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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. There is no denial. The OP states they are all highly devout.
  2. You have part of the answer, but there is more to it. Good work though.
  3. You are standing at the center of a circular field. The field has a low wire fence around it. Attached to the fence is a large, hungry, deadly Pit Bull. Assume for this puzzle, that the dog can only run exactly at the perimeter of the field. The dog can run four times as fast as you can. How can you get off the field without the Pit Bull tearing you to shreds?
  4. for collections You know, I was gonna say church basket, but you beat me to it...
  5. There is an island upon which a tribe of blind people resides. They all answer devoutly to their chief. The tribe consists of 1000 people total, with 2 different eye colors. One day a miracle happened and every member (all 1000) was able to see for the first time. Without saying one word to each other they assembled in a congregation and their chief made the following rule: "Our religion forbids you to know your own eye color, or even to discuss the topic". Therefore, each resident can (and does) see the eye colors of all other residents, but has no way of discovering his or her own (there are no reflective surfaces in any way shape or form for this puzzle). If a member does discover his or her own eye color, then their religion compels them to commit ritual suicide at noon the following day in the village square for all to witness. All the tribespeople are highly logical and devout. Of the 1000 islanders, it turns out that 100 of them have blue eyes and 900 of them have brown eyes. None of them know this at first of course, because any one member can only see the other 999 eye colors. What happens to the tribe, if anything, and why?
  6. OK, so it hasn't started. That leads to my next question: when does it start?
  7. LOL! I was gonna guess that mattress (with the tempur NASA material) but it said 'who am I?' I should have just wrote it anyway.
  8. Not IRS or Blackbeard (or any pirate for that matter), but you all definitely get the idea.
  9. itachi-san

    And by the Transitive Property: this question is an uncastrated male adult.
  10. This is a great answer, I'll spoiler why I don't think it works. If you still think it works, then let me know.
  11. For all who cherish and know my name With gluttonous hopes ask not in vain Whether they will swindle victims Or take from them what they will give them
  12. itachi-san

  13. itachi-san

    most likely not, but here goes:
  14. Not vexing at all. This wasn't a very good one apparently. I'll try to do better next time.
  15. When thrown out, I am still of use - neither gum or coat hangers work here for me I withstand severe abuse - gum more than coat hangers here I may be the culprit if important items are taken - how? and how? neither fit for me Though I may retrieve others which you have forsaken - ditto Just to throw my reasoning out there (many answers can fit, everyones happy, my answer is gum) When thrown out, I am still of use - when gum is thrown away it is still just as useful, only flavorless usually I withstand severe abuse - should be self-explanatory, chewed like crazy and for long periods of time is pretty severe I may be the culprit if important items are taken - sweet 16, chewing most gum can lead to dental problems (teeth removed) - usually from the Bubblicious or Big League Chew addicts Though I may retrieve others which you have forsaken - if you drop something in a tight spot, you can use gum as an adhesive at the end of a stick to get it back. And for the hint - you almost always find gum at a baseball game now that tobacco is minimally used
  16. I think you missed my point. In a sequence every character should be related, in this 'sequence' 2025 is just as arbitrary 2116. This is not a sequence.
  17. itachi-san

    Read the Pinned Topic that Martini just posted about not being a jerk...
  18. But then where does 2025 come from?
  19. Shinobi is an amazing ninja movie, I highly recommend it
  20. itachi-san

    I think it's a:
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