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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    w/e this game was tainted/fixed from the get-go and i played along just to make everyone happy. i'll gladly join PG in the sign-up thread. i don't consider this to be an Innocent win. It was an Innocent FIX -itachi being serious and disappointed once again in mafia
  2. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    i'm dead anyway. and no one believes me when i speak. i'm done now
  3. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    sigh. i guess my anonymity lasted a little while at least. i am the Janitor.
  4. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    wow you constantly ignoring me is getting annoying eventhough you are innocent. i believe you are ninja and dusty is defender.
  5. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    i agree with these choices y-san. i think i was wrong about Bb now. sorry Bb and unreality, but your constant agreement was very suspicious, i hope you both realize. y-san please let me know if you are seriously going to try and kill me and i will hopefully convince you not to. but ask only if you are seriously going to kill me please. i already have at least one enemy at it is.
  6. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    i've stood up for her a lot too if people remember. i was one of, if not the only one, to say she needed protection for a while. i've known she was the yeti or ninja since the 'loud noises' clue. so, yeah, she is the ninja. i am almost certain PG is bluffing though. the only time my confirmation of y-san fluctuated was when she neatly fell into my QA trap. but i dismissed that accusation much faster than anyone else i've gone after. slick sounds completely baddie btw. and yes, the ninja and yeti don't need much protective role help, but at that time i was only sure of her and twoaday and i wanted unreality protected in case he was the spy. edit: oh and PG is bluffing, i just know it. like y-san said though, it looks like it's too late. not enough people will log on to change the vote. also, the bold part is edited for clarification
  7. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    now this is interesting...
  8. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    you don't know that PG is the other ML if indeed you are one, which i may believe. i actually believe PG's claim to be false, but now i think we need to think harder here because i think i know your role...
  9. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    i agree, but would like to add that 2aday needs protection. 1 of them should protect themselves and the other should protect 2aday IMO
  10. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    lol why would i take it personally? like unreality said to me when i was coming down hard on him: it's good for you to think of every possible clue and scenario (not his exact words). your theory makes sense except for the fact that unreality only started distrusting me recently. if he was all over me earlier in the game i would have offered to be spied upon. his spyings have all proven to be very successful though, so i'm glad that didn't happen for the innocents sake. for my sake though, it would be nice if he did and people trusted me now, but w/e, that's Mafia. as for dnae, i don't get you're move here. there's no hope of you getting PG off the lynch without implicating yourself. also, if PG turns out to be GR or QA then I'm confused about you, but you may still move right to #1 suspicious on my list. edit: oh and there is a slight problem no one has yet mentioned with killing PG at night. we won't immediately learn her ID.
  11. itachi-san

    apparently I am well, at least i get to quote him in Frost's stories Action - Predator or Lone Wolf and Cub or The Dark Knight actually Thriller - Se7en or Sin City Comedy - Dumb and Dumber or Superbad or Big Lebowski Horror - Exorcist Romance - Unfaithful - very steamy Sci-fi - 2001 Family - Alice in Wonderland True Story - Fear and Loathing (i believe it to be true at least ) Adventure - Princess Bride Drama - English Patient or Green Mile Anime - Samurai X - just had to add an anime category Musical - Across the Universe or Wizard of Oz Foreign - Crouching Tiger or Pan's Labyrinth
  12. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    Host: Frost 1) Unreality - voting for Puzzlegirl 2) Brandonb - voting for Puzzlegirl 3) Frozen - voting for Puzzlegirl 4) Slick - voting for Puzzlegirl 5) TwoaDay - voting for Puzzlegirl 6) Yoruichi-san - 7) Taliesin - 8) Itachi - voting for Puzzlegirl 9) CrazyPainter - voting for Puzzlegirl 10) Cherry Lane - voting for Puzzlegirl 11) Dnae - voting for Puzzlegirl 12) Nayana - 13) Dawh - voting for Puzzlegirl 14) pw0nzd - voting for free brownies 15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 16) Dusty - 17) Puzzlegirl - 18) Tolecnal - Puzzlegirl 19) Rene83 - DEAD [Mafia] 20) Sinistral - voting for Puzzlegirl only sure one is PG, plus this looks like no contest anyway. i would have liked to see the ninja take her out, but since we have nothing concrete it has to be PG now for the lynch. also, yes Bb, i see no reason why she couldn't be the GR.
  13. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    is this a hint for your fellow QA?
  14. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    lol and dnae (not sure yet)
  15. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    wow! ok then edit: wait is this foolproof?
  16. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    umm wow unreality. there are a lot of leaps and gambles there which i admit i do like to make in this game, but this would have been a big stretch and completely reliant on the Shaman. also, i had hardly any suspicion prior to that night. Of course I can't perfectly defend what you are implicating so maybe 2D can lie detect me the next chance he gets so that i can finally be cleared for good. being a suspect sucks. For convenience of not looking through 1,000 pages, i'll say again: i am an innocent role. now, why didn't you take that assertion a step further? how about cp, Bb or whoever is the Mafia set that up for you to think that about me and frame me as a one of them? now that i'm thinking along these lines that's what i would have done assuming one of the more experienced innocent players would have picked up on what you just said and then if the Shaman didn't act they get to kill an innocent anyway so it's really a two-fer for the Mafia. or maybe i should say win-win. I am leaning towards GC having been a QA and I agree with the clues about him not liking the cold (that all fits). i still think PG should be taken out by the ninja and that we should try to get another baddie this lynch. any suggestions/clues aside from or adding to cp as being highest suspect right now? if we can't decide on someone else then we have to lynch PG. i also think the masked lovers thing is a bluff.
  17. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    and that would be ...a miracle edit: oh, and don't forget about the Yeti and the Illusionist preventing the GR from getting him.
  18. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    oh sorry, i didn't know that was definite. i feel bad now... sorry unreality, that sucks but if it makes any amends, i've been racking my brain over how to keep you in the game
  19. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    also, i clearly got under the mafia's skin with some comments (or they just don't like me ) the only people i have really been after were unreality, Bb, y-san and ....cp (cp is #1 on my suspicion list right now) I think we should trust the ninja to kill PG over night. I'll wait for some other opinions though. -- about unreality: what is the definitive status of your position now? are you diminished or the same power? also, i advise everyone to take a step back and think like a mafioso (i don't have much love for them, but right now I'm more interested in game fairness than revenge). In order for them to win, unreality must die at some point (and that is not going to happen unless by miracle). The other baddies would like that too, but it's not as necessary for them as it is for the Mafia. This is why i suggested that all baddies should have the spy-wipeout option, but there is no check to that because we all know unreality is the Spy so there needs to be a balance that could hurt the baddies. This is where all the problems arise. I can't think of how to make that fair, but there must be a way for unreality to die to have any fairness at all in this game. can people please address this issue instead of ignoring it like usual? any comments about it should be taken as out-of-game comments.
  20. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    ok, this all makes no sense, especially from you Bb. the invincible Spy is a powerhouse and if you don't see it then there are only 3 options: 1) you are setting a trap for people to disagree with you 2) you are a baddie and trying to look as innocent as possible 3) you actually don't get it. so I'll explain it to you and/or others: the Spy (spying everyday) is more powerful than the Detective. The Spy can spy on whoever they want! the Inspector could be pmd the id of a dead person. sure, that does help, but it is far less important than a living identity and innocence is almost as important as baddie ID. Also, now everyone knows unreality is the Spy -and partly due to out of game discussion. He will get automatic protection each night making him invincible. I don't see how the baddies can possibly win if this continues, especially if there are 3 or even 4 saving roles left... lastly, this was all based on a breaking of game rules of random selection. so, here's what I'm thinking: 1)if unreality's role isn't changed then I will not play because I think that was weak, breaking a rule, and giving the Innocents a huge advantage. IMO the game would be pointless and too unfair to continue. 2)IMO the innocents who think unreality should stay the same are only thinking of winning and not of fairness 3)IMO the baddies don't want to agree with me for fear they will get outed (reasonable, but I bet they do agree) 4)I propose unreality gets to Spy every other day (whether he skips today or not is up to Frost[as is everything, this is just my opinion]) not only that, but i think there should be a rule added: special Spy wipeout for Mafia, GR and QAs working together or the last QA. I'm not interested in playing an unfair game. and since you are it only makes you more suspicious in my book. i'm leaning towards you being bad and trying to look good. edit: i just saw your post unreality. sorry about coming down on you and this is not personal at all.
  21. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    jeez you really have it in for me. I am NOT a QA or the GR. Lie Detect that all you want if need be when 2D has a chance. Though I already said that I'm innocent. Whatever. I pwnd. goodnight.
  22. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    that was awesome Frost! That was my favorite night post ever i think. I can't believe i got to say "why so serious?" i'm so happy about that that I am going to go to bed and not even think about strategy for a while!!! now i really want to keep playing this (especially since i lived through the night!). we can just keep it going for fun. it's a game after all - yes I was very heated, but i'm a very competitive person, like my character who was so sweetly bad@ss and i always stick up for fairness. and against that rotten mafioso! i vote for unreality to keep playing, maybe not as the spy though, but if everyone agrees to just diminish his power that's fine with me.
  23. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    i would like to see unreality stay, but I more so feel like this is a decision Frost needs to make.
  24. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    this is what playing Mafia does to people
  25. itachi-san

    Mythological Mafia

    way to keep saying things that don't mean anything. how very slickster of you. hiding in the shadows making random comments about PG. i see how it is
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