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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. and when we die, we won't care that there was no meaning I'm reminded of one of my favorite anime character's quotes: "True Art is not eternal beauty, True Art is beauty that blossoms for only a moment and then disappears." - not an exact quote, but it's the gist of what Deidara says in Naruto.
  2. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    This is not correct and makes me suspicious of you. If (Big IF) Ben was the Doctor and did as I asked, CL would have died, but right now, Ben could be using that as a defense. He could be saying: "look, I saved rene, it's just that no one tried to kill her so my action was not mentioned." The way things stand now, IF Ben is the Doctor he still has left himself completely defenseless. The real Doctor knows the score here and is trying to tell us something... that Ben is lying. And I'm assuming you're waiting to vote because right now only your fellow Mafioso is on the chopping block and you voting for someone else right now would look too suspicious. 2 Mafiosos down in my book.
  3. wow, this video is hysterical and exactly how I see it. Luckily I haven't gotten any of those txts... too spooky. "Hell is crazy! Be good from now on!" - Hitler There is proof that God exists though. When Salma Hayek was flat chested, she dipped her hands in holy water and prayed to God for perfect breasts... need I say more? Let's see... on a more serious note. I have been thinking about my atheism lately in a very downward spiralish way. Not that I am going to believe in God ever, just that atheism kind of sucks and here is why. No matter if I live the greatest life or the worst life, when I die I'm nothing and so is the person whose life was Great or Awful. This essentially means that our generation, whether good, bad, poor, beautiful, prosperous, etc... doesn't amount to anything except a fleeting mix of sensations. Well now wait a second, we leave behind our collective unconscious. We leave our experience and our deeds to the next generation so they can hopefully prosper from what we've done. So that's a reason to lead a good life, but... they will die just like we did and so on and so on. When a flower dies, no one questions where it's "being" goes. I don't know too many adults who believe in Doggie Heaven, so why should humans be different? We are animals too. Just another species. I believe that when we die, that's it. Game over. It's very disheartening though to believe that life is utterly so pointless. So maybe there is a generative reason to do good and propel our intelligence... science and space travel. Once we can access and integrate with the other species in our Galaxy and then maybe even the whole universe we will find the meaning to life and perhaps immortality. For what reasons? Who knows... we haven't gotten there yet. But I think that is the only goal we should focus on in respect to our species' distant future. This goal can be attained faster by making our species more intelligent at an accelerating rate and investing time and resources into space travel and exploration, not war and useless other money-machines. Our species needs to unite under one obligation and destination: space. That is where our answers lie, not in any books written by ourselves.
  4. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    Host: Brandonb & Y-san 1) Dawh 2) itachi - voting for Ben Law 3) Nayana 4) Cherry Lane 5) GC - DEAD [?] (Killed by Ninja) 6) Joe's Student - DEAD [?] (Killed by GrimR) 7) Ben Law - voting for itachi 8) Crazypainter 9) rene83 10) FIF 11) Kat - DEAD [Mayor] (Killed by Mafia) 12) Frost - voting for Ben Law No doubt, Ben Law is bad. Can anyone specify a reason to go after me other than me being suspicious of Ben Law who is highly suspicious? -I didn't think so. This case is open and shut. Doctor, very well played! Question: if the Grim Reaper was killed last night, would their action on Joe's Student still have taken place? If so, it's possible GC was GR, but I think he was Mafia. Edit: typo and adding: the Doctor did exactly the right move and exactly what I asked (as Frost mentioned) to demonstrate that Ben Law is indeed not the Doctor.
  5. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    What are these attacks about? If you weren't being defensive about being bad you would see that everyone thinks you're suspicious and there are many reasons. You have not posted or acted like the Doctor character at all and claiming to be the Doctor is the easiest claim for a baddie to make right now. As far as I'm concerned you're still prime #1 suspect. You have also yet to make total sense in any post. And since you're unsuccessfully trying to make me look bad for no reason other than me being suspicious of you, that only makes you look more devious, especially to me. Also, I don't think I got an answer. Can the police officer use their power more than once?
  6. itachi-san

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    Chuck Norris can wear gloves over mittens Chuck Norris catches colds... and roundhouse kicks them into testosterone Chuck Norris raises the best plants in the world, not because he talks to them, but because he threatens them and makes examples out of the weak ones. When Chuck Norris opened the Arc of the Covenant, all the spirits' faces melted and he filled it with cans of Budweiser and went to the beach. Chuck Norris once scaled the Empire State Building. When the helicopters started firing at him he simply threw King Kong at them and they backed off Lately, Chuck Norris has been swimming laps in the Gulf of Mexico When you're on fire, you stop, drop, and roll. When you're on Chuck Norris, you stop, drop, and die. When Chuck Norris wants popcorn, he breathes on Nebraska. Chuck Norris was born in a log cabin that he built with his bare hands. Chuck Norris has never had a surprise birthday party, because he assumes every room he walks into is an ambush. Chuck Norris can kick start anything. Chuck Norris can hold Puff Daddy down... forever Chuck Norris can strike a match on a bar of soap and then light an empty parking lot on fire. Chuck Norris' smile once brought a puppy back to life. Chuck Norris speaks in all caps. Chuck Norris floats like a butterfly and stings like a tomahawk missile. At mach 3. In the face. Chuck Norris can dribble a football Chuck Norris’ IQ can be expressed simply as a sideways eight Chuck Norris is a stunt double for Optimus Prime. Chuck Norris was once asked to repeat himself. This is the only known incident of him roundhouse kicking someone twice. Of course the man was dead before the first one even hit. Chuck Norris can give a round of applause with one hand.
  7. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    ah i c. also, can the policewoman do this every lynch or just the once?
  8. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    haha. work that crazy witch doctor over please. ok, can someone please clarify this: the point of saving Ben was that if there is no Doctor activity tonight then we can almost assume he is the Doctor. Which I may do. But is that the only reason? And what if he doesn't answer the riddle correctly? edit: ok i get it somewhat. if he's wrong he stays in jail and then we'll know. so Ben, if you get out of jail, save either yourself or rene tonight and I will believe you. If the Doctor is someone else and Ben is free tonight save someone else.
  9. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    Yeah, anyone attacking you is highly suspect in my book because there's no reason. Frost is on now, so hopefully he can still play.
  10. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    As much as I don't trust Ben, well more so, I don't think inactivity is cool at all. This is nothing personal, but maybe we should lynch Frost or Joe's Student for not participating. They still have time to get on and say/do something, but if they don't I change my vote to the one who doesn't vote. What does everyone else think about that? Frost admitted he may be inactive, it's really not personal, just to keep the momentum going.
  11. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    why would the probability of mafia be more? again you say unnecessary things that come off as odd. if you are the Doctor, then why did you make such a rash vote? i think i have a pretty good handle on who rene is and you went for her quickly and following someone's lead. also, the doctor is supposed to talk, but not incriminate themselves on the very first day. If you are the Doctor, then sorry, but i'm not going to believe it until i see it.
  12. itachi-san

    come on pg, this is way harsh. ur never implied any of this stuff. and you're both cyber-smug
  13. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    The Doctor is the easiest role to impersonate right now because the real one won't defend themselves and rightly so. no one is falling for this... you know you're going down and want to help the surviving Mafia by outing the Doctor. Nice try.
  14. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    1) Dawh - voting for Ben Law 2) itachi - voting for Ben Law 3) Nayana - voting for Dawh 4) Cherry Lane - voting for Ben Law 5) GC 6) Joe's Student 7) Ben Law -voting for rene83 8) Crazypainter -voting for rene83 9) rene83-voting for Ben Law 10) FIF 11) Kat - DEAD [Mayor] (Killed by Mafia) 12) Frost Ben, you have made no sense at all and are way too defensive. I see the gallows in your near future. edit: Ben Law's vote was incorrect
  15. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    yeah, you're a "confirmed" innocent Ben... if you think that someone has a lie detector then you haven't read the innocent roles, which is another checkmark against you.
  16. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    and the point of that is....? ok everyone, until further notice Ben, GC, Nayana and rene are the baddies
  17. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    not good enough Ben. i only just logged on for the first time today less than an hour ago.
  18. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    thus meaning joe's student is probably innocent because he doesn't know the rules for baddies
  19. itachi-san

    I actually really like her too. I can tell she's no liar, that she actually does do things that are right in my mind, and that she won't give in to corruption. I doubt McCain or Biden would either, but their personal views are way off from what I want to hear. I'm sure McCain and Biden are really great guys (not sure about Obama) but I don't like any of them for President. Senators are basically useless. The congress actually isn't a do-nothing congress. they do a lot and it all hurts us based on their own political gain. I feel like only Mayors and Governors should have a shot at being President. The only good thing about voting for McCain is that he probably won't run for a second term due to his age, which means Sarah Palin would run and I would very much like her to be President right now. If the Republican ticket was switched, then I'd be psyched. I know there are more than 2 parties, but the others almost literally get no attention. and since they will especially get no attention this election i feel like voting for them right now would just be a waste. then again, i have felt that way before and the trend just continues, and they will never get their 5% to become legitimate. Even though I support a qualifier for candidates to be taken seriously, I find it outrageous that our Presidential debate is only between 2 people. As much as I want to vote for a third party, I may have to vote for the (evil EVIL) which is why, once again, i'm not happy about voting. lol, yeah, she is pretty hot. she'd definitely be a teacher i would hit on
  20. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    a few things: cp's vote for me was clearly bait. i haven't even said anything yet. i think the mayor's death was perfect for the mafia; that's who i would have killed. if you want to go by probabilities, i haven't been good since Mafia 2... so there's a very high chance that I'm innocent everyone playing is shrewd, there's no need to single me out, and since the mafia has no sure bet the first night, the mayor was obvious. people say that the mayor wasn't a threat. but she was. every innocent is. and as time went on the more difficult to take out the mayor becomes. maybe the mayor should be invincible the first night if there's another one? i feel like GC and rene are acting very suspicious notice rene's double post (usually made by someone in a rush or panic). GC is clearly pointing the finger at me for no reason. thanks for the accolades, but no thanks. that's a typical mafia thing to do (i should know). the last game i played in, i tried to take Bb down by praising how smart he is (which he is) but still that was my strategy. also, why are there already 2 votes against Dawh? both or you are suspicious (Nayana and Ben Law) as well.
  21. itachi-san

    This is a pretty good debate. I guess I'll add my 2 cents. I think world peace is completely achievable, just not any time soon. The first thing that has to go is organized religion (or if it somehow melds into one religion which probably won't happen). The second thing that has to go is territoriality which would maybe happen if the UN (or an organization that takes over for it) becomes functional, honest, respectful and essentially perfect in terms of territorial lines and regulations for each nation and standing up for those regulations. The final thing to go needs to be all the bigotry which would require a lot of cross-cultural sex so that our species becomes very ordinary with little physical difference across the globe. Sure it's less fun to look at, but that won't be for a very long time and is pretty inevitable anyway. On the subject of Iraq, I think it was a huge mistake. The world backed us when we hit Afghanistan because it made sense after 9-11, but then we lost all support and defied the UN and the world and our nation's code of never preempting war by attacking Iraq. Now that all this has happened and the past can't be undone, I say we need to stay and fix the problem as best we can. The only way to "win" there is for the Iraqi people to take control for themselves which was the key component of the Surge benchmarks and has still not happened - not really the success they claim it to be. The only way for a war to be fought against Terrorist sects abroad is for the democratic world to unite and take them out, not the vigilante US. This again points to the ineffectiveness of the UN and the audacity of the US. As for the US, we will not be a peaceful, righteous, constitutional nation until we disassemble the 2 party system we have. I see Obama and McCain as both highly flawed leaders and am once again not excited to vote for President. In fact, I've never been excited to vote for President because the Presidency really isn't the problem, it's the 2 party system and the corruption and personal investments made by almost all our politicians. I believe we should have at least a 4 maybe 6 party system and that our states need to have much more control over their laws. Less govt. more freedom more peace. Speaking to the OP of the Topic specifically: I'd like you to define "war" more specifically because I believe that war with troops and human causalities, like Y-san said, is definitely declining and will be fazed out entirely at some point, maybe even this century. But war can mean anything. There are wars going on inside our bodies right now between cells and viruses, so it can be a very broad word.
  22. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    OK, I'll start. I think Brandon is a baddie and here is a list of reasons why: 1) he's being too suspicious about the Mayor's role 2) .... aw I can't do this in this game... just when I started building a case against him too...
  23. itachi-san

    Speed Mafia

    Do you all realize how ironic these posts about not posting are? And yes I know mine falls into the same category, but I just couldn't resist. Please no more posts about how great it would be if we didn't post unnecessarily.
  24. itachi-san

    My #1 biggest turn off, and I've actually dumped a girl for this, is bad hygiene. I can't deal with it. I think that's the only thing. Cigarettes are pretty bad too, especially if smoked inside. I've always been pretty turned off to girls who smoke all the time which really just factors into hygiene anyway. That's really it though. For me, it's all about the individual. But yeah, bad hygiene, I don't even want to keep thinking about it.
  25. itachi-san

    I was going to defend myself and guys in general, but now that I've been thinking about my past, I won't it's pretty clear that you're biased toward women though and haven't made mention that there are plenty of girls who are only thinking about a guy's lower brain as well.. and his butt... and my *ahem* his chest. I drove a p.o.s. chevy from 00-06
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