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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. Ask Nathan the witness about lock-picking, maybe? He's pretty old.... So we're dealing with the dragon gang...... Okay. Hm..... Named after himself, which would mean named after Hermes..... Is it a solution or a raw element or what?
  2. Ah, thal beat me to it. Yes, a dragon seems right. And yeah, check to see what the brown stuff is. More blood, maybe? And what's it doing so far away from the mug? Also, how exactly do we get somebody to crack the safe? And cav, I know Brian Dennis is supposed to fix the law, not break it, but it's so much fun, you know? ^^
  3. Okay..... Maybe figure out what the thing in the pan is? And Brian's a cook. *files away for future reference* Hmm.... Oh, bout the taser, that pretty much means we can't use it, right? Since no one here is a known criminal. But definitely get a safe-cracker on the safe RIGHT AWAY. You're right, the law has never really stopped me before. [in Brian Dennis, at least. I'm still a law-abiding citizen IRL. ^^] Can't think of anything else, and I'm off to cook dinner for my family anyhoo, so I'll be back later.
  4. Okay, all actions are in, and this was fairly easy to put together, so N2 post is up. The creatures of the FairyTale World were extremely quiet tonight. Nobody was keen to act, fearing discovery and death. Instead, only one person tentatively traveled through the dark. The prince set up a campsite slightly away from Hidden G and drew his sword. He stayed awake the whole night, ready to protect his ally from anything that might attack him. Sadly, his effort was wasted, and all he gained was insurmountable exhaustion. Host: MiKi Cohost: Nana7 1. Flamebirde 3. SMV 4. mew 5. mboon 6. smoth 8. Hidden G 9. marhart14 2. TheChad Killed N1 by Unicorn 7. Fat Tony Killed N1 by Baddies OP Night 1 D2 ends tomorrow at 8:00 PM CST.
  5. I feel like it's words with double vowels, in any way shape or form.... but that's obviously not right since "moon" and "fees" weren't accepted...
  6. Host: MiKi Cohost: Nana7 1. Flamebirde 3. SMV 4. mew 5. mboon 6. smoth 8. Hidden G 9. marhart14 2. TheChad Killed N1 by Unicorn 7. Fat Tony Killed N1 by Baddies Smoth is replacing Ravyn, and mboon is replacing Roy-chan (hotterthnfire). NP will be up in a few hours.
  7. OOC: I don't think that would confuse any of us.... IDK, though, since it's an RP, so it's not really us, it's our characters....
  8. @gup ^^ @thal Whoa! Nice! I never would've guessed. I always though of you as Thalia from Percy Jackson, for some reason......
  9. Remember, night ends in about 3 hours and 40 minutes. Get those actions in!
  10. Ravynl if you're unavailable, please tell us in your PM so we can bring in a backup. Thanks! @all Inactives will be taken care of by the hosts.
  11. MissKitten

    Hey tarq! [Can I call you that?] Welcome to the Den! Yes, listen to what thal and cat say, were always looking for potential mafiosos! Ue lots of smileys, it'll get you on EDM's good side faster. [she's the smiley queen.] I have a speech about who to stay away from, it's in Davideez's intro [about 3 under yours? Maybe 4?]. It's really helpful, actually. Definitely don't come here if you worry about your sanity, this is a terrible place to stay sane. But yeah, welcome to the den! There's definitely something for everyone, and if you have any questions, there are lots of people who'll answer! In accordance to that, I'm answering your first one. I like riddles and stuff because they're usually challenging, and I enjoy a good challenge. It's also a neat way to sharpen my skills and really use my mind, and there's the added bonus of being ble to stump my friends. And then, I really just got to know the people here, and riddling just became a lot of fun! It's really nice to be able to solve a riddle that one of your friends [albeit online] put up, hoping to stump people, and then you solve it. It really rewarding to solve a puzzle designed to confuse you.
  12. MissKitten

    Hey Amanda! Welcome to the den, where the crazies abound! And yes, everyone who has posted here us a crazy. Definitely use lots of smileys, it'll get you on EDM's good side. [she's the smiley queen...] I have a patented "people to avoid" speech, but I'm on an iPad, and don't want to type it all out. Check it out on Ravyn's intro. or was it the other intro? IDK, it's there somewhere. Yes, check out mafia! Also check out our sister site, forum.mafiamaniac.net. It's awesome. Um, is there anything else? Nawp, I don't think so. But yeah, welcome to the Den! If you have any questions, there are loads of people willing to help you! Psst, Quag! Cav took the taser away! I'm no longer threatening! Well, at least not as much as before, I mean...
  13. Yes, it's from our sister site, mafiamaniac. Search it up. and you don't need those little <>tags around your smileys.
  14. Roy-chan can read Chinese. And it was used. Mainly by me. And because of that, cav took it out of play. Something about me using it to solve anything and everything or something? Total BS. But go read one of his other ones. The taser is used a lot.
  15. Host: MiKi Cohost: Nana7 1. Flamebirde 3. SMV 4. mew 5. Roy-chan (hotthnfire) 6. Ravyn 8. Hidden G 9. marhart14 2. TheChad Killed N1 by Unicorn 7. Fat Tony Killed N1 by Baddies
  16. DISCLAIMER: Roles and such are only for story purposes. The DP makes no allusions to who may have died and who is still alive. All the good creatures gathered around the princess's tower so that they could hold a meeting. They all wanted to get rid of the disgusting creatures who threatened their safety. First, though, grievances had to be offered. The prince dug a grave for TheChad and Fat Tony, and all the animals helped lower the two in. "They were very brave," sniffled the princess, while the sparrow brought a handkerchief to her so she could dry her eyes. When the funeral was over, the creatures grew serious. Versions of "It's time we did something about this!" rang out in the clearing. By popular consent, the prince became the leader. He thought for several moments before deciding, "Very well, we will put it to a vote. Who do we think deserves to die?" The creatures offered up the names of Ravyn Gale and Roy-chan. "Okay then, all who believe Ravyn Gale threatens our freedom, say ay!" Half the creatures said "Ay!". "All who believe Roy-chan threatens our freedom, say ay!" The other half of the creatures said "Ay!" The prince pondered for a while, then said, "Because we do not have a majority agreement, both Roy-chan and Ravyn Gale will go free! This meeting is adjourned!" And grumbling and groaning, the group departed. N2 ends tomorrow at 5:00 PM CST.
  17. Definitely keep it casual at this point in time. We want her to be comfortable talking about his death. Again, though, does anyone else find it odd that she didn't burst into tears when she heard her boyfriend had died? Almost as if she expected it.... @cav Like Thalia said, can we bring in undercover police, but keep the questioning casual? And then move to suspect whenever necessary? And @thalia She still must have known some of the things that went on in our cases. Like, all the murders or whatever. And either way, when a young, healthy girl screams, and an old, frail man looks calm and collected, there's definitely a discrepancy.
  18. Hmm... I think I'll have to have the map saved as a permanent attachment or something.... I didn't even think about that. Nice catch, guppy.
  19. I find it kinda odd that an old man didn't panic when he saw a car just randomly in the lake, even though a healthy, young girl who deals with cases like ours screamed. Anyone else find this odd?
  20. @flame 8 PM CST today. And just to get this out of the way, if this game goes on until Christmas, unlikely though the possibility is, it will be a scum day, meaning whatever cycle we are on will be 48 hours instead of 24.
  21. I do believe I guessed LIAR and GAME......
  22. Okay, NP will be up within the hour.
  23. MiKi grumbles. "Leave me alone, I'm trying to sleep!" she says. but then the word 'celebration' penetrates the fog enclosing her mind and she is immediately alert. "Celebrations! Sweet!"
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