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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    Lots of signups going on right now, and all of them need players. *thought strikes* Wait, could it be that.... that..... that players have.... lost interest in mafia?
  2. MissKitten

    Just reread the roles and stuff. On the role copy, is that only when someone dies, or is it random each time, or is it randomly picked at the beginning and stays that way for the rest of the game?
  3. *whispered* Methinks it died...
  4. MissKitten


    Ah, well. We just have to keep guessing, right? Hmmm... How about FLINT?
  5. Hmm, not quite a tie anymore.... You know, I've seen that usually, a tie D1 is best. Course, these were TMMs that I saw this in, but nonetheless, they seemed to work out pretty good. Do we really want to run the risk of lynching a fellow mobster this early? Dunno, just throwing that out there.
  6. MissKitten

    I dunno why I didn't comment when I read this thread the first time.... Well, this looks like it'll be a pretty kewl mafia. It's so very rare that I am able to join a mafia with a theme that I recognize and enjoy. [i think the last one was Sholay mafia....] I think the whole 6 vs. 2 vs. 1 thing plays out nicely, and I think that the roles are pretty well balanced. Of course, I'm not really experienced at this [the Sherlock Holmes mafia I hosted failed miserably...], so you should probably get some other experienced players' opinion, but overall, I think this is pretty good.
  7. MissKitten


    @Jack Not necessarily. I made the same mistake in my first logic. It could be something weird like: FLORA = FLOCK = F_O__ FLAIR = F__I_ Or something like that. Not likely, but you get the point. I agree, FL___ is probably right, but the logic there would be wrong. And at this point, there isn't really a logic you could use to prove that it is FL___. I realize this can be taken in a bad way, and I just wanna say that I'm not trying to put you down or anything, so I'm sorry if I accidentally offended you or something.
  8. Host: Yuli and Molly Mae 1. plasmid - voting for AraVer 2. Flamebirde - Auramyna 3. MiKi - voting for flame 4. 'Cat'astrophe voting for Auramyna 5. KlueMaster - voting for 'Cat'astrophe 6. maurice - DEAD - Killed N1 7. Auramyna - voting for 'Cat'astrophe 8. Araver Nothing against you, flame, totally random. OOC: @Cat Haha, we cats ave to stick together, right?
  9. @Klue [it was Klue, right?] I just thought that it was odd that a) nobody had posted in about 8 hours and b) that there were no votes yet. And I would've added a vote, but my parents forced me to go to bed. I'll place my vote in the next post.
  10. Wow.... It's quiet today.... How are we supposed to find the undercovers if nobody talks? I mean, sure, it's a scum weekend, but that just gives more time to discuss, right?
  11. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    Yeah, the whole concept of Tom and Jerry is amazing. In fact, I still watch if the producer is Jeff Quimby [i think he's the guy who made the good ones, right?], but other than those episodes, the new people in command suck.
  12. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    TMM VIII - Tom & Jerry kristmark1 and Co Host anybody?? 1. plasmid 2. tolecnal 3. 4.Tralala! 5. 6. smoth 7. Sakura-chan 8.'Cat'astrophe 9. Backup/Mentor/Whatever you need 1. MiKi 2. 3. Mentor 1. Thalia 2. 3. Also, fixing the roster.
  13. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    Nope, there's lots more, like: Butch Spike Spike's son Jerry's apprentice mice whose names I don't know The canary Tom's friends who help him catch Jerry when his owners are out Tom and Jerry's various owners The flea and the dog in the movie And lots more who I can't remember because I haven't seen the shows since they started sucking so bad.
  14. Why me, mo? I thought we were friends! T.T Haha, jk! Cuz this is mafia, right? Each one for themselves! Or something like that, at least...
  15. NHD sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MissKitten


      Eh, my previous post was too long. NHD stands for National History Day. Basically, it's an over-glorified history project that requires a crapload of research. My group picked an absurdly obscure topic, so the research is hard. And it's pretty much just really annoying. *glares at something that might pass as an NHD project*

    3. MissKitten


      Commenting on a Spetember 23rd status, Roy-chan? You have no life. And no, of course you don't know what I'm doing, GROUPMATE.

  16. MissKitten

    Haha, that's fine!
  17. Wow... It's really quiet tonight....
  18. MissKitten

    Yay! I feel so smart!
  19. Good game all! Very well played, nana. GO GOODIES!
  20. Well, the night ends in 45 mins. I hope to find us all alive then!
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