In addition to being apparently impossible, this puzzle has a number of details we haven't used yet:
* there is an "unknown" number of prisoners.
* the unknown number is greater than 14
* the prisoner can't see anything until he (alone) arrives in the room, at which point he is "unfolded", presumably now able to see the earlier arrivals. (From the standpoint of this puzzle, why bother? he can see the other rows, or at least where they are supposed to be, but he doesn't know what color he is. Why bother to let him see where the rows are?)
* the prisoners can arrange a plan beforehand.
So, I'm wondering, in the spirit of the slight cheating that various solutions have proposed, what other kind of cheating might be acceptable to Wolfgang and the Warden.
Do we imagine that the prisoners themselves get to arrange the order in which they enter the room? (How would that help? I dunno...)
Notice that having the "like colored prisoners fidget" has the flaw of annoying the warden, but it also has the flaw that it can't be sure of working for the first few prisoners, as not all the rows will be populated at first.
We can see how the first two prisoners can arrange themselves so that all four rows' locations are unambiguously visible. But, short of opening and closing their eyes to encode the next arrival's color, I don't see how to cheat surreptitiously enough to get it past Warden Wolfgang.