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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. deannaart

    can't be this... she used it in the riddle....
  2. deannaart

    Deanna. That is the most unlucky thing I know...
  3. deannaart

    (I really need to watch more TV...)
  4. deannaart

    OK, This is what I have so far...
  5. Just realized I solved this one. I'm so excited!! Great riddle PG! Lots of fun. Can't wait for another.
  6. deannaart

    So funny... I actually am in the process of dying my hair red right now.....
  7. Hey, PG, I just read through this whole thread, and already forgot if my answer has already been guessed. If so, many apologies.
  8. Ok let's give this one more try, before off to bed...
  9. But of course. You are most welcome.
  10. Ok, one more try at this solved feature...
  11. Thanx everyone for playing along! Hope it was enjoyable for you too. Dangit, I was trying to do the Solved feature and it didn't work...
  12. Hey, thanx for guessing. Missed it by one post. Hope you liked it!
  13. Way to go EDM!!!!! You are correct!!!!
  14. Ooohhh... I do hate that... Unfortunately not it, though. Look at the previous post for a clue...
  15. I am so glad you like it! And your answer is very close...
  16. Nice imagery as always, Deanna. Will continue to ponder.... Aww, the poor kid that gets left out... sorry, not it, PG. But good try. Thanx for the compliment by the way!!
  17. So sorry to all!!!! My internet crashed earlier and I just now got it up and running. My deepest apologies!!! So far, no one has guessed the correct answer. (Although there were some really good ones!!) Keep on guessing!
  18. This is an incredible answer, Malcom! Fits so well with everything but the last line. I wish i had thought of that answer when composing this riddle, though...
  19. Thanx so much for the compliments! Cool guess, but nowhere close. Sorry!
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