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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    omg lol who cares about ratings? i guess you...
  2. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    neither do yetis coincidence?
  3. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    this is why i suggested you lose the Spy ability entirely. then we let another person join (the first of the backups) and we give you and the new person 2 new test roles, 1 good and 1 bad.
  4. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    would you like to see some itachi-vs-CL? you're not exactly above suspicion
  5. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    I'll continue if that's what everyone wants. I love how CL said I was the only one who wanted to end this when it wasn't even my idea, it was PGs, but w/e
  6. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    i want you to play and i'm pretty sure no one ever mentioned that you shouldn't. play unreality!
  7. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    well you can't just say that and not explain <_<
  8. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    thanks ur. I'd like to say that I like and respect both you and Frost very much, I just think the picking of a character was weak and that you should have thought of the repercussions of coming out as that character (keeping in mind that you got to choose it) Mafia is fun, let's just restart
  9. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    thanks jerk. i always put an "edit:" notation when i make an edit. you have once again proved to be a jerk and I'm actually offended by this. you're questioning my character as a person basically.
  10. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    this is weak unreality and Frost. and what does 'after we finalized the roles' mean?
  11. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    actually i second that. good idea PG. let's just scrap it, let Frost enjoy his vacation, and start it when he gets back.
  12. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    I very much want to hear unreality's response to this exact bit of my post. What he did was actually way worse because he chose his role and the Spy is more powerful. and all that after condemning KOP (which I agreed with, but he was at least following the rules) In order to make the game fair again I have a suggestion: eliminate the Spy character. Then bring in a backup player. Give new roles to both unreality and the new person (one being good and one being bad) - this is the only way I can see to make this game fair again, because this game has obviously been extremely biased since the very beginning! does anyone else have any suggestions about how to make the game fair now?
  13. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    not only that, but I've been thinking about this now and I'm a bit peeved. So unreality picks Spy (that's pretty much given now). Then comes out with it instantly. This is the exact thing he complained about in Mafia 3 when KOP took advantage of the Inspector role and came out with it instantly and got full protection and the baddies got routed (i was one of them so i remember well). I can't believe you did this unreality. The game is basically already decided... Sure I'm on the winning side, but now it's lost A LOT of fun (for me at least). unreality is an invincible Spy and the baddies are all screwed to sum up the current situation. Sure a few Innocents will probably die from now till the end, but the chances of the Baddies winning is now practically zero... I'm really really not into this right now.
  14. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    this is one of the things I picked up on that I didn't want the baddies to know, but now it's ok because the posts are in.
  15. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    right, but what if the mafia kills the GR tonight? and the QAs get the Yeti?
  16. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    i have to agree, i really didn't get that he chose his role, which I'm not exactly happy with btw. Just because he hosted the other games shouldn't mean he gets special privileges now, in my opinion. I thought the point of unreality joining the game was that he could be a regular player. I'm not a fan of this.
  17. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    the rules say the Yeti cannot be found on odd nights. this is an even night...
  18. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    i thought you were the Yeti actually... meaning the QA's could possibly win tonight if things played out a certain way.
  19. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    alright, good answers. it looks like you see where I'm coming from though. i'm actually really just suspicious of Bb, but he is gone and can't defend himself. but yeah, I definitely want you to Spy on anyone who is NOT Bb I'll point my crossshairs at someone else for a while =) on another issue: I'm a little confused: you got to pick your role (i thought that was a joke) and write the intro? i don't get how that's fair at all. maybe i missed this discussion. please enlighten me.
  20. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    ah true, that would have been during the day. w/e the point stands that rene outed herself basically. If the other Mafiosos saw the need to make themselves look innocent, then I'd assume she wouldn't give them up.
  21. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    but rene kind of dug her own grave with her comments so the Mafia may not have had a choice but to turn on her. this could have been settled with friendly pms. Frost also mentions ur could have joined a bad group...
  22. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    me too and the spreadsheet also struck me as propaganda. Good call mentioning that.
  23. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    here's my overall uneasiness then: It's you who are going to supposedly say Bb is Innocent tomorrow... that doesn't work for me. also, 1) I don't agree that Bb made a good enough excuse for going after 2D. And I think you bought it way to easily. 2) sure rene was a baddie, that doesn't mean Bb wasn't. 3) I'm not going to ask or expect the Shaman to die in order to prove your Innocence or Guilt and you know that's not going to happen anyway. It's like the whole "i'm innocent" claim now. It basically means nothing. 4) if you're Mafia then you need to kill 2D. I noticed that you and Bb talk a lot about getting protection, but neither ever mentions 2D. if the Mafia is going to win they have to kill him sooner or later. In my opinion 2D deserves it waaay more than Bb at least. And you saying Bb is an Innocent tomorrow does not make you the Spy either. So you two are being extremely slippery. 5) Bb bought you being the Spy instantly, claiming that he would have picked that role. I wouldn't have picked that role personally, but Bb is deadset that you would have. Why? Sure you're talking to Frost in the Intro, but he added the disclaimer that you could have joined a bad faction. I admit it's a long shot, but you 2 are smart and gamblers in this game. you 2 haven't eluded my crosshairs at all and you've both said a lot so far. unfortunately Mafia is a game of Guilty until proven Innocent. My apologies if I'm wrong, but I can just see you 2 running this town in a couple of days. edit: typo also, #3 is implying the Shaman uses their other power tonight (hopefully)
  24. yes. gj! and yes, it is missing throughout the quote.
  25. Well done Ben Law on lvl x. To answer the question about lvl x: it doesn't necessarily mean the most difficult, it means that the quote is lacking proper english and or is nonsense in terms of regular speech. GJ prof on #1. I purposely took out the initial "Hello." because that would have made it too easy, but the strange name in the middle makes it much harder. Of course if you saw that movie, you wouldn't think that name was strange you would think it's AMAZING! (at least I do ) well done everyone! awaiting 3, 4, and 5. (5 is a doozy)
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