1. Flamebirde - Confirmed
2. MikeD - Active, Not Confirmed
3. DyalDragon - Active, Not Confirmed
4. Kikacat123 - Active, Not Confirmed
5. Marksmanjay - Confirmed
6. bonanova - Confirmed
7. Barcallica - Active, Not Confirmed
8. Brainiac100 - Absent
9. The Cube - Absent
10. araver - Active, Not Confirmed
11. onetruth - Confirmed
12. dee_tot - Confirmed
13. TwoaDay - Active, Not Confirmed
14. Aura - Active, Not Confirmed
15. Magic - Confirmed
16. Hirkala - Absent
17. Panther - Active, Not Confirmed
18. Bmad - Active, Not Confirmed
19. mboon - Absent
I would suggest a PM to all members labled Active, Not Confirmed as they have most likely forgotten. Players labeled Confirmed have posted in this thread in the last month. Absent players are those who have not posted recently anywhere on the forums (as given by Bonanova). So, at least 4, most likely something 8 players need replacements... Hope springs eternal.
EDIT: changing some confirmations around, should be accurate now.