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Everything posted by CaptainEd

  1. CaptainEd

    transvestite --> impersonator +2 (not in EAT)
  2. CaptainEd


    reports--o resorts--o stories--o walking--o essayer--oo hennery--x cannery--xo
  3. CaptainEd

    soloist->diva (all divas are soloists) +2 (not in EAT)
  4. CaptainEd


    reports--o resorts--o stories--o walking--o essayer--oo hennery--x
  5. CaptainEd

    melee --> melange (mix-up) Not in EAT +2 (Palmer, try Reply without Quote--then I think the spoiler comes through and doesn't need to be reconstituted)
  6. CaptainEd


    reports--o resorts--o stories--o walking--o
  7. CaptainEd

    rubes-> "Hey, Rube!"->fisticuffs (not in EAT) +2
  8. CaptainEd

    remus->REBUS (one letter change) +2 (not in EAT) Current trigger: REBUS
  9. CaptainEd

    Wiggly->Uncle (Uncle Wiggily, board game)+1 Current trigger: UNCLE
  10. CaptainEd

    kermit-> PIGGY (kermit's girlfriend) +2 (not in EAT at all) Current trigger: PIGGY
  11. CaptainEd

    So, back to scsw's excellent formatting suggestion: Current trigger: DERMIS
  12. CaptainEd

    I'm afraid I'm confused, but I'll try anyway-- flesh:DERMIS (flesh layers: epidermis, dermis) +1 Scores: seeksit: 4 reaymond: 0 scsw: 6 palmerc7:2 CaptainEd:1 (edited from 2: word is in EAT, but not as an association from "flesh")
  13. CaptainEd


    Since I'm back now, I've got a 7-letter. Go to it, everyone!
  14. This IS powerful! Correct me if I'm wrong: if the result is 000, then we have to find 2 objects in 9ABCDEFG, which I think will take 5 tests--still 8 overall, as there was no #4 above.
  15. CaptainEd


    Gotta bail; if my answer is right, someone else please start one. Have fun!
  16. CaptainEd


    As a food-lover, I appreciate the resemblance to focaccia
  17. Exactly, Euler got a prize for that very same reasoning. Good Job, Nobody! This wasn't a waste, it was an opportunity for a dozen people to see an interesting challenge and for several people to invent a new principle.
  18. I plan to stop posting proposed answers until I've reviewed one several times! However, here's a thought that might trigger a better thought: The number 17 is exactly the number you could cover if you made 4 tests with one-jar overlap. That is, if you tested 0-4, 4-8, 8-12, 12-16 This doesn't just jump up and tell me how to test them all in 8, nor does it point me in the direction of minimum-expectation test plan, but perhaps it will help someone.
  19. edit: wrong yet again
  20. Sorry to waste your time, gang.
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