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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. think this one is a no. Each of the two words in the answer are definite synonyms. Just maybe not the first definitions/unexpected parts of speech/slang/etc.
  2. hey Qesh - good to see you here. think you picked a tough one. changed this clue last minute which typically brings regrets. dont really see the two words in your answer as synonomous but please correct me if so.
  3. well drats, a little late. dont know if this is even correct and now, even if the math pans out, certainly can't prove it's a max.
  4. hey Framm - that's not what I have in mind for this one but maybe an alternative answer.
  5. scared me there for a second but right on Framm - nice start well, maybe t_l, but different than what I have. not real sure of the connection between the second word of the clue and the second word of your answer. gonna say half right DD
  6. Find a synonym for each word of the two word clues that together result in a recognizable two word answer where each of those words are in some sense synynomous to each other. for example - Recognize Surroundings --> Place Setting Support Position Ring Prediction Jealous Nut Part Proof Spring Initiation Waste Away Tolerates Winning Stuck With Expired Account Clean Sweep
  7. urgg - curr3nt beat me to it but spent so much time on the image, gonna post it anyway. Gotta get internet service at my other location.
  8. plainglazed


    PRIMP - if 0 then the PRIM of PRIME - 1 are ruled out leaving the E as the last letter.
  9. ahhh, now I see... nice one as always my cellularly included friend.
  10. plainglazed


    BOOKS - if 2 then K is fourth, if 1 then C is fourth - from ROCKY - 2 we know the O is correct but not the R from ROUGE - 1 (the O), and not the Y from DELAY - 0 so one of C or K must be correct. If BOOKS is 2 then not the B or S from BONDS - 1 (the O) andd not the second O from QUOTH - 0 so K would be fouth but if BOOKS - 1 (the first O) then the K is wrong and C must be the third.
  11. plainglazed


    everyone's good at something. half the battle is finding out what. congrats .
  12. plainglazed


    ha - gave up on the theme too soon . as soon as I saw curr3nt's... but he did all the work so I couldn't snipe in good faith .
  13. plainglazed


    URATE - if 1 then U is the first; not RA from TRACT - 0, not T from TEATS - 0, not E from MOOSE - 0
  14. plainglazed


    TRACT - if 1 then T is the last letter; not the first T nor A from TEATS - 0, not the R from WRING - 0, not the C from LATCH - 0
  15. plainglazed


    okay, similar theme but different WRING
  16. plainglazed


    DAIRY I know, jk. you know, couldn't resist. with the hint and all, that is...
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