if 2 then O is 4th as S HEE P = 0 , L is proven 2nd and SLOTS=1 (the L)
If 1 then L is 3rd and T is last from PILOT = 2 - O just cleared by the above result , PRANK=0 and L second , so it cannot be I
My suggestion would be that the broadcast should be at the top of OOA and the only thing stopping it would be a Kill and only it the cast is in the day post following the caster's death... Meaning, not block-able and not redirect-able...
Good one
but I'm guessing that Edmund would not start a vote by himself ... or .. if he/she does.. and it happens to get his/her sibling killed (slim chances) then it would go to the next objective : survive !!
3 questions :
- can Edmund trade his RID Kill every cycle ? or is it one time deal ?
- would we know which part in the night or day post is the broadcast message and/or if there is one ?
- rule #8 - what do you mean by accountable ?
PI: Y-san
1. Hirkala
2. Framm 18
3. MikeD
4. EDM
5. Flamebirde
7. Panther
9. ShadowAngel
10. Aaryan
13. MiKi
Can I join? Haven't been playin' Mafia for a while now but it sounds like a lot of fun.
And a game-related question : does the Instigator have NK on his own , even if he/she did not find any mafia yet ?
Is there anyone of the people replying a performance player of any team-sports ?
darn .. if I only read the topic b4 MM
the answer is always the last one - any basketball player would tell you that - but good for you MM !!! well earned star
Sounds like playing Oblivion .. on a forum ..
Looks like fun but I would rather be an observer the first time around ...
Questions to MM : the order of fights important ? or to rephrase : in your example if Edward would have been strong enough to kill Charlie during their fight .. would the fight between Charlie and Aaryan ever happen ?
2. If two players choose the same target .. does the target start with the same HP both fights or the two fights are sequential ? (as per your example: did Charlie start each fight with full HP or was the damage dealt by Edward carried on in the following fight ?
3. If fights are sequential and damage is carried from battle to battle during the same night ... how do you figure out the fight's order... ? I'm thinking speed only has to do with which player hits first in a battle , not with the order of battles , correct ?
technically it's Three by Two cause each "riddle" has only two lines .. unless the title it's by itself a hint ..
Edit... had some new ideas
second edit is for typos on the 1st one
LOL .. I would never willfully wake up at 5 AM for a CLASS!!! ) I would't even do that for WORK ..... go to sleep at 5 AM because of work.. ya.. that did happen'.. more then once I could say .. (
More on topic : how are signups going ? .....
and .. hope the title of the game has smth to do with Narnia ? (I have to confess I had o google the title a bit to remember it had smth to do with Narnia .. it;s been so long since I saw the movie(s) ...) and does this mean we'll have a sequel as well ?
It's Easter European Standard Time (Athens, Istanbul, Bucharest, Kaliningrad..etc) = UTC+3 (GMT+ 2) ; greenwich time is updated to the summer time the same date all over Europe..
Oh goodie goodie .. I'm baaaack (Thank you rookie for reactivating my account)
May I join ? I haven't played a Mafia games.. since ... ages ago .. I don't even remember how you play so ... may I, may I ???
Hosts: Thalia and flamebirde with MiKi supervising
Please include time zones if you don't mind.
1. mewminator GMT+3 Please confirm.
2. Cavenglok EDT Please confirm.
3. MikeD GMT+3 Please confirm.
4. Morningstar
5. gvg EDT
10. yodell GMT+2 (EEST)
Hello people,
I would signup as a backup ...
Q1 to Han : who's the Indy ? Walter Peck ? Or .. just leftovers from other games ?
and second: you said all actions go through : in this case redirect>block>save
actions in for you as a host :
- C saves D (needed)
- A redirects C (to E - does not need save )
- B blocks A
What would the result be considering the given OOP ?
Just needed to know your reasoning as a host .. for clarifying this game and for future reference as well
I could have put all that in red.. but it would look bloody
Great hosting u 2!
I agree with molly, spies target - neah , and a bit too many blocks:-)
Ps. You forgot Grouse (Cube/me) from the roster ;-)
One or 2 q @molly/shadow: why did u try to rid klue - he was obviously not jack:-/ or u just wanted him blocked? And why kill curr instead of recruit him?