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Everything posted by BMAD

  1. I temporarily changed this to unsolved to consider Rainman's thorough argument. Anyone else have thoughts?
  2. TO help with the first question, assume that you get to pick your "buy-in" price. What is the most you should ever consider paying to give you financial success?
  3. I was referring to quality in the sense that they were poor and in the 1930's, and though i don't know my guns that well, assume that they may not have had the best access to a quality gun especially since they were broke.
  4. Yes. I saw the movie on cable recently. Read the book many years ago.
  5. Nine identical looking cubes but two off by 1 gram (the two not necessarily equal to each other). However the cubes have a particular trait, when numbered they magically gain the weight of the number written on them. Without numbering there is no physical way to distinguish one cube from the next. You were hired by the owner of the nine cubes to number the cubes in such a way that the two cubes different from the others can be identified easily. To assist with finding the cubes you have a balance scale and a marker. What is the least number of weightings needed to find the off cubes and what will be your numbering system?
  6. Using only trigonometric functions and a single instance of the number zero, derive a formula to calculate any positive integer n.
  7. A confused-looking man on the street asks if you want to play a game of chance. The rules are simple: He flips his coin, and if it lands on heads, you get $1. If it lands on tails, you get nothing. His coin, however, is very strangely shaped - it's bent all over, and you have no idea if it's even remotely fair. The man flips the coin once, and it lands on heads. You can assume that you know nothing about the true probability of heads for the coin before you saw the first head, and that probability is not going to change over time. What is the maximum price you should be willing to pay to play this game now? To further generalize, assuming any prior sequence of flips for the coin, what price is it worth to you to play the game? Also, what if the true probability of heads can only be one of a discrete set of values?
  8. yeah, i took it for granted that we could draw a straight line...
  9. depends on the quality of the gun.
  10. Consider a gambling machine A. When you put in $X and pull the handle, it will spit out (equally likely) either $0.7*X, $0.8*X, $0.9*X, $1.1*X, $1.2*X, or $1.5*X. Now consider the following two ways of playing this machine: Put in $1, pull the handle, and keep whatever you get. Repeat. Initially, put in $1. Pull the handle, then put in whatever you get. Repeat. Can you win money with this machine? Which is the better way to play? How can this be?
  11. In the figure, triangles ABC, DEF, and GHJ are congruent isosceles triangles. Angles B and C are 80 degrees. Points AEFC, EHJD, DFB, and GHF are collinear. Without drawing a circle, show how to mark the corners of a perfect hexagon on the diagram, using only a compass set to a constant length. Prove it's a perfect hexagon.
  12. I marked the post as being correct. Not necessarily both answers. His "frequentest approach" was the one i was looking for.
  13. BMAD

    Express Lane

    set vs sequence. clever!
  14. I am helping a friend in introductory real analysis, someone please help me finish, I am stuck. Want to show that f(x)/g(x) is continuous as x goes to c given that g© is not 0. |f(x)/g(x) - f©/g©| = |1/(g(x)g©)||f(x)g©-f©g(x)| = |1/(g(x)g©)||f(x)g©-f©g(x)-f(x)g(x) + f(x)g(x)| <= |1/(g(x)g©)||f(x)||g(x)-g©| + |g(x)||f(x)- f©| Then I draw a Blank.
  15. Weird. I am on chrome but I am using an android. ..maybe that is why it works for me
  16. Here is a challenge for you guys: Design three betting games where when played individually or in pairs are losing games but when all three are played in some alternating pattern the combined effect provides a positive result to the player. **Make sure that the pair games are always result in a lost for player regardless of the way the player plays**
  17. Here is a simple one, one of mine http://brainden.com/forum/index.php/topic/16633-million-dollar-urns/?hl=%2Bmillion+%2Bdollar+%2Burns now let's say i heard of this puzzle but instead of 1,000,000 i knew it with 1,000 and instead of urns i used jugs. Then if i keyword search even using the same exact formula Keywords: x/(x+y) and y/(x+y), 1,000, jugs. I get "No results found". Upon seeing this, i naturally think that my puzzle has not been posted here and make the attempt to post it. Then of course someone sees this puzzle and attacks me for posting an already posted topic. However, if i knew what kind of puzzle this was, and was able to do a 'genre' like search then i could at least have a better shot of making sure the puzzle is somewhat new to the forum.
  18. I arrive at a small town. Leaving the airport i see five taxis out front. The city sponsors the taxis. Each taxicab has a unique number on it. The largest number on the taxicab was 90. How many taxis are there in the city?
  19. Do men have more sisters then women?
  20. I love it when Christians ask a question on "why do you have faith?" I believe in my heart and mind (but mostly my mind) that I am right. I have faith in my perceptions and beliefs. I trust the reality as I perceive it and mediate my actions appropriately... just like any Christian. Though, I guess being deist this question may not have been meant for me... sorry
  21. I am notorious for reposting questions at times. Even though I don't see the harm in reposting topics discussed >1yr ago as it allows for the newbies to have an opportunity to answer and experience a puzzle, but I know it can be irritating for the hardcore vets to see the same questions reposted. 1. Can we add a key word section to our posts so to help others locate our posts when searching? Sometimes people remember puzzles With slightly different nouns ruining forum search Attempts. But if we had keywords, I could search for like Pigeonhold principle, queens, chess and hopefully find if a puzzle exists or not (at least be more accurate). Simply hide they keywords from view until a solution is found so that the keywords don't give away the solution. 2. Is it too much for the vets to not ruin reposted entries if they are repost of old questions? Can't they simply just skip that post and answer a different one? What is the benefit to the newbies if you simply are just going to post an archived forum post from 3 years ago as a solution to the problem. Okay I digress.
  22. IT works well on my phone. Sometimes the blue "new content" bubbles on the home screen are hard to press When you want to mark a section as read. Otherwise no complaints
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