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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. that is correct my good man.
  2. I will take control Even if a bit cruel And still keep in line All of those I rule Then will end my rise When I lose the power Yet will bide my time Til the final hour Hoping again to connect And regain my position Must get it together Back in commission
  3. plainglazed

    EDIT: added a guess
  4. Gonna call this one solved - by slyde87 Nicely deduced.
  5. hey t_l - havent been able to get around the work thing and get around here much but have been working on this one off line. will keep at it.
  6. hey there 'Cat' - clever both but neither are it. thanks
  7. There's two sides to every story And this one's no exception So when it comes to my integrity Is it really fair to question Though my loyalty may fade with time A side of me well known by you Besides being less familiar now First impressions still ring true But wow such a warped sense of humor Cause of this single indiscretion When the dust has finally settled Can you enumerate this misdirection
  8. plainglazed


    If MANIC - 2 then D is the fourth letter because MANIA - 1 and PANDA - 2; the A, N, and A in MANIA must account for the one since if it is the M or the I then the A, N, and A in PANDA would be excluded and you could not have PANDA - 2. Therefore either the P or D in PANDA must be correct. MANIC - 2 and PANIC - 2 would eliminate the P. If MANIC - 0 then A is the last letter because MANIA - 1, the only difference being the A.
  9. plainglazed


    PAGES - if 1 then third letter is G; from PILES - 1 I is established to be the second letter so not P A E or S.
  10. adding solved feature - be back soon...
  11. well,well, he's baaa ack. nicely solved Wilson. and a little cleaning up by DD.
  12. plainglazed


    CREED - if 1 then E is the fourth letter; not C R E from CREDO - 0; not D from PILED - 1 since PILES was also 1 which eliminates both last letters as possible.
  13. hey t_mo - not it but that's a fabulous answer! am always impressed here with alternatives you guys come up with and I neglect to consider. in this case, I think you matched my intended meaning in every clue and still got a different answer. sorry 'bout that nope hello there SkyRat - another fine fit for # 2 but not the word that will get you to the final answer. and not it for #6, sorry. please give it another go. thanks
  14. nope yes, that's the word. 'fraid not
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