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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. A well-respected United States Senator was shot dead despite the presence of the Secret Service. Not only that, but there was absolutely no clue to be found about the killer! So they wrangled up the 5 usual suspects, one of which was surely the perpetrator. Their names are: Brian Furgussen, Ernie Rapaport, Rick Carlille, Paul Nottingham and Nestor Rodriguez. But all the inspectors were clueless ...until the Senator's daughter received a cryptic letter in the mail. It read: My Beloved Daughter, If you have received this then I surely am dead. All I can ask is that you carry on with your life ...but first, I'd like you to get some vengeance for your dearest Daddy. There's some clearance you'll need to gain first. (18.2, 21.2, 14.1, 34.3, 31.1, 44.2, 18.1, 33.2, 34.3) ~I'm sure you'll know where to find it. Once you've found it, you'll need this: (23-21, 21-20, 17-16, 36-35) ~entering this code will change the fingerprint recognition on my master library door to match yours. Just add those 4 numbers up when you enter my library. There are 29 bookcases. Go to the corresponding bookcase. There you will find one of my favorite books (Just be sure to use the first step when deciphering this next one. It differs somewhat): (5.2, 32.2, 22.1, 45.2, 14.3, 7.3, 37.1, 41.1, 36.3) ~we both loved this one, just not the middle of the title (we'd always just gloss over it) Once you pull the book down, note when it was published. Add to that date, the sum of the code you used in the second step (+2 for good luck ). Then just decipher: JGI XCLFDCT EQFDV GDR JGI RDFI LVLJLDHR DR JGI NLHHIC ~and you'll surely know who to arrest! ~sorry I couldn't be clearer honey, but I know how much you love your puzzles Thanks Sweetheart, Your Loving Dad The Agents read the letter over and over and questioned the girl many times about the clues and what she could possibly know. "Where would your father have hidden something? Think of hiding spots that would have passwords or locks" "Well they could be anywhere! I don't know for sure, and I'm not really sure why he thought I would... don't you guys do your jobs? They could be on a hard drive, in his cell phone, at his safe house... he also has a giant safe and a hidden box that's behind a painting of love birds... hmm, maybe at the bank vault? I just don't know..." "Well, what about the second part?" "It's kind of tough when I don't know the first! ...sigh... at least I can decipher the cryptogram, but it's basically useless without the rest... Why couldn't he just have wrote the guy's name?" So ...whodunit? Edit: I changed a word in the dialogue that has nothing to do with the puzzle. It was something I was originally going to do and then dropped it as I wrote the post. It doesn't impact anything: it was "hidden the documents" and now it's "hidden something"
  2. itachi-san

    I really liked this Jenny! so please take this as constructive criticism You seem to want some, so here it is This poem is very nicely done (before my input) btw and fast too. I like to write/sketch spur of the moment as well. Oh, and cheer up! :) :) :)
  3. itachi-san

    Yes. I suggest you all heed the warnings and not continue this thread.
  4. itachi-san

    exactly. Peter got his power back. This was actually what I wanted from the eclipse. I thought everyone was getting too powerful (Peter, Sylar and Mr. Petrelli). So now Peter has to start over, Mr. Petrelli is dead (though it's hard to believe), and Sylar??? but the whole horror movie bit at the Co. building was hella lame IMO So, now all we need is to have Hiro get his powers back some how... and what's Mohinder's power now that he's healthy? And about the speed-going back in time~how does that work for them going back to the future? haha, yeah, I did a double take on that one. At least it's still cute, unlike Kat's other bizarro-avatar
  5. Just a fun FYI: this week on the show Prison Break, they used Y-San's Periodic Table code! It was sweet knowing the answer before they revealed it, thx
  6. itachi-san

    always Ah yes, I should have worded that better. The quest would not be the meaning, it's just what it is, a quest, and possibly a wild goose chase at that. Once we find the meaning of life (assuming we do), then we'll know it. Perhaps it's to eat as many M&Ms as possible But until we do find it, I'm sticking with my answer (live, reproduce, die) which is 'essentially pointless'. fine... AM I NOT MERCIFUL!?!?!?!
  7. Honestly, I was thinking this exact thing probably around the time you posted this... weeeiiiirrddd... I think you sent out some sort of telepathic signal that I unknowingly received. This is like a Twilight Zone moment. Yeah me too. I do my work on my laptop and therefore am almost constantly on my computer (it's at least always at arm's reach), and of course BD is one of the first spots I go to when my thoughts start straying. I've never even told anyone about it though. I like having a sanctuary that no one knows about. Everyone just assumes I'm working when I'm on my laptop... how silly Also, I think if my friends knew how obsessed I was with this site, they would start getting on my case about it. I'm a total addict
  8. So, Christmas is approaching and it's always been one of my favorite holidays. When I was in elementary school, like 80's-90's, there was never any question about the greeting. Everyone said: "Merry Christmas" and that was that. Now there seems to be a movement happening (at least in the US) to put an end to this tradition. As you may have read, I am an atheist, so the religious portion of Christmas really isn't important to me personally, but the day has really evolved into just a fun friends and family cheerful day usually accompanied with a few days off and/or a vacation . But now there's this tension: "Don't say Merry Christmas, say 'Happy Holidays'" is the mantra I hear nowadays. Christmas lights are no more, they are now called 'holiday lights'. I think it's really silly to go out of one's way just to call them 'holiday lights'. And there are displays all over the country that bash Christmas and try to basically diminish it into nothing, hoping it will disappear. In Washington State, the atheist group put up a sign about how we should celebrate the Winter Solstice and that Christmas was a sham. I, being an atheist, was surprised at how much I disagreed with those people. Why go so far out of your way to prevent people from having a good time? And what does everyone get out of trying to stop Christmas? Didn't they learn anything from the Grinch? I just don't get it and was wondering what people thought and what they've seen in this regard, from around the US and all over the world where Christmas is celebrated. Also, I was curious about the younger crowd, those in your teens, and what they do at your schools. Do they condemn Christmas, embrace it or just ignore it?
  9. -if a detective has undergone 1,000 cases, but will retire within the week, this last criminal will surely kill him -but don't worry, because the inexperienced rookie detective will bring the villain down... -by removing a girl's glasses and letting her hair down she instantly becomes the most popular girl at school (disclaimer: I think it's hot when girls wear glasses, but that's beside the point ) -the only way for a mildly bad person to redeem themselves is to die for the good guys, usually unnecessarily -if you're sure that a meeting with a known felon will take place, it's a setup -main characters can only be hit by bullets from other main characters -the one time a trusted person who is often devious decides to do the right thing, he will not be trusted -if Mulder thinks it's true, Sculley will not
  10. itachi-san

    I read every word you write octopuppy , even that last post <_< Topic-related question though: how about an option that goes something like: to further our knowledge of the physical universe in pursuit of actually finding a meaning to life? I've stated before in some other thread that keeping life's meaning so close to home is essentially a never-ending cycle of getting nowhere. This isn't meant to be offensive, I actually believe this. I believe we should all live happy, moral lives and be good to others, but that when we die it's over. What we did echoes in eternity (Gladiator quote there..*ahem*).. echoes in the lives of our children and grandchildren. But, sadly to say, they will die as well, as will our grandchildren's grandchildren. That's just fact. I'm not trying to get into a debate about what happens after life since this topic is about life. So, considering this cycle, we pass on memories, knowledge, traits, etc... then die, and the cycle repeats. As fun or as prosperous a life we lead it essentially amounts to nothing, since those we taught will die as well and so on. Not that that's bad, it's just nothing, which is fine with me. Long story short, that's why I see it as "live, reproduce, die." ~until we learn something new about life that is, which would fit under the category I would have checked that I noted above.
  11. -when in a car chase you must never shoot their tires. this will cause the car chase to end. -when stealing a car, even though you automatically know how to hot-wire it, always check the visor and the keys will fall onto your lap. -if you see something extraordinary, everyone who doesn't believe you will wind up getting killed by it. -if someone says something that seems out of place, they will wait until their death scene to clarify it. -pairing odd couples always makes for the best outcome -whenever it seems all hope is lost and the bad guy will win, someone has surely recorded one of their devious conversations and will broadcast it to everyone via loudspeaker with perfect timing
  12. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    Great game Frost! I really enjoyed it. I think that this game was much improved from the first (which was fun nonetheless) and was really excellently done! From my POV, the only constructive criticism I have to offer is that Molly meeting Mat was too powerful for the Heroes IMO. I don't think Molly should get to send a message to Mat or something like that to lessen the amount of knowledge the 2 can share. I wound up knowing so many IDs that by the 4th day I didn't even need my ability and just tried to ask if Y-San was recruited by the Co. (which I couldn't be told ). Basically Day 3, the only 2 roles I had mixed up were Slick and Sinistral until we injected Slick of course. ~though I think GC's ghost post revealed a bit too much
  13. itachi-san

    Kat's haiku was the same idea I had, So when I saw it I became sad. So I made a limerick With another gimmick Don't worry Kat, I'll never be mad
  14. yep! well done I really didn't expect this one to be a hot topic A little shot of seldom-used vocab I guess. Great guesses everyone! It seems that the trick now-a-days is to not have tricks
  15. itachi-san

    wasn't it phone home? and can you? I'd like to hear the daily news from across the galaxy. That's it, I'm joining the MIB! Even though anything is possible, I think it's unlikely for the reason/question: "what would they get out of living here in disguise? or even just living here for that matter? ~maybe their sun blew up or something... A funny theoretical example: say an alien species sends a ramshackle scouting ship toward our solar system, then while the ship is on its way, they invent a faster mode of travel, like a wormhole or something, and then pass the scout ship and the second group gets here first
  16. itachi-san

    Well UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object, so yes I believe there have been sightings of those (none by me unfortunately). However, I do not believe that they were alien in nature. They were most likely tests of a new aircraft or rocket or the like. I think that if an alien species had the capability of visiting Earth, they would have the capability of not being seen by us as well. Therefore, I don't believe aliens have visited us, at least not anytime recently. I've often wondered if aliens planted the seed of life on Earth and that's how it began (as an experiment of sorts), but that raises the question: "then where did they get it?" As for aliens existing, I say it's a 99.99999% Yes. Whether more or less advanced than humans, most likely both and in a wide array. There's also a high chance of there being planets very similar to Earth in age, population and species. I feel like the probability of other planets not having alien life is so low, it's basically 0. There is just too much space and too many possibilities.
  17. itachi-san

    I have no problem with gays getting married. I was always under the impression that most (if not all) religions were anti-gay, so I figured: why would gays want to get married by a group that didn't like them? But apparently religions (some) don't mind, so who cares? Let them get married. A gay couple should have the same rights and legal privileges as a straight couple. Reason being: we are in fact animals (contrary to Jrod's opinion). Some other animals are born gay, just like humans. Therefore, those people born gay have no choice but to be gay, so why should they have to put up with segregation in any form? I'll raise another issue though. The conventional marriage is man and woman (I think that's not arguable, but we'll see ). So, now I (and some others here) are saying gay marriage is fine. So what isn't fine then? Can I have 7 wives if we all love each other? And what would the legality of that entail? My point is that one minority group shouldn't be obliged, if others are still not allowed to partake. But the others involve all sorts of complications and eventually the ideal of marriage would become convoluted and full of legal loop-holes involving taxes, etc... It would inspire marriage to many spouses to get all sorts of benefits (similar to marrying to get citizenship). All I'm saying is that if the conventional marriage is opened up, it might lead to lots of problems that would tie up the legal system and cause societal unrest. But IMO, if everyone involved is in love, then so be it. Let them have their cake.
  18. itachi-san

    um... what's that supposed to mean? I don't think you know me that well...
  19. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    yes you would, as the Co. kill. Edit: we just need to know if the post will say Niki or Co.
  20. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    Question: assuming Y-San is the one recruited. If she kills SG tonight, will the post say "the Co. killed SG" or "Niki killed SG"? If I die in the injection and SG dies by "Niki" tonight and the game continues, Y-san is our recruited company member who's unnecessarily prolonging her defeat by getting everyone to vote for me. Edit: also, I plead no contest. Heads please. There's no need to wait IMO
  21. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    haha. it's OK. I survived the main game and got all the original baddies killed. here's something to think about though. I asked Frost and he said: if the person who gets injected survives, we still won't know if they were Co. (that goes for everyone here actually, since we all have Hero roles)
  22. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    Yeah, this post would settle it. I'd RID kill you right now actually for making me the guinea pig
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