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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. Don't worry, you learned from this game and will hopefully do better next game. Word of advice, though: unless baddies could easily win the next day or night, don't ever flash vote. It'll make suspicions against you skyrocket, as well as those for the person you are no longer waiting for.
  2. ....That was my thought. That there was some math connection I was missing.
  3. I feel like maybe there's some mathematic connection here that I'm missing..... Mainly because it's in the Math/Logic Puzzle section.....
  4. MiKi proudly puffs put her chest and turns to Cara. "Yes, we did, Your Highness," she says.
  5. @Ranbir That's exactly what I said.... Coincidence, or deliberate?
  6. MissKitten

    Seveny Rollo

    @Thalia Ah, I'm not that smart. ANIMATE
  7. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    Stop interfering with my mafia! Lawlz, JK. I just think sparrows are cute. Especially cuz I think of them as little fat puffballs with wings, feet and eyes. [^ the smiley was supposed to be belligerent.]
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAT!!!!!!!! Enjoy being one year closer to adulthood! XD

  9. MissKitten

    Hmmmm.... This sounds interesting. Especially since I've never played minecraft before.
  10. Yeah, I have psychological issues. Most people here on the Den can attest to that. I suggest maurice, Darth Legion, Molly Mae, plasmid, or hotterthnfire. But like I said, that guess was total BS. I literally just sat down in front of my computer and thought about words that began with those letters and could be used to form a semi-sensical sentence. @Darth I just realized how much you remind me of someone... well, two someones, actually.... that I know IRL.
  11. I need to reread all this.... But no time now, supposed to be doing Bio notes. So I'll do it later.
  12. [spoiler' ']things relating to death and destruction?
  13. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    Yeah, but a lot of princesses have animal friends. I felt like the sparrow would be the best for a princess stuck in a tower since this is a general fairy tale mafia, not a specific one.
  14. Dang it! Totally forgot about those! @phillip: Will you count those words? Arigato.
  15. Yay! Yeah, 9 was doubtful, since you had already [pretty much] said 'vultures' was wrong. But I had to try, you know?
  16. Gosh, I feel so smart! I actually feel like I may have something right!
  17. @Thalia No, it's not cuz of MM. On the bus, I was trying to talk my friends into letting me use their phones to access the internet, and hotterthnfire constantly told them it was for mafia and not to let me use their phone, so mafia was fresh on my mind. [Needless to say, I managed to get someone to accept before Roy-chan could ruin my prospect.]
  18. MissKitten

    No, that still makes 15.... The 5*0 cancels it out to 0, leaving the rest to equal 15.
  19. Mafia Lynch Mob Death Spy Save Copy Kill Target Bad Good Mafioso Mafiosa Godfather Trap Block Dice Roll Anonymous Suspicious Gun Suicide Bandwagon Villagers Innocent Bystander Role Maniac Game Night Day Pitchfork Flame Fire Torches No Contest Tie Den Scum Behind The Scenes Contact Private Message I had a lot of fun coming up with this list.
  20. "Loki!" MiKi whines. She clamps her mouth around Loki's fin without biting and tugs on it. "I'm bored! Stop looking so dreamy and faraway and come play with me!"
  21. MissKitten


    BLAME Yes, Quag, i think you did mention writing that in the morning.
  22. MissKitten

    @EDM But since you got the lemons, wouldn't you enter the "When life gives you lemons" club? Because now you have to figure out what to do with them...
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