey cells) 5. Growling underpants - Bear Wear (NovaEgr) 6. Good day for a bird to fly - Feather Weather (octopuppy) 7. Stop someone from leaning - Decline Recline (octopuppy) 8. Stringy complexion - Lace Face (ChuckJerry) 9. Desire to collect - Rather Gather (mgwilliams) / Wish Fish (grey cells) / ??????? 10. Dry your stomach - Bowel Towel (grey cells) 11. Electric transaction list - 12. Strongly cringe - Power Cower (mgwilliams) 13. Condemned weave - Doom Loom (mgwilliams) 14. Clear encouragement - Sheer Cheer (mgwilliams) 15. Rotten Time - Sour Hour (mashipps8) *Popped has relevance to the busted balloons, but mopped doesn't indicate a pile in any way. It's only an indication of wiping or sponging or cleaning. *Watch Match is good, but it doesn't rhyme *"yearning earning"... yeah I guess I should clarify that the first letter can only be changed, not removed. 1 Remaining!
  4. Brandonb

    You got #5! 11 is still open! (and another answer for #9!)
  5. Brandonb

    -Current Standings- 1. Staring contest - Sight Fight (Aussie Bandit) 2. A pile of busted balloons - Bubble Rubble (whitneyl06) 3. A noisy covering - Racket Jacket (duhfersure) 4. The queen's cash - Honey Money (grey cells) 5. Growling underpants - 6. Good day for a bird to fly - Feather Weather (octopuppy) 7. Stop someone from leaning - Decline Recline (octopuppy) 8. Stringy complexion - Lace Face (ChuckJerry) 9. Desire to collect - Rather Gather (mgwilliams) / Wish Fish (grey cells) / ??????? 10. Dry your stomach - Bowel Towel (grey cells) 11. Electric transaction list - 12. Strongly cringe - Power Cower (mgwilliams) 13. Condemned weave - Doom Loom (mgwilliams) 14. Clear encouragement - Sheer Cheer (mgwilliams) 15. Rotten Time - Sour Hour (mashipps8) Let me know if you want a rephrasing of #'s 5 & 11 Also, I wasn't paying attention for the past couple hours, so I missed a few pages of what could be acceptable answers. So post a message starting with a * along with the puzzle text and number if you think you have posted an acceptable answer. Crankin'em out! Keep it up! Only 2 remaining!
  6. Brandonb

    Wow, slow down a little! 1. Staring contest - 2. A pile of busted balloons - 3. A noisy covering - 4. The queen's cash - Honey Money (grey cells).... *Queen Bee 5. Growling underpants - 6. Good day for a bird to fly - 7. Stop someone from leaning - Decline Recline (octopuppy) 8. Stringy complexion - 9. Desire to collect - Rather Gather (mgwilliams) / Wish Fish (grey cells) / ??????? 10. Dry your stomach - Bowel Towel (grey cells) 11. Electric transaction list - 12. Strongly cringe - 13. Condemned weave - 14. Clear encouragement - 15. Rotten Time - Sour Hour (mashipps8) GC, that was quite a creative answer for #3, I'll give you the kudos for it but I'm gonna leave it open to see if anyone can get my answer. Also, there have been a couple fantastic answers for #9, but still not what I was looking for. Can anyone come up with a 3rd answer? -Still anyone's game!-
  7. Brandonb

    WHOA! Again, same rules - the answers are two words that not only rhyme, but they are the exact same spelling except for the first letter. Also, neither of the answers with share a word or root word with the given OP. 1. Staring contest - 2. A pile of busted balloons - 3. A noisy covering - 4. The queen's cash - 5. Growling underpants - 6. Good day for a bird to fly - 7. Stop someone from leaning - 8. Stringy complexion - 9. Desire to collect - 10. Dry your stomach - 11. Electric transaction list - 12. Strongly cringe - 13. Condemned weave - 14. Clear encouragement - 15. Rotten Time - Don't forget your spoilers
  8. Brandonb

    Edit: nvm, duhfersure got #10 first
  9. Brandonb

    Thank you, but these really don't take too much effort. The riddles that Itachi posts (what/who am I)... those take alot of effort to make (I tried and failed at a few ), and just as much effort to solve! I've already made the next series (RT #4), and I'm half through w/ #5. I'm just not sure when I want to post it . Maybe after dinner....
  10. Brandonb

    First let me say Thank you! The positive feedback is greatly appriciated! Secondly... OMG! Thank you for reminding me about the Ionic Tonic, I was definitely planning on including that as a satisfactory answer! I completely forgot about it when I made that final listing. So please jdmensa, include yourself in the 4-kudos ranking! ...Even if I just put up the names on the "current standings" list it would be just as easy to trace back the people who had listed them. It would be sweet to do a scoring system like you have suggested. I have a method in mind that would allow that to work, but frankly, I just don't want to put in the time!
  11. Brandonb

    Wow, that last missing clue took all of 1minute! lol 1. Withheld balance - Kept Debt (jdmensa) 2. Tooth on a rope - Hang Fang (octopuppy) 3. Less refuse - Fewer Sewer (jdmensa) 4. Increase discomfort - Gain Pain (octopuppy) / More Sore (jdmensa) 5. Reliable attraction - Sure Lure (Nikyma) 6. Not sloped, nor horizontal - Level Bevel (Nikyma) 7. Red brandy-wine - Cherry Sherry (ktwordplayer) 8. Bush on a shelf - Ledge Hedge (1kellygirl) 9. He who steals a book/magazine - Paper Caper (aerdramaqueen) 10. Salty beverage - Sea Tea (Nikyma) 11. Mallard in the rain - Duck Muck (ktwordplayer) 12. Spice decree - Sage Wage (Melis) 13. Rolling quake - Tumble Rumble (octopuppy) 14. Tool used on the Eiffel tower - French Wrench (octopuppy) 15. Weak color - Faint Paint (Nikyma) -Final Standings- (Kudos) 1kellygirl- 1 aerdramaqueen- 1 Melis- 1 ktwordplayer- 2 jdmensa- 3 octopuppy- 4 Nikyma- 4 Looks like a tie game on this one! Great job all! I guess I'll begin work on RT#4!
  12. Brandonb

    That's because I am! -OK! Current Standings- 1. Withheld balance - Kept Debt (jdmensa) 2. Tooth on a rope - Hang Fang (octopuppy) 3. Less refuse - Fewer Sewer (jdmensa) 4. Increase discomfort - Gain Pain (octopuppy) / More Sore (jdmensa) 5. Reliable attraction - Sure Lure (Nikyma) 6. Not sloped, nor horizontal - 7. Red brandy-wine - Cherry Sherry (ktwordplayer) 8. Bush on a shelf - Ledge Hedge (1kellygirl) 9. He who steals a book/magazine - Paper Caper (aerdramaqueen) 10. Salty beverage - Sea Tea (Nikyma) 11. Mallard in the rain - Duck Muck (ktwordplayer) 12. Spice decree - Sage Wage (Melis) 13. Rolling quake - Tumble Rumble (octopuppy) 14. Tool used on the Eiffel tower - French Wrench (octopuppy) 15. Weak color - Faint Paint (Nikyma) Not quite what I was looking for on #11, but it seems to fit just as well if not better. I'll rephrase mine for RT#4! Also, it was brought to my attention that wage has an obsolete def. meaning "pledge" so #12 works well with Sage Wage, though I believe there is another answer that can work just as well... or should I rephrase it in RT#4 also? Alright!!! 1 remaining! wow, there were over 2000 hits in under 24hrs... I guess I'll have to make another one!
  13. Brandonb

    No kidding, that's what makes it difficult. The multiple definitions are only going to confuse you. Btw, Good job with the thesaurus. <_< EDIT: ktwordplayer you got #7, nice one. I'll give some consideration to your #11 answer also. It's not what I was looking for but it just works so well . Hint for #11... It doesn't have to be a mallard
  14. Brandonb

    Another one done! 1. Musical Skeleton - Bone Tone (Grey Cells) 2. Faked Killing - Play Slay (duhfersure) 3. Pummeled Greenbacks - Bach Cash (duhfersure) 4. Chewy Espresso - Coffee Toffee (Kay) 5. extensive elapse - Vast Past (Nikyma) 6. tangible agreement - Real Deal (Wake Jon) 7. Angler's Prayer - Fish Wish (GC) 8. king overboard - Crown Drown (GC) 9. A girl's title - Dame Name (GC) 10. Carbonated Buck - Deer Beer (GC) 11. Wire Myth - Cable Fable (Wake Jon) 12. Bent Elbow - Joint Point (Nikyma) 13. wintergreen dust bunny - Mint Lint (Wake Jon) 14. tangled hammer - Ravel Gavel (duhfersure) 15. Stunning Light - Taser Laser (Melis) -Final Standings- (Kudos) Melis- 1 Kay- 1 Nikyma- 2 Wake Jon- 3 duhfersure- 4 (+1 for catching my sandal/candle misspelling in RT#1) Grey Cells- 5 Everyone else, give RT#3 a shot Great job everyone!
  15. Brandonb

    -Current Standings- 1. Withheld balance - Kept Debt (jdmensa) 2. Tooth on a rope - Hang Fang (octopuppy) 3. Less refuse - Fewer Sewer (jdmensa) 4. Increase discomfort - Gain Pain (octopuppy) / More Sore (jdmensa) 5. Reliable attraction - 6. Not sloped, nor horizontal - 7. Red brandy-wine - 8. Bush on a shelf - Ledge Hedge (1kellygirl) 9. He who steals a book/magazine - 10. Salty beverage - Sea Tea (Nikyma) 11. Mallard in the rain - 12. Spice decree - 13. Rolling quake - Tumble Rumble (octopuppy) 14. Tool used on the Eiffel tower - French Wrench (octopuppy) 15. Weak color - Faint Paint (Nikyma) 6 Remaining! Salt Malt was a good answer, and though I did not mention it in the initial rules, the OP will not share a word with the answer. -Also, I thought I had changed #9 before I posted... guess not. Change think of it as "He who steals a magazine" Great job so far! Don't forget that RhymeTime#2 still has an answer missing!
  16. Brandonb

    Again, same rules - the answers are two words that not only rhyme, but they are the exact same spelling except for the first letter. 1. Withheld balance - 2. Tooth on a rope - 3. Less refuse - 4. Increase discomfort - 5. Reliable attraction - 6. Not sloped, nor horizontal - 7. Red brandy-wine - 8. Bush on a shelf - 9. He who steals a book - 10. Salty beverage - 11. Mallard in the rain - 12. Spice decree - 13. Rolling quake - 14. Tool used on the Eiffel tower - 15. Weak color -
  17. Edit: Yeah, it's gotta be a record! 530 when I posted this!
  18. Brandonb

    You got #5, and I love this answer but it's still not it
  19. Brandonb

    1. Musical Skeleton - Bone Tone (Grey Cells) 2. Faked Killing - Play Slay (duhfersure) 3. Pummeled Greenbacks - Bach Cash (duhfersure) 4. Chewy Espresso - Coffee Toffee (Kay) 5. extensive elapse - 6. tangible agreement - Real Deal (Wake Jon) 7. Angler's Prayer - Fish Wish (GC) 8. king overboard - Crown Drown (GC) 9. A girl's title - Dame Name (GC) 10. Carbonated Buck - Deer Beer (GC) 11. Wire Myth - Cable Fable (Wake Jon) 12. Bent Elbow - Joint Point (Nikyma) 13. wintergreen dust bunny - Mint Lint (Wake Jon) 14. tangled hammer - Ravel Gavel (duhfersure) 15. Stunning Light - 5&15 are still open! I don't think there's a need to rephrase #15 again.
  20. Brandonb

    Wow, that really didn't last long. 1. Musical Skeleton - Bone Tone (Grey Cells) 2. Faked Killing - Play Slay (duhfersure) 3. Pummeled Greenbacks - Bach Cash (duhfersure) 4. Chewy Espresso - Coffee Toffee (Kay) 5. extensive elapse - ...Plenty of satisfactory/fitting answers for this one, I'll rephrase it. 6. tangible agreement - Real Deal (Wake Jon) 7. Angler's Prayer - Fish Wish (GC) 8. king overboard - Crown Drown (GC) 9. A girl's title - Dame Name (GC) 10. Carbonated Buck - Deer Beer (GC) 11. Wire Myth - Cable Fable (Wake Jon) 12. Bent Elbow - 13. wintergreen dust bunny - Mint Lint (Wake Jon) 14. tangled hammer - Ravel Gavel (duhfersure) 15. Stunning Light - ...Plenty of satisfactory/fitting answers for this one, I'll rephrase it. Still not what I was looking for on 5, 12, &15. Here they are clarified or rephrased if you need them
  21. Brandonb

    Alright, same rules as last time - the answers are two words that not only rhyme, but they are the exact same spelling except for the first letter. This list should not last long.... 1. Musical Skeleton - 2. Faked Killing - 3. Pummeled Greenbacks - 4. Chewy Espresso - 5. extensive elapse - 6. tangible agreement - 7. Angler's Prayer - 8. king overboard - 9. A girl's title - 10. Carbonated Buck - 11. Wire Myth - 12. Bent Elbow - 13. wintergreen dust bunny - 14. tangled hammer - 15. Stunning Light -
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