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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. another good answer but not mine yet, Framm well hello archikohl and welcome to the Den - see where you're coming from but the "I" you're looking for in this riddle is not a person. hey Solomon - 'fraid not hey fabpig - a good fit with alot of key words but that last line? maybe re a recent trajedy i guess. anyway, not it.
  2. hey Framm - your answer's a good one but not it. think this one can be legitimately interpreted in lots of ways but hope there is still a best answer - and that it's the same as my intended. know quite well how all here come up with such great thoughts.
  3. plainglazed

    EDIT: meant to say thanks tmh
  4. Getting in shape ...I aim for perfection Chancing fate ...Without circumspection Thinking I'm slick ...Upon self-reflection Making my way ...With no predelection Bursting with energy ...In every direction Enjoying the rise ...From my first erection Remembering me simply ...With great affection So what am I now ...Please make your selection
  5. plainglazed


    thinking of a couple but going to stick with KABOB ...sheesh
  6. Hope you are having and have had a wonderful birthday. Live it up. What a great age to be!

  7. plainglazed


    Right on and right to score the other as well. Really did think you might be tooting your own horn though. POLAR
  8. plainglazed


    CRIMP - if 1 then I is third. Not the CR from CRAZY - 0 nor the MP from SWAMP - 0. And from MAIZE - 1 not the Z from CRAZY - 0 or the MA from MALTS - 0 so either the I or E is correct. So if CRIMP - 0 then not the I so E must be last.
  9. plainglazed


    F O C U S ABORT - 0 SCARE - 0 THANK - 0 SWEAT - 0 LOWLY - 1 LOONY - 1 SCARY - 0 SOBER - 1 GOONY - 1 PONZI - 1 RULES - 1 ROWER - 1 ROARS - 2 FORMS - 3 OOZES - 2 CORES - 2 FORTS - 3 BOOMS - 2 well you still saw right thru me. maurice +10 curr3nt +5 Glycerine +15 plainglazed +18
  10. plainglazed


    F O _ _ S ABORT - 0 SCARE - 0 THANK - 0 SWEAT - 0 LOWLY - 1 LOONY - 1 SCARY - 0 SOBER - 1 GOONY - 1 PONZI - 1 RULES - 1 ROWER - 1 ROARS - 2 FORMS - 3 OOZES - 2 CORES - 2 FORTS - 3 BOOMS - 2 maurice +10 curr3nt +5
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