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Framm 18

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Everything posted by Framm 18

  1. Framm 18

    Mirror Mafia

    Unfortunately, I have no information and having been busy with my work experience, I have not been able to keep up with this game as much as I like. I could be Flashlight but I can promise you that I am not.
  2. Framm 18

    Mirror Mafia

    I have already sort of hinted at my role D1, but I will repeat that I haven't been of much use at night.
  3. Framm 18

    Mirror Mafia

    Hosts: Hirkala and Blablah 1)Framm - Voting for Evil Cookie 2)Lionheart 3)GMaster479 4)Vipe195 6)LJ 8)yuiop - voting for framm 10)Vineetrika - voting for Evil Cookie 12)Marq-Voting for framm 13)RainThinker 17)Evil Cookie 18) Fox- voting for Evil Cookie 19)MissKitten- voting for LJ 23)24_65... - voting for Framm Dead: 11)Molly Mae-Killed by Reflectors 14)Harvey-Lynched and found to be Mirror 22)Izzy-Killed by Reflectors 5)Filly-Lynched and found to be Audio 9)Glycereine-Killed by Reflectors 15)Limey-Lynched and found to be Black 20)EDM-Lynched and found to be Shadow 24)golfjunkie-Killed by Reflectors 16)woon-Lynched and found to be-Smoke 7)Phaze-Killed by Reflectors 25)onetruth-Lynched and found to be Gray-Scale 21)NickFleming-Killed by Reflectors Self-Perserving vote and I am so confused that it is not funny.
  4. Framm 18

    Mirror Mafia

    Hosts: Hirkala and Blablah 1)Framm - Voting for Yuiop 2)Lionheart 3)GMaster479 - voting for OT 4)Vipe195 - voting for OT 6)LJ 8)yuiop 10)Vineetrika - voting for EvilCookie 12)Marq- 13)RainThinker - voting for OT 17)Evil Cookie 18) Fox - voting for OT 19)MissKitten - voting for OT 21)NickFleming 23)24_65... - voting for EvilCookie 25)onetruth Dead: 11)Molly Mae-Killed by Reflectors 14)Harvey-Lynched and found to be Mirror 22)Izzy-Killed by Reflectors 5)Filly-Lynched and found to be Audio 9)Glycereine-Killed by Reflectors 15)Limey-Lynched and found to be Black 20)EDM-Lynched and found to be Shadow 24)golfjunkie-Killed by Reflectors 16)woon-Lynched and found to be-Smoke 7)Phaze-Killed by Reflectors Placeholder as I will not be on at the end of the day. Sorry, I haven't been more active. School has been busier than normal this semester.
  5. Framm 18

    Mirror Mafia

    Hosts: Hirkala and Blablah 1)Framm 2)Lionheart 3)GMaster479 - voting forWoon 4)Vipe195 6)LJ - voted for miss kitten 7)Phaze - voting forWoon 8)yuiop 10)Vineetrika 12)Marq 13)RainThinker 16)woon 17)EvilCookie 18) Fox - voting for Woon 19)MissKitten 21)NickFleming 23)24_65... 25)onetruth - voted for miss kitten Dead: 11)Molly Mae-Killed by Reflectors 14)Harvey-Lynched and found to be Mirror 22)Izzy-Killed by Reflectors 5)Filly-Lynched and found to be Audio 9)Glycereine-Killed by Reflectors 15)Limey-Lynched and found to be Black 20)EDM-Lynched and found to be Shadow 24)golfjunkie-Killed by Reflectors Just changing qwerty to EvilCookie, unless I missed something. I will vote later, I need to go and try to reread everything again.
  6. Framm 18

    Mirror Mafia

    Hosts: Hirkala and Blablah 1)Framm - Voting for Qwerty 2)Lionheart 3)GMaster479 - voting for Limey 4)Vipe195 Voting for Lionheart 6)LJ 7)Phaze - Voting for Lionheart 8)yuiop 10)Vineetrika - voting for Limey 12)Marq-voting forLionheart 13)RainThinker - voting for Vipe 15)Limey 16)woon 17)qwerty 18) Fox - voting for Limey 19)MissKitten 20)EDM - Voting for Lionheart.... 21)NickFleming 23)24_65... - voting for Limey 24)golfjunkie 25)onetruth - Voting for Lionheart Dead: 11)Molly Mae-Killed by Reflectors 14)Harvey-Lynched and found to be Mirror 22)Izzy-Killed by Reflectors 5)Filly-Lynched and found to be Audio 9)Glycereine-Killed by Reflectors Sorry weekends are really busy for me lately, random vote at the moment as I won't have a chance to change it tonight.
  7. Framm 18

    Mirror Mafia

    I am back, not much info I can give, but I can say that I haven't been of much use the last couple nights.
  8. Framm 18

    Mirror Mafia

    Hosts: Hirkala and Blablah 1)Framm - Voting for Filly 2)Lionheart 3)GMaster479 - voting for 24 4)Vipe195 Voting for Framm 5)Filly 6)LJ 7)Phaze - voting for Framm 8)yuiop 9)Glycereine - voting for Filly 10)Vineetrika 12)Marq 13)RainThinker - voting for Framm 15)Limey 16)woon 17)qwerty 18) Fox - voting for Limey 19)MissKitten 20)EDM 21)NickFleming - voting for Framm 23)24_65... 24)golfjunkie 25)onetruth Dead: 11)Molly Mae-Killed by Reflectors 14)Harvey-Lynched and found to be Mirror 22)Izzy-Killed by Reflectors Just to get someone a little closer to me. This game has me soooo confused at the moment, and Phaze, Izzy, and Nick, hasn't helped. I will take a look back at the posts and then provide a good defense in the morning.
  9. Framm 18

    Mirror Mafia

    Hosts: Hirkala and Blablah 1)Framm - Voting for RT 2)Lionheart 3)GMaster479 is voting for Fox 4)Vipe195 - Voting for Phaze 5)Filly - Voting for Fox 6)LJ 7)Phaze - Voting for Fox 8)yuiop - voting for limey 9)Glycereine 10)Vineetrika 12)Marq 13)RainThinker 14)Harvey is voting for qwerty 15)Limey is voting for LJ 16)woon 17)qwerty 18)Fox 19)MissKitten 20)EDM 21)NickFleming - voting for Phaze 22)Izzy is voting for Marq 23)24_65... 24)golfjunkie 25)onetruth Dead: 11)Molly Mae-Killed by Reflectors Random at the moment.
  10. Hosts: Hirkala and Blablah 1)Framm - Confirmed 2)Lionheart 3)GMaster479 4)ST 5)Filly 6)LJ 7)Phaze 8)yuiop 9)Glycereine 10)Vineetrika - confirmed 11)Molly Mae - confirmed 12)slick 13)RainThinker 14)Harvey - confirmed 15)Limey (Confirmed) 16)woon 17)qwerty 18) Fox - confirmed 19)MissKitten 20)EDM 21)NickFleming 22)RiddlerGee 23)24_65... 24)Brrr 25)onetruth - confirmed Backup: 1)EvilCookie 2)golfjunkie 3) 4)
  11. Cost of Living? I really don't know much about it, but it seems wrong that a $1 here in Knoxville, does not equal a $1 in San Francisco for example. Edit: If there is anything that could be done that is.
  12. Framm 18

    Mirror Mafia Signups

    You don't have to worry about dying first, that is something I excel in.
  13. Framm 18

    Mirror Mafia Signups

    Hosts: Hirkala and Blablah 1) Framm 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) I will have to reread this a couple of times so that I can get everything figured out hopefully. Looking forward to it though.
  14. You are a centrist moderate social authoritarian. Right: 0.28, Authoritarian: 2.61 Foreign Policy: You scored: -1.29 Non-Interventionalist Culture: You scored: 2.09 Culture Conservative Now can someone help me to make sense of this??? I don't do Politics, so I have no idea. I will still try and contribute, but for the most part I am just being a spectator.
  15. Framm 18

    Angel Mafia

    GG guys and great game Hirk.
  16. Framm 18

    Angel Mafia

    Host: Hirkala 1. Filly 2. Blablah - DEAD Killed by The Baddies 3. Framm - voting for Filly 4. Glycereine - LYNCHED - Found to be Doyle 5. Izzy - DEAD - Killed by The Baddies 6. Onetruth - DEAD - Killed by The Baddies 7. Lionheart voting for Filly 8. yuiop - DEAD - RID Killed by The Beast 9. EDM - LYNCHED - Found to be Wesley 10. Limey voting for Filly 11. Miss Kitten - DEAD - RID Killed by Angel 12. RMZ 13. NickFleming 14. woon - LYNCHED - Found to be Holtz 15. LJ - DEAD - RID Killed by The Beast You know why, sorry MK should have protected you.
  17. I don't know about all of them, but Baptists don't have nuns.
  18. Not trying to start an argument, but please be careful when using the word Christianity, as Catholicism does not equal Baptist does not equal Mormon does not equal... If you get what I mean.
  19. Framm 18

    Angel Mafia

    Hey, I heard that.
  20. Framm 18

    Angel Mafia

    Host: Hirkala 1. Filly - Voting for Lionheart 2. Blablah - DEAD Killed by The Baddies 3. Framm - Voting for Glycereine 4. Glycereine - voting for Lionheart 5. Izzy - DEAD - Killed by The Baddies 6. onetruth - voting for Lionheart 7. Lionheart 8. yuiop - DEAD - RID Killed by The Beast 9. EDM - LYNCHED - Found to be Wesley 10. Limey 11. MissKitten 12. RMZ - Shiny, Happy Person 13. NickFleming 14. woon - LYNCHED - Found to be Holtz 15. LJ - Voting for Lionheart Let's see what this button does.
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