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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    plainglazed was like a ninja, except when it came to his YouTube account. (ok, yes, that's me and yes, quite bizarre; but hilarious. had forgotten I even had an account. do remember now when/why I got it - for a badudi BrainDen scavenger hunt riddle. and now that YouTube's linked to my iGoogle account, guess that's how I somehow favorited that vid.)
  2. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    if I remember correctly, this game is still ongoing.
  3. adding solved feature - be back soon.
  4. yes and yes monsieur Wilson - spot on as usual.
  5. yes, that's right. the method of finding the final answer from the five one word answers of the "mini riddles" might be hinted at in any part of the OP that is not the five couplets (okay, including the title). thanks for your interest yes, not it, sorry. gave a veiled hint in my last response to fabpig
  6. plainglazed


    CRONY - if 3 then ONY is the last three as not CR from CREAK - 0
  7. yes indeed, nicely done CaptainEd and superprismatic. like the Cap'n, I too thought the first question was most interesting in its simplification. needed a spreadsheet for the second part and don't know of a simple way to express the formulations as they involve subsequent cycles of the permutations. am guessing superprismatic did similarly with a computer program?
  8. yes indeed superprismatic, thanks for asking and allowing me to clarify; when a player turns over an ace, that is essentially his last card for that game. also want to say each player is using only their individual stack. realized when I said "in succession" that was a little ambiguous. Each player turns over the top card in their respective stack and keeps their own individual score.
  9. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    It was a lot better than I expected but still I have that effect on the environment. (catching up)
  10. plainglazed

    hello beryong27 - this is a classic puzzle. it is also already included in this site so am locking this thread. please refer to Important: READ BEFORE POSTING for directions on how to search for previously posted topics.
  11. aw man - must admit, did not fully parse all of the clues in this, yet another fabulous, Shakee riddle. had been thinking of this as a possibility but plasmids earlier response actually had me thinking of a feather and really thought that might be it .
  12. hey plasmid - neither am afraid and fabpig - greetings to you as well but not a who. also not what am looking for for the final answer.
  13. During the pre-cards bull session at this weeks friendly game it was obvious Coop was a little anxious. No doubt still reeling from loss that was tucked neatly in my wallet just in case. Shortly after Vern finally arrived, it was Coop who pushed for the game to begin and Coop who cussed under his breath as Rob, seated to his left, drew high card for first deal. Prop bets are not really used to juice the action at our game but are more a matter of pride. Even so they are usually not proffered in the first round of deals. But when it came to Coop's turn he couldn't wait any longer. "Ok, here's how it works. The buy in's $10 each." He was dealing cards face up by suit to Rob, Huck, Vern and I. "Each of you now has 13 cards from 2 to Ace, aces are high. Shuffle and place them face down and everyone flip over your top card. You'll all turn over cards in succession until you're shot down by the bullet. For every card (not counting the first one) that is flipped and higher than all previous cards, you score a point. No points loses, one point gets you five of your ten back, two points is a push, three points wins $1, four points wins $5, five points - $10, six points - $20, seven points - $50, and eight or more points wins you $100. We played several rounds. Not a bad game all in all. But I'm still wondering; what is the expected (average) number of points for this game? And secondly, what is the expected value of the $10 bet?
  14. ha, your response tickled me, plasmid . had been thinking similarly
  15. hey t_l - got another, nicely done. my intended is slightly different but cant see how to fairly extend this. in fact, think yours probably even fits the clues a little better.
  16. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    may not be best to make mountains out of mole hills. hate to have to break a tie, though. gonna go with fabpig this time. gotta think we'll get some bigger, salvageable, dispassionate, recognizable chunks of maurice back eventually .
  17. yes indeed, plasmid. thanks for the math. my math is not strong enough to prove a min for the fastest car.
  18. Nicely done CaptainEd - I believe you have it. Thanks for sticking with it. Although am pretty sure how to simply and quickly check if a given set of six speeds creates a steady state, I do not know how to prove a minimum speed for the fastest car so also just used a spreadsheet. I too like the out of the box offering of Egghead and of Valic4 but only mentioned the "really tiny" bit to suggest when they do pass one another (at the intersection only), they do it instantaneously.
  19. Predict smooth sailing ahead for the Cap'n. Very pleasing responses from all - looks like fun. Hate that am caught up here at work.
  20. Six (really tiny) racecars all set out in the same direction starting at the intersection of a figure eight shaped track. Each travels at a unique constant integer speed (greater than 0). The intersection of the figure eight is the only spot on the track where the racecars can pass one another. If the six cars can race in this manner for an indefinitely long time, what is the minimum speed of the fastest of the six cars?
  21. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    okay - per fp When he says it must go on...
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