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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. I dunno, my first thought was
  2. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    There is an exception to every rule: For example, I am the exception to the rule of normalness. [iDK if that's even a word, so pretend it is. ]
  3. OOC: Sorry, guys. I had school and homework and orthodontist appointments. Just as an FYI, I probably won't be able to get on until about 4:00 PM-ish CDT most days, but once I'm on, I'll stay on for a while. PS Molly, you lost the game. *Relatively early on: MiKi walks into the arcade after school hoping to waste some time before she is forced to finish her homework. She notices Shad, Molly, and Loki walk into the World Quest room. She notices the hypnotizing effect of the blinking signs and quickly pulls her gaze to the floor. [she reads a lot, so she knows what to do when being pulled in by a charm.] Ignoring the sinister help desk lady, she walks up to the suspicious looking maintenance guy.* "What can you tell me about World Quest?" she asks, trying to act like her hero, SHerlock Holmes. Being a Sherlock Holmes fanatic, MiKi likes to think she knows a little something about interrogations. [Not really. She sucks at asking questions.]
  4. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    @G If anything, I know that me and Nana7 have filled in before when we couldn't get signups because we are the least experienced of the "experienced" members, and are usually able to play at a very "inexperienced" level. You might also try smoth; she's pretty "inexperienced" and is a good mafia player. Also, I know me and a couple other people are wondering why you are so blatantly ignoring Sak-C. I know that some of our members haven't gotten along with her before, but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong this time that she has done... Plus, letting her play would get the mafia up and running just that much faster.
  5. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    @Molly Does Hirk ever come on anymore? I haven't seen him for a while...
  6. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    Ah, no prob. I was worried I wouldn't get to play!
  7. MissKitten

    Gah! Beat me to it, Thalia!
  8. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    Hey g, are we not gonna have mentors for this mafia? Just wondering, since you took off the mentor/backup list.
  9. Yay! Lets get this rp on the road!
  10. MissKitten

    Under anesthesia, you're not "gone", it's more like you're asleep. I don't think you can argue that you "die" when you go to sleep, and that discredits the idea that you "die" under anesthesia.
  11. He, I just took it again with my real age and gender, and I got an IQ of 124, so I'm sill smarter than the average human.
  12. Eh, I just took it for the heck of it, and I got an IQ of 123. Course, I also said I was, like, 65 years old or something, which I'm not really [obviously, for those who know me], so that probably influenced my score. Still makes me feel happy that I'm smarter than the average person, though!
  13. Eh, that's a scam. I have no idea what my IQ is, but it's definitely not as high [or as low] as that thing says it is. And story, I'm a couple years older than you, and no doubt the majority of people here in the Den are smarter than me, so no offense, but they're probably smarter than you too.
  14. Gah! High school is soooooo confusing! And I don't mean just studies, either!

  15. Yay! Starfish! *starts singing Charlie the Unicorn* Jellyfish, love you, blowfish, love, starfish I LOVE YOU CHARLIE!!! You know it's true!
  16. Yeah, this has been answered. Usually when a riddle is answered, the person who posted it will put a solved poll at the top. This one has a solved poll, so its already finished, but you got the answer right, so I can tell you'll be a great addition. Welcome to the Den!
  17. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    Yeah. I think maybe what happened was that Sakura hadn't been on in a while, so he didn't think she was still available, so he took her off. Still doesn't explain why he didn't add her though....
  18. MissKitten

    Yeah, that makes sense. This got me thinking about Back to the Future, and how there are, like, 3 Docs and Martys in the second movie and what YS is saying about there being two dads in past [not counting the one traveling through time since he isn't doing anything] really makes sense.
  19. MissKitten

    When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What the hell are these?!? Demande to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down with the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN!!! [happily and shamelessly stolen from Portal 2. ^^]
  20. Well, I get that. I just don't get half the words. That's why I'm so awed by those who can solve these.
  21. MissKitten

    Haha, it's been a few years since I last saw CID, so I can't remember everything you're talking about, but from what I DO remember, that's hilarious! :lol: :lol:
  22. MissKitten

    Haha! Nice, Mo. If it makes you feel any better, I hate Molly too.
  23. ^^ Welcome to the Den, storygirl! Where the crazies abound!
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