I see k-man's point: if the randomizer is really indifferent to whether his/her answer is true or false, then why would he/she be "forced by the paradox to evaluate the truth value..." Why not just flip the coin? There's no requirement that the randomizer actually knows the truth or falsity of his/her answer.
I'm reminded of an old Superboy episode (yes, way old...) where a special kind of Kryptonite made Superboy into Pinocchio--whenever he lied, his nose grew longer. Superboy used this to figure out where the bad guys were hiding, by uttering the words "the bad guys are North of Main Street". When his nose grew longer, he knew that the bad guys were actually South of Main Street. This was an odd theory of "lying"--saying something that doesn't happen to be true, even though you don't know it. But our randomizer could be this way.
(Actually, I generally interpret one of these "randomizers" as being more like Maxwell's daemon--he does something pathological, whatever will best thwart your intended theory)
Now Bonanova's answer has come in. OK, I can bear that interpretation--the randomizer makes an explicit choice between lying and telling the truth. Having made that choice, he/she figures out what IS the truth, and then tells the truth or lies. Humph.
Yes, having a unanimous crowd is very pleasing!