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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    Edit: oh nevermind, Brandonb beat me to it
  2. This has been touched upon, but I think this may be a new idea in part. Take the 3 ants riddle for instance. I think everyone's seen enough of that one; I know I have. But it keeps popping up every 3 days or so. So my suggestion is to create a section like New Puzzles (user submitted) called Old Puzzles (user submitted) - or something to that effect. Old might have too much of a negative connotation to it, that's your call. I don't see the need for the admin/moderators to make a full-scale search through the New Puzzles section to find ones suitable to be moved. Just whenever a (beating a dead horse) riddle gets bumped up in New Puzzles and is easily noticed it can then be moved to Old Puzzles like you would move a non-riddle to Others. This would keep the New Puzzles section fresher.
  3. WOW! LOLZ! Since this answer is so great it counts, but it is not the answer nevertheless. I am really surprised at how well this answer works considering it never even crossed my mind, though maybe it manifested through some sub-conscious means Since that was such a great guess here's a hint to lead you in another direction:
  4. I'll add a few lines: In this game I set the first trap My advantage is lost when I take a nap No one will help when nobody's to blame I still keep playing, though never the same To win my game you must use deception That may involve my poor perception My strength and will are just too much To be conquered by the average touch If successful, hold no preconception That hubris will not lead to interception By an even greater power than mine Your new troubles will be divine
  5. You certainly are hitting the nail on the head, but not into the wood so to speak You got the idea for the first and last lines; there are a couple more key words sprinkled around that should ring some other bells and hopefully create a whole picture.
  6. I too would like to get this roll balling, Katy can change her name in-game if need be.
  7. Nothing in the ballpark yet. Though I will of course accept alternative explanations. Other answers than the one intended are always pleasant surprises -as long as there aren't a ton of 'em as I like to say.
  8. itachi-san

    nevermind, slickster got it
  9. Just the first thing that came to mind
  10. To win my game you must use deception That may involve my poor perception My strength and will are just too much To be conquered by the average touch If successful, hold no preconception That hubris will not lead to interception By an even greater power than mine Your new troubles will be divine
  11. itachi-san

    I thought that too
  12. itachi-san

    Since this thread is supposed to be about the existence of Hell, here is my original post #2 without the first paragraph which has somehow manifested into everything I have said that is now being put to the question. I would prefer to only talk about the following statements in this thread, but feel free to question my previous post, it's your topic after all Edit: This is in response to Duh Puck just to clarify to whom I am talking.
  13. itachi-san

    I think you keep missing my point so I'll restate it. I don't believe in a separate God. I believe life is God. It could just as easily be called Tom or Jerry as far as I'm concerned. And also can be stated life is life or God is God. Therefore, God did not exist before life, life before God, life before life, God before God. They are one and the same to me. Life doesn't have to have a name, but if I'm naming it, I'll call it God. I agree with this statement entirely, I think you misread the statement of mine your questioning here. I never mention Earth's life is connected to other planets' life; just that there is life here and there is surely life elsewhere. I do believe though that our intelligence is evolving in a manner that promotes us to eventually make contact with other instances of life around the universe. Perhaps each instance is a different collective intelligence of life and they have yet to meet, like different, yet similar Gods if you will. Any statement like this is obviously speculation, you don't need to point that out. I know you said you're not interested in alien life, saying that's "quite the speculation". Have you studied astronomy at all? I would say it's quite the speculation to assume Earth is the only place in the universe with life. Like before, I need to restate my concept that life is God. Basically, there is no reason for me to label life God, it's just a name, like the God you in whom you believe. But if I must put the name of God onto anything it would be life. So does life have an effect on the universe? Of course. Does life guide life? That would make no sense if life is God, God is God, etc... Again, I'm saying life is God. I'm not trying to make life be more than it is. Life is life, and if I'm going to call something God, it's going to be life. Is there more to life than we know? I think so, but of course none of us know. Physical life is inherently not supernatural or divine. It's existence is another matter though. No one has ever been able to explain why it exists or how long it has existed. Evolution of body and mind is fact though and proves that life is goal oriented. I have faith that there is a reason why life exists and it's not just some energetic anomaly. I have faith that evolution is happening for a reason and is also not just some random fluke. Perhaps when all the instances of life around the universe finally meet we will understand more about it.
  14. itachi-san

    1) Well, the ambulance would have to have enough life supporting equipment to keep the man alive which I'm not sure if 8 minutes makes a difference between. I guess I'd go the fast bumpy way, but I would need more info. How bad is the bumpy way? I.E. are there many instances where vehicles get stuck or tip over? If so, then I would go the safe way. Also, if the 8 minute difference will mean the guy will die, then the hospital won't have much success either I'm guessing. Yeah, I need to know more about the scenario. 2) I'd go with the small and stable one. There's never a reason to risk everyone's life and since there's a possibility they could all fit on the small one, I'm sure they could figure out a suitable arrangement.
  15. itachi-san

    OK, I'm really curious how 12 is done with 1 shape. I tried a giant swinging rectangle hinged to the middle right square, but that doesn't hit the square up to the flag for me. Do I just have to play with that shape or are you doing it a totally different way?
  16. itachi-san

    Nice! I was totally stumped and am now smacking my forehead. Great riddle Writersblock!
  17. You and LIS got it! With some help from akaslickster and ChuckJerry this was a real BrainDen team effort good job!
  18. This is correct for #4
  19. The following scenarios have no ifs, ands or buts. Sorry if they seem a bit morbid, but they are some pretty difficult decisions to make, and hopefully interesting to ponder. 1) Would you kill someone you don't know to save 1,000 people you don't know? 2) Would you kill yourself to save 1,000 people you don't know? 3) Would you kill someone you don't know to save your friend? 4) Would you kill someone you don't know to save your parent? 5) Would you kill someone you don't know to save your sibling? 6) Would you kill someone you don't know to save your spouse? 7) Would you kill someone you don't know to save your child? 8) Would you choose to kill yourself instead for any of the above 5 questions? 9) Would you press a button to kill a serial killer if he were to go free otherwise? 10) Would you shoot to kill a serial killer if he were to go free otherwise? 11) Would you kill with your bare hands a serial killer if he were to go free otherwise? 12) What if the serial killer was a woman? 13) What if s/he killed someone you love? 14) Do any of the above 5 variables make a difference in your decision?
  20. OK, you were accidentally frozen to the point where you are clinically dead and do not age. You are awakened in the year 3000 (doesn't really matter what year, just far into the future). The technology consists of any and every amazing technological feat that can only be imagined and described in 2008, i.e. teleportation, easy access space travel, intermingling with aliens, you name it, they got it. Picture Futurama if you've seen that show, but then make that scenario real in your mind. Think of the technological advances we've made in the last 100 years and compare them to what we must be capable of in the next 1,000 years. Perhaps the shock would be overwhelming. Perhaps we would never be able to adjust. If we did manage to survive though, how long would you think it would take for the average human to begin to take it all for granted, if at all? Obviously this differs drastically between age groups, a baby would take little to no time. 1) How about the average human though? 2) How about yourself? 3) Would either the average person or you ever begin to take a futuristic world for granted or would the shock and thrill never end?
  21. itachi-san

    you can get it from there. An easy way to do 10 is to use the red and blue blocks they provide in the center. I just knocked the red one out of the picture with a huge ball, then used the blue one (which has a built in hinge) as a ramp up to the flag. The ball and chain is an interesting approach. I bet the designer wants the user to use those special blocks though.
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