Granted, but, since you granted the previous wish as I was trying to, they attack you instead.
I wish to know, and always, remember the ultimate question, and answer (42), of life, the universe and everyyhing.
I'm pretty sure it's _ A _ _ S, but to be certain
If 1 I'm right
If 2 it's C _ _ _ S
Edit: O, R and D are out from WORDS so only C or A is valid from CARDS.
^Oops I missed the edit. Nevermind that last post.
if 0-_ _ E _ E
if 1-_ _ _ S E
From DRESS DR are already eliminated (DROVE), and the last letter is supposed to be an E so either the 3rd or 4th letter is correct. In GLASS only the first S is still a valid letter (GL-GLIDE A-QUAIL).
if 0 then _ _ _ V _
if 1 then _ _ _ _ E
Between DROVE and STOVE either one from _ _ O V E is correct or one each from D R _ _ _ and S T _ _ _, but neither D T _ _ _ or S R _ _ _ would be valid words so we are left with _ _ _ O V E. In DROLL only the O and the last L would be valid letters (Invalid: D and R as before and the first L from REPLY). Since DROLL is 0 we are left with the V and the E. So E is the only letter in STOLE that could be in the word and the reason for my ifs.
(I guess I'll wish for something for once.)
I wish to know, and forever remember, the truth of whether or not there is a God, and if so which one, for a rock-solid irrefutable method of proving the same to anyone and that the only change brought about by this wish is that I gain the requested knowledge.