Well, technically she didn't mispell it, she just capitalized it... to make it grammatically correct.... because it was the first word in the sentence.... So yeah, if you're mad, it's cuz she said MAFIA!! for you....
Anyhoo, welcome to the Den, SMV! I am now giving my normal "stay away from these people" speech:
STAY AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE AT ALL COSTS!!! Here are names and reasons why:
A) Molly Mae, AKA MoMa or Molly--he is just generally crazy and will make your brain spontaneously combust.
B) Maurice, AKA Mo--he is also generally crazy and will make your brain spontaneously combust. But he's better than Molly. Not by a lot, but still better.
C) Curr3nt, AKA curr--in mafia threads, he will double to triple the length of the thread. If, without him, the thread would be 20 pages, with him it's anywhere from 40 to 60. He also has very convoluted logic in mafia, as well as ridiculously long posts.
D) Plasmid, AKA plas--in mafia, his posts are incredibly long, with lots of complicated logic that will make your brain spontaneously combust. But otherwise, he's a good guy, so I guess just stay away from him in mafia? Yeah, that's it...
E) Araver--I've been told his posts are long, too. IDK for sure though...
Is that it? Yeah, I think I got the worst of them. [To the people listed here, no offense intended. Sowwee if I hurted your feelings. ]
But otherwise, welcome to the Den, where the crazies abound! [if you can't tell by now, I'm one of them too.... WE WILL INFECT YOU, SO BEWARE!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!] [Okay, I'm putting that ^ into my sig.]