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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. deannaart

    Alas. Hindsight is 20/20. Still well done as always.
  2. deannaart

    that's ok. Click on my name.
  3. deannaart

    Hey Lotus! I did it! Do you like? It's from 99, but it's my favorite. and it gives people an idea of what I look like.
  4. deannaart

    Well hello Lotus!! Sorry, I actually don't get this one. I'll try to think on it, but I'm a bit confused...
  5. deannaart

    Nice job for your second riddle! Just keep writing and they'll keep getting better!
  6. deannaart

    No frowny face Gubdude. You did great. Don't let a pair of argumentative, nit-picky people with nothing better to do than belittle people get you down. You're awesome! And I know, cause I'm the queen of awesome!
  7. deannaart

    so what is "it" then? Compare IT to ME and IT shall fall. That line confuses me.
  8. deannaart

    You know what? It was a very good riddle. Since it was solved it managed to get the point across. Why do people on this forum insist on cutting other people's work down? This is a riddle simply meant to be fun and you guys are succeeding at nothing but being killjoys. Great Riddle Gubdude!
  9. deannaart

    That's what came to me too...
  10. Good question! And welcome to the Den!!
  11. Haha... On your feet lose your seat nananananana!
  12. You got it! But next time, If you would be so kind, please use the spoiler button on the left to hide your answers. Thanx!!
  13. I saw this on a children's program and thought I'd share it with the rest of the class... What is the one thing you always lose every time you stand up? Ok. That's it. Have fun!
  14. Yes! That is the answer! Good job!
  15. deannaart

    Hey there Gubdude! How are ya? Sorry man got nothing on this one...
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