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Everything posted by tiger_lily111

  1. tiger_lily111

    One of my dorm room mates did summer quarter & sub-let an apartment before moving into the dorm for fall quarter. I wasn't there when she moved in, but she apparently had some leftover food that moved into the dorm with her. Most of the food was consumed in a few days or thrown out, but a half-bag of potatoes got shoved on the shelf of her closet and then other things got thrown up there. The potatoes were hidden and forgotten. A month later, the room started to get an odd smell. We both claimed it wasn't us. Laundry was done, some cleaning occurred, still the weird smell. Several more weeks went by. It was 9 or 10 at night & we were both studying, door & window open, heater on. (It was cold out, but keeping the room closed concentrated the odor, which was not pleasant. It smelled like something died in the walls.) My room mate suddenly whispered, "Potatoes," and lunged across the room to start throwing things out of her closet. We found the rotting potatoes, which when uncovered were so rank we both almost got sick. It was disposed of in the utility room down the hall & my room mate spent the rest of the evening bleaching her closet shelf and its contents. (The entire hallway stank the next day until the trash was disposed of, and the utility room was difficult to breathe in.) Not something I necessarily recommend to creep out your room mate, but it worked on me! A couple other things you can do, which I know have worked on friends of mine: 1. Come back from the 1st day of class, start crying, scream, "I can't take it any more!" and start packing. Later that day, unpack while your room mate isn't in, and act like nothing happened. 2. When it's hot out, wear sweaters, pants, & ear muffs & complain about how cold it is. When it's cold out, wear shorts, tank top, & flip flops & complain about how hot it is.
  2. I've heard this one as a sports joke before. It's always an IU Hoosier or a ND Irish that gets the tone after "I think ..." when I hear it (told properly).
  3. tiger_lily111

    Well, I for one appreciate the M*ch*gan free zone. Off to the Islas de la Bahia for me! (Ah, if only ...)
  4. tiger_lily111

    I've already had to "evacuate" twice, I'm afraid I'm completely useless at any kind of coding/crypto, but would you please get rid of the *darn* hand next & blow up Michigan? I am pursuing a vendetta. In other news, it's a good thing I stocked up on maple syrup ...
  5. A good thought, but not the one I'm looking for.
  6. hey t_l - havent been able to get around the work thing and get around here much but have been working on this one off line. will keep at it. Too spicy for this one, sorry. Good luck with avoiding the work thing!
  7. The second one makes me think of A good thought, but not it.
  8. Mmm ... I need to go to lunch. Sorry, not it. And the 1st 2 give the 3rd.
  9. Cross over me and you'll be free, Or a champ of 2 times 3. Bitter & sweet, a tasty meat, You could say I take the heat. Some might call us pretty & sweet, Others maybe just a treat!
  10. tiger_lily111

    Anything by Mercedes Lackey, but especially her Valdemar & 500 Kingdoms books Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series Sharon Shinn has some great YA books Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising series Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games books are interesting Robin McKinley's books, if you don't want a series Diana Wynne Jones - but fair warning, Howl's Moving Castle (the book) is nothing like the movie (but I adore both) Maria V. Snyder has some fun reads As previously stated, if you need more, let me know! I'm happy to feed others bibliophile addictions.
  11. Edit for: Has indeed been too long. Silly work, getting in the way of my playtime ...
  12. is spending WAY too much time on work & not enough time in the Den. *sigh*

    1. tiger_lily111


      & also too much time on Facebook ... :P

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