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Everything posted by EDM

  1. EDM

    One Up Me

    I'd just like to thank all of you for being the reason I can smile in my posts... :D
  2. EDM


    Add my name to any place except #1...
  3. EDM

    One Up Me

    If you act like you're smart...you're probably pretty stupid...
  4. EDM

    One Up Me

    You know you're a grammar Nazi when you read the above and realise that: 1) flamebirde was correct; it's "you're" 2) Brainiac probably didn't realise that everyone else would misread brainy's 'One-Up Me' and assume that brainy was incapable of correcting sentences 3) flamebirde has become self-conscious about writing a forum post because of brainy 4) marksmanjay's re-correction of flamebirde's statement is oddly funny 5) EDM didn't put a period after each point, and will not do so as she is not a grammar Nazi 6) EDM has referred to herself in 3rd person while typing these points 7) marksmanjay, flamebirde, brainiac100, and EDM show up as grammatical/spelling errors when typing (the computer doesn't categorize them, apparently) 8) 'realise' comes up as a spelling error in US english, but not in UK english 9) 'english' comes up as an error as the 'e' is not in capitals 10) brainy is not considered as a spelling error, though many would disagree with me (I really don't know why) Edit: just to check my work... ^ The sentence above contains grammatical errors. However, this sentence is free of any errors, as per the computer spell-check.
  5. EDM

    One Up Me

    "Assuming that the world exists...can I get my life back...?"
  6. EDM

    One Up Me

    You know you have stage fright when the eyes of the world are on you, and you need a change of underwear clothes...
  7. EDM


    I'm such a silly monkey!!!
  8. EDM


    same here. Player list: 1. Flamebirde 2. EDM :D 3. 4.
  9. EDM

    I'm not a :)

    I have internals, but this riddle was practically calling me to it...so I listened...
  10. Aha!!! Awesome!!! (atleast I was close... )
  11. Edit: I'm not sure it'll fit, but that's what our riddle reminded me of... Really love this one...completely !!!
  12. EDM

    One Up Me

    When all else fails (to calm the sleeping lion/person you scared awake)...run!!!
  13. you're back? YAY!!! :D
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