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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    Well, what do you mean by standing still? Literally standing still you would always remain in the present. If Jan. 2nd comes then Jan 2nd is the present, not the future. We don't accept there is a Jan 2nd if it's Jan 1st. We accept there (most-likely) will be a Jan 2nd. Yes. Time is a concept we made to help our lives. There is a good argument that there is no such thing as time. My point was that when you say 'yesterday' or 'an hour' then you using that set of limits humans have made for measuring 'time'. Within those limits, say yesterday, the big bang did not happen within the previous day of 24 hours time.
  2. itachi-san

    I try to solve them all, but if I could prioritize unsolved riddles ahead of one's with solutions in the posts I would because I find it more fun to try and be the first person to solve a riddle. The check mark would also help once a riddle gets deep into the archives. An unsolved riddle won't get lost among a bunch of solved riddles because it will be unmarked. Therefore, I think it will also reduce OP hints and spoilers, because there would be no incentive to keep bumping an unsolved riddle up the list. True. But it would reduce the amount of possibilities to look through. The check mark doesn't have to mean an official solve, just that the OP is satisfied and the discussion or debate can keep going. Right, but that would be done no matter what the case is. Well, if I solve a riddle that was posted and answered months ago that was exceptionally difficult, I feel good. As for the first part, is it a bad thing to try and be the first to solve a puzzle? As long as you're not spewing 40 posts to try to get the correct answer, I for one, like the idea of a bunch of people thinking at once and trying to solve something first. -Just my opinion.
  3. itachi-san

    Oh yeah, I forgot about Kratos
  4. itachi-san

    So I'm guessing the poll will be the characters that get the most mention in these posts. Then here's my list: Link Mario Cloud Auron Yuna Solid Snake - I don't think he's been mentioned yet which is surprising Samus Lara Croft Dante - also yet to be mentioned I think Mega Man Sonic Toe Jam and Earl - not too famous, but easily the funkiest characters ever Piston Honda, Bald Bull, King Hippo, - Not sure which is my favorite from Punch Out Sweet Tooth - Twisted Metal 2 = 1 of the best games ever Kilik, Yoshimitsu, Knightmare Sub-Zero, Raiden, Shang Tsung Ryu, Blanka, M. Bison
  5. The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more; odors discombobulated my heat-sink, and freak-dancing showed just what the Martians sprinkled all over the seat. Embarking on an idealistic adventure was advantageous to disenfranchised citizens lavishing praise from inebriated folks. Australian counterparts were alarmed at the vibrant chinchilla hovering over my mother's gnocchi, which sparkled like an awesome blossoming avocado of which fantastic tentacles suddenly started erupting into chuckles, "Why had my inane pig vanished?" Suddenly, Godzilla kneeled up laughing hysterically as if King Ghidorah profusely liked cabbage. "Oh Saint Patrick,
  6. Itachi rearrange. Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4 Puck : 18 GP, 7/3 Itachi : 24 GP, 2/8 Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4 Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6 Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4 Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4 largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4 GC : 30 GP, 6/4 Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4 jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4 BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5 ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4 Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4 Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4 Reayman: 30GP, 4/6
  7. Wow, you both ripped this one apart. Well done! Athena got the overall theme and 1 and 2 Nikyma got 4 and 5
  8. Would you like to explain?
  9. You have got number 5 correct, but are off on the reasoning for the first four.
  10. All of the following riddles, without doubt , have one solution because there is a common theme among them. What is each riddle and what is the theme? 1)The cause of many to tremble in fright Is a villainous figment recurring each night Slashing a leafy path after twilight 2)Anxiety, expectation and some dangerous trouble Abominations, hallucinating, and seeing double But in such a city, not quite the odd couple 3)A hedger, a barber, even a killer All could describe this piercing thriller 4)Lately deceased, lifeless, departed On a gray train to Hell, his journey had started 5)A slumberous town in the northern cold Cavernous trees sprouting the corpse of the old Desirous rider of whom legends are told
  11. Some questions before this begins: Do we wait for everyone to have a turn before we take a second turn? How long does a person have to take a turn? I'm sure we don't want to wait around for a month for someone to post on this.
  12. The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more; odors discombobulated my heat-sink, and freak-dancing showed just what the Martians sprinkled all over the seat. Embarking on an idealistic adventure was advantageous to disenfranchised citizens lavishing praise from inebriated folks. Australian counterparts were alarmed at the vibrant chinchilla hovering over my mother's gnocchi, which sparkled like an awesome blossoming avocado of which fantastic tentacles suddenly started erupting into chuckles, "Why had my inane pig vanished?" Suddenly,
  13. Adding to this idea, think of a dream. So much happens in so little time. Therefore (though the OP does not mention this of course) we cannot assume time would progress proportionally with reality. Perhaps what feels like a day in Virtual World is a minute in reality. Then hunger pangs, bathroom needs, etc... may never play a part in discovering your whereabouts. There have been times (mostly sitting at a desk in a lecture) when I've nodded off for only a few seconds, if that, and had a vivid and developed dream. -this is a really strange feeling btw.
  14. Sure here's the original. I actually made a lot of corrections to the grammar, this is one error that I missed. The original is a bit difficult to read, but there are a bunch of other puzzles like this on this page that are not nearly as difficult as this one. I just chose the most ridiculous one
  15. Here's a hint based on the reasoning of both Casino and Wall Street
  16. Heh, the hint actually made the riddle more difficult...
  17. itachi-san

    I had the same idea and posted this in the comments and suggestions section The problem is that it would require all users to have infinite edit access. And sending a pm to a moderator to put a check mark would take too much time on their end. I still really like this idea and think it should be looked at again though. Maybe there's an easy solution we haven't thought of yet. Maybe have everyone have VIP access to their own topics, but then I'm sure editing will get out of control...
  18. itachi-san

    Usually the ranking is Spade, Heart, Club, Diamond. But it can sometimes be reverse alphabetical: Spade, heart, diamond, club. Spade is always most valuable at any rate
  19. Casino is an excellent answer... hmm. It's not the one I had in mind. I'll give this and Robin Hood honorable mention, but they don't fit as well as the answer. Just plug them in and you can see how they slightly don't fit the words. Great guess though. Edit: Casino may really fit perfectly, I have to think about it, but it's not the answer I'm looking for.
  20. akaslickter: I was asked not to post the answer, so I won't. I guess it's up to you now.
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