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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae


    THINS - ? If 2, ??IN? is proven by THREE = 0 = SEALS
  2. I don't like this answer anymore. It just seems too straightforward and WoD is very clever. So I change my answer:
  3. Molly Mae

    Well, I opened the spoiler because I'm bad like that. =/ You should check out masterword. It's mastermind with words. Much like this game...
  4. Passing rivers Running hillis What bears defense for you, Gore's my forte Successful lynch Brand and pet a grue! If I'm not playing Zork, what am I playing?
  5. Ladies and Gerbils, Signups are posted for Witch Hunt. Put your name in the list below. Kthx. Please see OP for rules. And the awesome questions from Curr3nt. Host: Molly O'Mae 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. C. D. Backups: 1. 2. 3. ...
  6. Updating the queue. Posting signups for Witch Hunt shortly.
  7. Molly Mae

    But don't say it out loud in front of anybody...especially your parents.
  8. Oh, that is odd. I was looking for a pattern in other bases. =/
  9. Heh. Apparently the British government is looking for spies and are recruiting through code cracking. The MSNBC article about the puzzle. The puzzle
  10. Molly Mae

    Hmm. There is no indication from the original line that every end must begin a new beginning (only that every beginning came from an end). So the end of everything shouldn't create a new beginning.
  11. Molly Mae

    fools on thechad
  12. Every time I hit Post, I think of something new. EDIT: Including this time.
  13. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Holy yes, that is awesome, Mo. Removing gift wrap is my forte--silky, lacy gift wrap...
  14. I've got a name that's hard to remember...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Molly Mae

      Molly Mae

      It kind of hurts to hear you say that...

    3. MissKitten


      It's true, though. You're more like that big older brother who cares about, but will still help you do things that'll get you in trouble because he's trying to recapture his lost youth, and he's just that immature.

    4. Molly Mae

      Molly Mae

      Aw, that's so sweet of you to say!


  15. Molly Mae

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    That's awesome. I <3 NPH. If you have $5 and Chuck Norris has $5, you both have the same amount of money.
  16. Molly Mae

    The humour stems from the fact that you're looking for a punchline, but there isn't one.
  17. Molly Mae

    Did you just call me slick? =/ Asbestos is bad for you. The bartender was letting the Rabbi know that there were harmful particles in the air and that he shouldn't be there.
  18. Molly Mae

    A priest, a rabbi, and a baleen whale walk into a bar. The priest says, "Well I believe Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God and my lord and savior, so I'll have some communion wine." The rabbi says, "Well I don't believe the messiah has yet walked the earth, so I'll have Manischewitz wine." The baleen whale says "EEEEEEOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHH"
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