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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. werewolf, vampire, zombie - twilight! [i assume this is what you meant by the obvious mean. Either that, or mythical creatures who enjoy devouring humans. But I'm gonna go with twilight, just to annoy you. [i'm immature like that. Don't judge me.]] twilight, dawn, dusk - ? [again, this is really simple, but whatever.]
  2. @smoth Thank you very much. I dig the new avatar too. @can't-remember-who-said-I-don't-look-like-a-cat-anymore Yeah, it was a pretty tough decision for me, but I still have the cats on my profile! Also, this was a very good game. I like your hints, cat. You're a lot better at subtle hints than I am, and i bet that in more experienced mafias a lot of the players will see right through mine. And in hindsight, those hints really were obvious. Nicely played, smoth. I had no suspicion of you being Tom. I also like how Tom's WinCon is the exact opposite of what everyone expected. Although, personally, I think that made the game a bit easier for you because you also had all the goodies protecting Jerry from Tom. I also agree that Tom seemed a tad too powerful, but it was a very well hosted game, kris!
  3. Funny little story: We learned the difference between "avenge" and "revenge" in LA today. Totally unrelated to the topic at hand, I know, but whatever. Yeah, the time frame kinda sucked for a lot of us, but that's okay, since WE WON!!! Hah! Take that, baddies! [i'm young and immature. Don't judge me.] Ah well. That's a bright spot for him. Although this is probably the longest TMM I've ever played in. EVER. Most of them usually end around 15 pages or so. I think this one went so long because Sakura couldn't defend herself properly, and so started accusing everyone else in order to get the spotlight off of her. But whatever. I say next game, we make her a goodie, if only so I don't come back to 20+ pages of crap after about 15 hours.
  4. Just realized my computer glitched, and my hints didn't show up. Here are my hints: A) I'm the GRK. If you're good, you know what that means. B) [after referring to a big juicy treat] The treat is a bone, BTW. For those that didn't get my first hint. C) [before calling Tyke "son"] Below is another hint. Not that hard to figure out. [The actual hint was calling Tyke "son". Because Tyke is Spike's son, that should have been a dead give away.] I also posted something along the lines of "Nice job, Tuffy. I'll probably post my actions in white so that we don't target the same person, okay?" after the N2 post when me and Tuffy both RID Killed Sakura.
  5. Yeah, I never would've gotten this... Anyways, nice riddle, shakee!
  6. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    Actually, I do believe it's only a tie between PG and Mo. Why don't you pick the one you like the most?
  7. Nice job all. I'm thankful that I didn't have to do a lot this game, because my mafia senses were terribly screwed up. I couldn't find any hints, my spreadsheet is pitifully empty, I was terrible at interpreting people's actions... Hopefully I'll do better next game.
  8. w00t! 2-year anniversary! In celebratin of this [and also with a great feeling of dread], I have done as I promised [to myself and maybe others here on BD as well] and changed my profile pic. To a picture of Nova from Bleach. I miss the cats already, but I like Nova-kun better! :D

  9. Well, I was going for holidays, really, but that works too.
  10. Really? Wow, I feel so special now!
  11. Yeah, all the roles would be nice. FOr those who didn't get the three hints I posted, I was hinting that I was Spike, or the goodie RID Kill. I posted several things in white. These were my hints: A) I'm the GRK. If you're good, you%2
  12. And perhaps I am Panther Except I'm not Scottish, I have no idea what haggis is [the name sounds like some villain from an old fairy tale or something....], I'm a bt younger, and I'm female. However, Panther and I do seem to have a lot in common. And don't worry, Cat. When I read this, the first thing I thought was "Oh my god, it's my alter ego!" Yay! Bleach! I will most likely send you a PM soon where I pester you with annoying questions about Bleach, as well as other animes that you may or may not watch. And just out of curiosity, did you know who MiKi [me] was before you posted that post above?
  13. Hosts: kristmark1 and Maurice 2. tolecnal 3. Hidden G 4. Tralala! 5. mboon - voting for Tralala! 6. smoth 8. 'Cat'astrophe 9. MiKi - voting for Tralala! Yeah. Tra, you haven't offered anything to anybody. Any defense? Dead: 1. plasmid - Night Killed by baddies. 7. Sakura-chan - Rid killed by Spike and Tuffy.
  14. Gobble, feather, tail- Turkey? Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween-? [pretty simple, but whatever.]
  15. No, I just meant if tom wasn't dead. Just kind of as some dry humor that was thrown in for my amusement only. It makes perfect sense to me but probab;y won't to other people. Don't worry, you're not missing anything.
  16. MissKitten

    Okay, honestly, Sak, I was willing to give you a chance, but this isn't working. Molly and Mo were being perfectly civil and honest. It's not their fault that you're not willing to accept constructive criticism. And the things you're saying to them: that's just how they are! The quote in Molly's sig is actually kinda funny. Not in context, obviously, but if you read just the quote in his sig, it's hilarious. All we're trying to do is make the game a better experience for all involved. It's not gonna be a fun game if players are complaining about the host. And the way you're acting, there are definitely gonna be complaints. So the way I see it, there are two options: A) Put aside your pride and listen to what we have to say B) Just drop the game The choice is yours.
  17. @smoth Yeah, odds are definitely in our favor. Also, there's something I'd like to add to that: It would probably be beneficial to Tom to help the goodies. More than likely, his wincon involves killing Jerry or something like that, but other than that, his wincon doesn't affect the outcome of the game or anything. So, Tom, if you're reading this [and you're not plasmid], will you consider siding with the goodies while pursuing your wincon on the side? Because if you think about it, this puts the odds at 6-1, which is better for goodies and Tom, since he is now competing against one person, not 6.
  18. You read the "just kidding" part, right? Because I didn't mean it to be rude.... Just kinda as a joke or something.....
  19. To G and Cat: I was pretty sure that Sak hadn't seen my hints. That's why I reiterared it so much to her. But she obviously didn't find them, and thank goodness, too, or else I would have been dead. Tuffy, you obviously know what you are doing, so good job. I'll probably post my stuff between the lines like this, so we both know who to target, so we don't target the same person. Cool? Plasmid, it's sad to see you go. You were easily my biggest ally, and the biggest ally of the goodies in general, I think. And Sak, you shouldn't post when you're dead. Obviously, kris is the host, so its probably not wrong what he posted when spike and tuffy RID Killed you.
  20. Okay, I've finally finished my hw, so have no reason to stay up late anymore. I have to go now, for sleep and school and what not, but I'll try and get back on ASAP, which will probably be around 15-16 hours from now. Night all!
  21. But still, he's a goodie. Killing him means less of a chance of filling the goodie wincon. *sigh* I've made my role quite clear, Sak. I've dropped several OBVIOUS hints, and at least three people know who I'm claiming. And there have been no counterclaims, which means I really am who I claim to be. Now, if only you were willing to find my hints... @mboon and tra: plas has helped me some. can you guys help me more? [you were the two others who got my hint, right?]
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