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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    We can modify the number of players in these games, since they aren't set in stone. If you signed up now, that would put the roster at 9, which isn't unreasonably low for a game. This game is still waiting on a host, too. Can someone from MM go post and ask if anyone wants to host? Or someone see this and want to host? Aura? Klue? Zweefer?
  2. Molly Mae


    GAMMA - ? IF 0, ??F?? is proved by MAFIA // since GAMES = 0 and MUSIC = 0 and GAMMA = 0. IF 1, nothing is proved since the combination ??FM? and ????A both exist. IF 2, ???MA is proved by GAMMA // since GAMES = 0. Reordered.
  3. Molly Mae

    What happened to my linkey? =/
  4. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia

    KlueMaster: facebook.com/gagrawal 9. mboon - voting for self 8. Thalia - voting for self 7. Nana7 - voting for no lynch 6. 'Cat'astrophe - voting for self 5. tolecnal - voting for self 4. Shad - voting for self 3. Molly Mae, son of Irwin* - voting for Nana 2. Aura - voting for self 1. Aaryan - voting for self Is a vote for no lynch allowed? I'm not really going to believe that Nana hasn't solved her puzzle. So my question for her is thus: Have you solved your puzzle?
  5. Molly Mae

    Donno what happened to this thread, but best quote ever (totally taken out of context and some text removed) is below: Full post is here
  6. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia

    Is the secret ability supposed to be attached to the OP? EDIT: End of D1. Right. I should have read the OP.
  7. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia

    Eep. Just saw this. Confirming activity.
  8. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Thumbed this one up. =P Been doing a lot of remodeling recently.
  9. Molly Mae

    Both will be chopped up, actually. =P
  10. Molly Mae

    It will certainly favour those who are awake/active when it's released. Hirk and I have very different schedules, but are presently in the same time zone. If it were released at 9 AM in our time zone, I would have a pretty big advantage. If at 9 pm, he would have the advantage. *Shrug* So it's more than just time zones. Unless you're assuming that everyone wakes up at the same number time (in their own time zone, of course) and is active at the same hours (in their own time zone, of course). Or he could random.org a number from 0-23 and release it at that time (his time zone) on a given day. But yeah, whoever gets to it first has a pretty strong advantage. But it would still interest everyone to find the answer, so they could learn what the secret ability is, though. So the winner of the secret ability probably won't be published.
  11. Molly Mae

    Klue Mongers 9.mboon 8. Thalia (This is dependent on the game being near the end around the 16th. That's when all h*** breaks loose for me at school. ) 7. Nana7 6. 5. 4. 3. Molly Mae, son of Irwin* 2. 1. Backups: 1. 2. 3. . . . nth. Framm *Note that my father's name isn't really Irwin. I actually don't know anybody named Irwin. Steve Irwin? I knew an Irvin once. *Shrug* So why do I do it?
  12. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    And the Oilers did a lot better than I expected.
  13. Molly Mae

    You had/have a girlfriend? =/ I definitely disagree with this. The numbers are already in favour of the goodies, especially with the known difficulties for each puzzle (vanilla = easy) Exactly. With 2 baddies against 7 goodies, when the baddies might not gain immediate BTSC either, I think it is fair that vanillas are just vanillas instead of specific characters. *Thumbs up* My thoughts exactly.
  14. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    I have that effect...
  15. Molly Mae

    Curious, but....what song is that?
  16. Molly Mae

    I voted down. With 7 v 2, I think the vote manip is a good addition and more complimentary than a spy. If you take the vote manip, you should consider adding a third baddie.... =/ Immunity to NK for Godfather at first seems pointless, but does protect him in case the thug accidentally tries to kill him. But crunch the numbers and you'll find that the possibility is extremely remote. I think the random result vs spy trait works (and it might not even save him, as he has a 2/9 chance of still appearing as a baddie plus a 1/9 chance of appearing as the spy). Can the Godfather appear likewise as a lynched or known-dead role? I'm assuming yes, but this is just confirmation. So there's more working against the Godfather with this trait than meets the eye. It sometimes protects, but even when it does there's a chance that the protection will fade with a lynch (of him or someone else).
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