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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. Hey, no problem, just wish I could have figured it out for myself. I worked for almost an entire day on this one.... Stupid too, cause I came up with that answer, but thought it was wrong, cause I thought the answers read from left to right,and the director only worked on one clue. I didn't realize the director was tying the 2 clues together. These things get me all screwed up.
  2. The bear returned to his den Where his mistress found him within Your breath smells of tainted blood And it's seeping from your skin All I want is for you to get help But I don't know how to begin I want this movie to be over Waiting for the screen to say "fin" Your anger is something palpable Self medicated with blood I just don't know what to do Take our precious cub from the flood? It's superficial problems that caused This whole bloody mess to begin No matter where we run to These problems could still win Your anger really scares me Not just me, but our cub too I don't want her to spend Her life being terrified of you
  3. Thanx bunches for the explanation PG. It does help a bit now. I came up with the same solution, but different ways of solving it. Probably still wrong since I am absolutely HORRID at these, but here goes...... Again, this is probably all wrong, but I really am giving it my very best. Please don't think I'm stupid or anything, I just overanalyze things to death, and try as I might, these puzzles just don't make ant sense to me. It' also funny that you said I got the most obscure answer, while the others are pretty obvious. I think that one was super easy, it's the"obvious" ones I'm struggling at.
  4. [spoiler='ok so this is what i've got for the 3rd,4th,5th letters ']airline disclaimer= AIRPLANE HIJACKED? = APH? But this is probably wrong since I don't fully understand the hint.
  5. OK, I think I've got #3 figured out But I'm not sure all my reasonings are correct. It just seems to fit for me, and fit in with the overall theme... So here goes, (Don't laugh! I told you I can NOT do these types of riddles)
  6. deannaart

    I agree wholeheartedly!!!
  7. deannaart

    and it seams chicory said it in post #10. Is it another? Yes, the second answer is Thanx to PG and Chicory for playing!!!!! Great job guys!!!!!
  8. deannaart

    Good luck getting a coherent answer....But I think you might be right.
  9. deannaart

    Yup, Theme has been noticed and should be taken care of shortly.
  10. deannaart

    Don't know why, but I keep thinking... By the way, fantastic riddle MrsP!
  11. deannaart

    I'm not really sure if these guys are still around or not...
  12. Awwwww..... Thanx MrsP!!!
  13. deannaart

    Great job Chicory! You're on the doorstep knocking... Make your answer plural, then give me Clearly your two answers.
  14. deannaart

    So, what we have so far.....
  15. deannaart

    haha! As long as we are both on the same page.... And no, sorry, your answer is not what we're looking for. Keep trying!
  16. deannaart

    I think you might have it PG, but your answer is kind of confusing. Give me an explanation, with both of your answers please. Ok, looking at it again, I think I get what you are saying. You are right with the first answer, and on your way to the second answer. (This riddle has two answers)
  17. deannaart

    Hey guys! I'm Deanna. I'll be filling in for Chess Vixen while she's gone for the day. Fear not, I do have the answer and explanation, so I can help guide you along. Vixen will be back later tonight/tomorrow morning. So lets get going and have some fun! The game is afoot!
  18. deannaart

    Sorry, Vixen. I am absolutely NO help on these. Try as I might, My brain just won't work. Hope you have a good day hon! ::hugs::!
  19. deannaart

    Heck yeah! I still have that game!! It's for my little girl when she gets older, but wow. That's some awesome memory DD! (Now I feel REALLY old!)
  20. deannaart

    Why thank you for the kind words, Vixen! Here's another guess...
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