Sorry to see you go soon DD but the good news for us is that he wasn't Alphas or Kappas. If the baddies had targeted either one of them, chances are they would have learned their ID as Alphas and Kappas cannot be busted on Night 1. And we would have been in the dark, making it easier for the baddies to organize a lynch on them. DD could have been the Indie, if so the baddies did us a favor. Chances are slim, but anything is possible in Mafia.
@GM: If the baddies target Alpha for a bust, will the night post show the target as Alpha or the player who is Alpha? For eg. if player X is Alpha, will the post show the bust target as X or Alpha?
Izzy was trapped by Pikes, she could belong to any faction. As for Harvey, he was blocked which narrows down his possible roles. He could be a baddie but it was N1 and the block was random. The usual day 1 confusion, love it.