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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong. 9!^9!^9! would be larger than ((9^9)^9) In the first example, you continue to increase the exponents vice the bases. Further, it uses fewer characters than the second. I'll go through and do the math in an attempt to see if the below is largest... 9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!^9!!! EDIT: I guess I'm wrong. A little research shows that I am trying to do the same thing just in a different (and incorrect) method.
  2. It's funny that you say that. I've heard that a moonless night is one of three things a wise man should fear. But no. Not my intention.
  3. You're right. Gray then black. My original rewrite has 'then' so I'm not sure how I screwed it up when I posted. =P And not correct. Sorry.
  4. The plan doesn't really matter anymore. *Shrug* After N1, Jar and I were dead. Percy was inactive. All three of the goodie BTSC were gone until Kitten joined.
  5. Molly Mae

    No. I drive a blue Ford Focus. =P
  6. It could be...but not this time.
  7. If only we could have let our play come to fruition. Framm...I figured you'd be the one to kill me. I didn't see Glyc's post, but I figured he was saying something about Zeus being dead. Sorry about that, Slick. =P It was a good game. The narrative was a little hard to follow at times, though.
  8. Uh-uh. Although I like that answer.
  9. Grue! Still nothing. =P
  10. Nothing so far, but I've enjoyed some of the guesses.
  11. Sorry, PG. I've got an edit/rewrite below. Trying to test the line of "too much information." =P Three are we, With watch near, Gray than black Wise man's fear. An easy mark Is slowly slain And quickly bound By constant pain. Our name we do share With yet another three, But a hundred-some more Attempt mimicry.
  12. Molly Mae

    Looking at Gly's gender on the left, I see that he's probably not a she.
  13. A lot of riddles can be interpreted through ambiguity. It depends on how far you (the riddle reader) want to push the metaphor. Granted, I'm sure there is no clear line between what was intended and what you can make fit; but I'm sure there can be an area where a majority will rule that a metaphor is too far fetched or lacking substance. But that's one of the beauties of riddling.
  14. Again, no to both. I am leaving it as it is for now. I do agree with your opinion on hints, as well. =P EDIT: Gibberish at the bottom...
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