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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Superglue a sock to the doorknob.
  2. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Mama always said "Trouble is like a bar of chocolate--you always know what you're gonna get."
  3. He kills by player name. I considered making him a RID kill, but figured it would likely be too hard for a goodie to RID a cop, since he would have to figure out both role and ID (instead of just ID). Yes. Yeah, some people had that same problem in MaFBIa. In my line of work, though, it's easy to picture the cops as bad guys. I'm actually kidding about that last bit. Cops are the chosen people. I'm probably kidding about that last bit there, too. It's a quote from Fallen. <3
  4. I seriously typed this up in about 5-10 minutes. If you see anything odd, you can use this thread as discussion, as well. I'm going back over it now.
  5. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    That's all you, Jim.* *Note: Jim = PG. I don't know his real name. I'm just guessing.
  6. There's a very narrow chance for Mr White to become bad, but there's a kill role in Mr Green. So if Mr Green tries to kill a baddie and Mr White saves the baddie, Mr White becomes bad. If Mr Green is bad from the beginning, Mr White will almost certainly never be bad--a good balance in case the baddies end up with Mr Green.
  7. Molly Mae

    Rat Hunt Mafia

    Roles: The Boss -- Organises jobs and knows all RID combinations, but does not know factions. Has self vote manip of x1 or x2. The Boss' Son -- In charge of the job and can redirect any player. Mr White -- An old man, formerly a doctor of medicine. Cannot be bad. May save one target from the NK per night. If he successfully saves a baddie, he becomes bad. Mr Black -- The quiet, observant type. May Role Spy any player. Does not learn faction. Mr Gray -- A loudmouth who likes to tell stories. He can keep a player occupied for the night, stopping their action. (Block) Mr Green -- A ruthless killer chosen by The Boss to keep things orderly. Has a kill every night. Mr Brown -- A man with connections. If he is ever targeted by a member of the opposite faction, he is told which role targeted him. Mr Tech -- A tech whiz who can tap communications. He chooses a player or role and receives a random five word string from the last pm sent that night by them to the host. --- 2 vs 6 mini-mafia in the partial style of Reservoir Dogs. Note: This is NOT a Reservoir Dogs mafia. Heh. Every player is assigned a name that they know each other by (in this case, though, your real name is the colour and your assigned name is your board name--e.g., maurice). You have completed a job that went south quickly. You now suspect that there are police among you. Someone set you up and you're out for blood. Two roles will randomly be assigned as undercover cops. They may be any two roles excluding Mr White. Rules: Baddies get BTSC + NK (unstoppable, save by save). When a player is lynched, their faction is revealed, but not their role. OOA: Block > Kill > Redirect Host: Yuli and Molly Mae 1. Plasmid (reserved, if he wants it) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
  8. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    I'm drawing up a game right now to host. It won't be a TMM, though. It will be a small game. If Plas is good on that, I'll post sign ups after I get the RDs.
  9. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    That's kinda why I was asking for a host. Silly hoomans.
  10. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia

    I really agree with this. The beauty of Den Mafia (and something that sets it apart) is the lack of vanilla roles.
  11. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia

    A blend of Bag o' Tricks and Klueless is certainly fair game, if you've got the notion. Re-assignable abilities and a puzzle that goes where the ability goes. Stipulations not used in BoT: You can't hold an ability. You get it for one cycle, then it goes back in the bag. Puzzles for the next ability can be given at the end of the Night. N1 lasts 48 hours. At the end of N1, everyone gets their puzzle for their N2/D2 ability. This gives them an opportunity to finish the puzzle, get the ability, and submit an action. A player could get the same puzzle multiple times, even if he's already solved it. That's all you, though. Or someone else.
  12. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia

    I agree only in the sense that Aaryan's puzzle shouldn't have been posted. As soon as that became public information, of course I was going to use it. A few other factors: 1. We were still assuming, though, that all vanilla puzzles were exactly the same (but Nana confirmed it for me, although a 3/2 split wouldn't have been unreasonable). 2. Nothing forced Aura to claim any role at all. 3. If Aaryan had been the spy or doctor, Aura's claim would have gone unchallenged and I would have continued thinking that all puzzles were unique. 4. Again the goodie WIFOM of hiding among the vanillas to prevent being NK'd. Going back to the baddies were just outgunned (more guns--not necessarily better aim). So yes. I do agree with you.
  13. Your first one's right on the money. Thanks for playin', folks. Hope you're having a good Monday. EDIT: When I quote your spoiler, it shows the tags and content. =/ EDIT2: The spoiler in my sig is also not working. EDIT3: Spoiler's broke, cap'n.
  14. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia

    @Mo: The ability of the vanillas wasn't really an ability. We all had the same puzzle with different 5-letter answers. As a vanilla, when I saw Aaryan's puzzle was the same as mine, I assumed all vanillas had the same puzzle. When Aura couldn't produce Aaryan's favourite colour (GREEN), I figured she wasn't vanilla as she had claimed. Now this could have been a ruse by the spy or doctor to hide among the vanillas. It's happened. *Shrug* Tole was just kind of a guess on my part and was confirmed by the spy the next night. Another good guess. What was the secret ability? I don't know about Aaryan's puzzle being published, though. That's really what gave us the edge. Without that, we probably wouldn't have won the lynch the next day. I would have died =(.
  15. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia

    I operated under that same assumption.
  16. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia

    Oh, nice. Very convenient.
  17. Molly Mae

    Klueless Mafia

    KlueMaster: facebook.com/gagrawal 9. mboon - voting for tole 8. Thalia - voting for tole 7. Nana7 - voting for tole 6. 'Cat'astrophe - voting for self 5. tolecnal - voting for self 4. Shad - voting for tole 3. Molly Mae, son of Irwin* - voting for tole 2. Aura - Lynched D2 - Found to be Godfather 1. Aaryan - Killed N2 by Muscles Are we sure on Tole? Or just a hunch? Good save, doctor. If the positions were reversed, I doubt I would have made the right choice.
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