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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. When it first dawns on you However taxing it may feel A little shot of encouragement Take it from me, t'will help you deal Where all is safe and sound Comfort I afford, complete Shouldn't have to spill the beans For I know you can take the heat But otherwise, if all else fails You might comically have it to face So you 'd better get a grip cause My name, it's time that you place
  2. All very smart answers above. Wilson finishes off the last missing clue of the middle trio.
  3. nope, sorry. each of the three words in the clue is synonomous to the answer. think if you find the right one for field, the others will immediately make sense. oh, and the one you got was the only instance in this puzzle where homophones were used - promise.
  4. hey there RB - good to see you. not that. still working on and enjoying yours yes, that's my intended. nicely deduced. that takes care of the two I was most worried about. funny, I can never tell... you got the right idea and at the same time are dead wrong. hope that doesn't screw you up too much.
  5. well, was slow at noticing your post but now have spent some time studying it (and then lost my connection). anyway...n o t w h a t I h a d i n m i n d. ooh, strong guess. think there's one a little better.
  6. If correct will have a brandy to celebrate. ah man - such a wonderful visual and smart answer but got to say no. all three clues are synonomous rather than associative with this one. think if you come across the one for glass (tho probably not what you would expect of course), the others will be be immediately apparent. hope you still enjoyed a night cap. yes indeed DD - think this one isnt very good. the rest are better. nice solve
  7. hasn't been said and a good fit - rats. will still need a different answer for the next round.
  8. a most enjoyable riddle M M one of those moments when it finally gelled. the highest standard of success IMO.
  9. 'fraid neither hey t_l - a pretty good match but need a different one. not that Edit ....typo woot woot - yes indeed, well done! Although I see other answers posted that seem better. hey Wilson - none of the above - dont get to say that often hey M M - sorry, not what am looking for not those, fabpig
  10. nice but think there's a better one.
  11. hey EDM - sorry I missed this one earlier, guess our posts crossed in the ethernet. absolutely correct though. am a little worried the first clue of this one may not be so recognizable internationally. what do you think? hey fabpig - not it but know it's just a matter of time (not a hint) EDIT: clever once again but not it.
  12. plainglazed

    still thinking...
  13. not quite hey Wilson - good to see you. Correct on the third one in the second group. Have made some comments in your quote
  14. hey fabpig - great thinking but not it. that last word in this clue has a better fit I think well that does indeed fit fit fit perfectly. unfortunately its not what I intended or what is needed for the next round. my bad.
  15. ITHACA SHORTS HARLOT OCTOPI PASTISBISHOP Great puzzles Bonanova! Made for an even better breakfast. Ready to face the day, brain first.
  16. Have given a "break down" in the ones solved thus far as example of how these go, for clarity, and also maybe to point out that the three "matches" to the answer may not be as expected from the wording of the clue. EDIT: spelled my friend's name wrong
  17. nay, but think the answer is along those lines as it relates to the last clue anyway. EDIT: I think the others are better/more fair. Still challenging, no doubt. Hard to balance over the top obscure with too simple. sorry, no
  18. hey fabpig - not what I have in mind for this one. EDIT: It's not spioler...=P ooh, close but not it M M nice logic DD but looking for something different not that t_l smart as always but need something else yes indeed, that's correct...for this one. do you think subconsciously you may have already gotton this one earlier? hey there Thalia - good to see you but gonna have to say no to the above.
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